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"What USAirways Employee Are You"

I don't see the one for "that's not how we always did it at USAir!", person that loathes anything that comes out of Tempe, any new policy or procedure that comes out of "the sandcastle" and absolutely refuses to believe that US would have gone chapter 7 without the merger.

Kool-Ade Ken/Kendra

Everyone in Tempe is brilliant and knows how to run an airline. Believes that HP was a first-class International airline because they flew to Mexico and Canada. Thinks that all customers are alike, no matter where they are from and that EVERYONE just wants rock bottom fares with no service. Thinks that as long as you say you are a low fare airline, everyone will believe it. Actually believes that Tempe appreciates their hard work when what Tempe really appreciates is that they have an employee who will not fight back and challenge their stupid decisions. Says that they are excited about the merger and working with the Easties, but in reality is absolutely terrified that he/she will get ripped to shreads, rightfully so, by a senior momma in PIT who has seen the destruction of a once beautiful airport and hub and has no pension to look forward to and must work 10 more years just to be able to survive after she retires. And finally, Kool-Ade Ken/Kendra believes that HP would have survived without US.
Kool-Ade Ken/Kendra

Everyone in Tempe is brilliant and knows how to run an airline. Believes that HP was a first-class International airline because they flew to Mexico and Canada. Thinks that all customers are alike, no matter where they are from and that EVERYONE just wants rock bottom fares with no service. Thinks that as long as you say you are a low fare airline, everyone will believe it. Actually believes that Tempe appreciates their hard work when what Tempe really appreciates is that they have an employee who will not fight back and challenge their stupid decisions. Says that they are excited about the merger and working with the Easties, but in reality is absolutely terrified that he/she will get ripped to shreads, rightfully so, by a senior momma in PIT who has seen the destruction of a once beautiful airport and hub and has no pension to look forward to and must work 10 more years just to be able to survive after she retires. And finally, Kool-Ade Ken/Kendra believes that HP would have survived without US.

Wow, forward thinking problem solver,I suspect. Er, with flair. 😉 Hey, they wont listen to me either.
Stopwatch Steve

Steve thinks the hotel van should be there and waiting when the crew steps out of the terminal. Every single hotel in the system is on his cell phone speed dial. He’ll call the hotel to remind them of his arrival as soon as the plane hits the taxiway. While waiting by the curb, Steve will go into a long dissertation on how “tipâ€￾ means “To Improve Performanceâ€￾.

After five minutes of waiting, he will summon a ten year old taxi with no air conditioning, citing some vague contact language from three contracts ago. Upon arrival, he refuses to pay the taxi driver, telling him to go to the front desk for the fare.

The next day, Steve will keep the rest of the crew waiting for him on the van while he stands in line at the front desk to pay his room service tab.
qHow about Half the Mini Harriet of HP who feels that no pax "needs" a whole mini in his cocktail?

You've never been my pax then...

Kool-Ade Ken/Kendra

Everyone in Tempe is brilliant and knows how to run an airline. Believes that HP was a first-class International airline because they flew to Mexico and Canada. Thinks that all customers are alike, no matter where they are from and that EVERYONE just wants rock bottom fares with no service. Thinks that as long as you say you are a low fare airline, everyone will believe it. Actually believes that Tempe appreciates their hard work when what Tempe really appreciates is that they have an employee who will not fight back and challenge their stupid decisions. Says that they are excited about the merger and working with the Easties, but in reality is absolutely terrified that he/she will get ripped to shreads, rightfully so, by a senior momma in PIT who has seen the destruction of a once beautiful airport and hub and has no pension to look forward to and must work 10 more years just to be able to survive after she retires. And finally, Kool-Ade Ken/Kendra believes that HP would have survived without US.

How about B*TCHY Betty from CLT... Who wont stop talking about how policies and procedures were done at PIEDMONT... so long ago.. That only want's things to go back the way they were... OH... Doing full service in coach and spending tons of money on flights in and out of PIT that wont make the company any money but it gets her home. Who only cares about screwing everyone else over in PHX/LAS just because it will make her feel better at the end of the night... And who will talk to west employees and push ahead of them in the security line just so she knows who is boss and talks about how HOT PHX is. Also states why would any one want to live/work here because is the worst layover she has ever had...
Stopwatch Steve

:lol: :lol: :lol:

You forgot the part about him sending ACARs messages to the arrival station to have them "remind" the hotel of their arrival time, then asking you (as the operations agent) again once on the ground if you've remembered to call for him.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

You forgot the part about him sending ACARs messages to the arrival station to have them "remind" the hotel of their arrival time, then asking you (as the operations agent) again once on the ground if you've remembered to call for him.

Susan Seniority ....

Susan Seniority is worried about the new plan of Boarding to be FCFS.... She's always talking about how seniority was at Piedmont and how it should be at the "NEW" Low Cost Carrier. Its always on her mind from getting that last seat on flight from PIT/to/CLT... She talkes about it when WEST CREWS, Gate Agents and anyone that will listen to her. She knows its going to be Seniority and post messages to Larry every day telling her thoughts about the issue. :shock:

Brenda HP

She yet has come to figure out that we are in a merger. All her announcments still say America West Airlines. She still is ready to fight about the merger and how she feels she got screwed in seniority. She still belives that America West will be a totally different division and she will come out in victory. She Says when she gets her new Uniform she will wear her "west" wings. She still misses working on the 747 to Japan and always is talking about previous management and tells tons of stories about all her friends quiting/getting in to trouble or getting fired. She always enjoys the old times in HNL and her first flight to MCI. 😛
The Flash

Looking for the fastest ground equipment so he can work at a spastic pace. High point of his day is cutting some one off in the employee lot for a closer parking space.

Currently out on occupational injury for falling off a beltloader he stole from another gate, and taking a sharp turn.

Co-workers sent him a Valium to help him get well.