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You know KC there really is no comparison to the video you quoted and the one you posted to make your point. To inject sarcasm and lame humor in a post using the video of someone being run down by a lunatic is thoughtless and disgusting.

It wasn't an attempt to inject humor or sarcasm. It was to illustrate what can happen when you start to generalize a group of people. You don't like it - call out your side when they do it.
Proving daily White Supremacy is a myth.

Its kinda neat that the democrats now are resorting to using the Antifascistfascists to put down the KKK who they created.

Once again the dems are using a hate group to further their cause.
Its kinda neat that the democrats now are resorting to using the Antifascistfascists to put down the KKK who they created.

Once again the dems are using a hate group to further their cause.
Yes, the democrats created the KKK over 150 years ago. Then the republicans freed the slaves but those democrats had "separate but equal" laws right up until the 1960's, the republicans living in the south rose up to fight this racist institution. Those republicans drove those racist southern democrats back into the hills where they stopped voting and the republican party was able to take over and spread their message of peace and brotherhood throughout the south.

Here's the thing I find interesting....There is all this brouhaha about confederate statues coming down...it's HISTORY....it's HERITAGE. And that's cool. Keep them. Keep the battle flag. But I wonder, how many of the marchers in Charlottesville that were carrying a Nazi flag had a father or grandfather who served in WW2....and were they dads or grandads proud of them carrying that flag? After all...it's HISTORY...it's HERITAGE.
Yes, the democrats created the KKK over 150 years ago. Then the republicans freed the slaves but those democrats had "separate but equal" laws right up until the 1960's, the republicans living in the south rose up to fight this racist institution. Those republicans drove those racist southern democrats back into the hills where they stopped voting and the republican party was able to take over and spread their message of peace and brotherhood throughout the south.

Here's the thing I find interesting....There is all this brouhaha about confederate statues coming down...it's HISTORY....it's HERITAGE. And that's cool. Keep them. Keep the battle flag. But I wonder, how many of the marchers in Charlottesville that were carrying a Nazi flag had a father or grandfather who served in WW2....and were they dads or grandads proud of them carrying that flag? After all...it's HISTORY...it's HERITAGE.

The counter protest was a preplanned outcome to jump Trumps response. No matter what or how he responded, they had him.
The counter protest was a preplanned outcome to jump Trumps response. No matter what or how he responded, they had him.

Do you ever wonder if any of those protesters sporting the nazi flag had a father or grandfather who served in WW2?
interesting you post that KC, but let a radical Islamist plow into a crowd and you're certainly not posting it it. In fact more likely defending Islam as a religion of peace.
Both are acts of domestic terrorism, frankly you come off as a bit of a hypocrite

Islam, now there's some crazy stuff. I mean the story of Abraham is just nuts. Go to sacrifice his son but then says an angel tells him not to at the last second? There's a word for that, paranoid schizophrenia! I mean how can anyone believe such lunacy? Oh wait.
Who'd a thought......


Since Inauguration Day (January 20), Media Research Center analysts have reviewed every mention of President Trump and top administration officials on ABC’s World News Tonight, the CBS Evening News and NBC Nightly News, including weekends. As of August 31, coverage of the administration has totaled nearly 74 hours (4,418 minutes) of airtime, or about 39 percent of all evening news coverage.

Wait until he disses the GOP again. The big three numbers will go down and fox will jump up and make up the difference.

Trump DID say in an interview back when he had hair and no ex wives, that if he ran for public office, he would do so as a Republican because Republicans are.........(fill in the blank)
Who'd a thought......


Since Inauguration Day (January 20), Media Research Center analysts have reviewed every mention of President Trump and top administration officials on ABC’s World News Tonight, the CBS Evening News and NBC Nightly News, including weekends. As of August 31, coverage of the administration has totaled nearly 74 hours (4,418 minutes) of airtime, or about 39 percent of all evening news coverage.


Just because he gets a lot of bad press doesn't mean he doesn't deserve it.
Just saying...🙂

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