Dog Wonder
Im sure .
And im pretty sure
How can the product of a fantasy game be sure of anything?
Im sure .
And im pretty sure
Hey Dog, this one is for you!How can the product of a fantasy game be sure of anything?
Ha, you make me laugh.There you go again with the witty and profound use of the english language.
How unoriginal of you...again.
😀Now that Ken Frazier of Merck Pharma has resigned from President's Manufacturing Council,he will have more time to LOWER RIPOFF DRUG PRICES!
You are an idiot...Im sure he's thrilled you condone the murders of fellow men in blue.
And im pretty sure you've proved to be a raging embarrassment upon him.
In KC's mind only whites are capable of evil.interesting you post that KC, but let a radical Islamist plow into a crowd and you're certainly not posting it it. In fact more likely defending Islam as a religion of peace.
Both are acts of domestic terrorism, frankly you come off as a bit of a hypocrite
In KC's mind only whites are capable of evil.
You know KC there really is no comparison to the video you quoted and the one you posted to make your point. To inject sarcasm and lame humor in a post using the video of someone being run down by a lunatic is thoughtless and disgusting.And in y'alls minds, all liberals are pansies who are afraid of guns. Witness the post I was responding to. If you aren't going to call out "your side" for generalizing about liberals, please don't call me out for generalizing about "conservative" Trump voters. Fair enough?