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Trump Watch

You're argument is that if we don't do a preemptive strike Kim is going to nuke LA. We've heard this sort of argument before and look what it's gotten us.
. So you,re saying let him keep lofting missiles across the pacific and take our chances then
. So you,re saying let him keep lofting missiles across the pacific and take our chances then

I know that you didn't address me, but I totally agree a preemptive strike is foolish.

I also believe that our POTUS tweets like a little 5 year old girl and is unnecessarily escalating friction with his inane tweets.

WE are one of the most powerful countries in the world, no need for the childish and unprofessional banter.

Just my 2 cents.... 😀
I was thinking....if we attacked the eastern areas, his using the ack acks would be less of a threat if we came across the Yalu.
nothing like radiation in the jet stream giving cancer a leg up coast to coast!

Cool, just like back in the day.....sixties.

Drain the swamp is going well. This admin is really sticking it to the elites and giving those OH, PA, WI, etc., voters what they voted for.

You were warned about this grifter carnival barker. The cabinet is a who's who of swamp dwellers.


GOP resistance to his agenda is all the proof one needs to see the effect he is having on the swamp rats.

Is he using Hillary's private server yet?

. So you,re saying let him keep lofting missiles across the pacific and take our chances then

Sigh. Some of the same arguments were used in Vietnam and Iraq. The difference is that the casualty figure in an all out war in Korea would be in the millions and the cost to the world economy in the trillions. So if it makes you feel better lets go in guns blazing and see how it pans out. I volunteer you to start knocking on peoples doors.
Sigh. Some of the same arguments were used in Vietnam and Iraq. The difference is that the casualty figure in an all out war in Korea would be in the millions and the cost to the world economy in the trillions. So if it makes you feel better lets go in guns blazing and see how it pans out. I volunteer you to start knocking on peoples doors.

So you are all for kissing Kim's ass like all the liberals before you?
So you are all for kissing Kim's ass like all the liberals before you?

Looks like we have ourselves an arm chair commando here. So Mr. arm chair commando why didn't Bush Jr do anything about it during his eight years?

P.S. I'm going to go out on a limb here but you're an expat living in Seoul.
Former Defense Secretary Carter: ISIS plan was 'laid out two years ago'

Carter, who served as defense secretary under former President Barack Obama at the end of his second term, gave credit for the defeat of ISIS in Raqqa "first and foremost" to the military. He also said that he and Joseph Dunford, a former Marine Corps commandant who is now chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, actively tried to accelerate the plan to defeat ISIS under Obama, and they always got approval from the president.

Trump bloviating is what Trump does.
His use of of fallen soldiers is just another example of it.
IMHO, he has serious inferior complexes.

Next up... Trump invented popcorn....


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