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Trump Polling

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Nope. Just irrelevant one-liners Nothing Left.

Hey 'HACKJOB'. After YOU and your GOP ' homey's ' LOSE the election (And I got a memo for you, YOU A R E Gonna' LOSE, and LOSE BIG), what are YOU gonna' do about it ?????? Join Another Militia group perhaps, buy some of that nitrate fertilizer maybe, attend more KLAN meetings ? What ? Tell us !
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Hey 'HACKJOB'. After YOU and your GOP ' homey's ' LOSE the election (And I got a memo for you, YOU A R E Gonna' LOSE, and LOSE BIG), what are YOU gonna' do about it ?????? Join Another Militia group perhaps, buy some of that nitrate fertilizer maybe, attend more KLAN meetings ? What ? Tell us ![/QUOTE) We will just have to see old man bigot Hampered Bears, because polls might just be wrong. However I fully expect libtard election tampering with illegals. Hildabeast has maybe half of attendance at her libtard rallies as Trump does. The enthusiasm of a lyin' Hildabeast president isn't there, especially after the latest Wikileak emails of lies, corruption, and collusion. Jeezus she's a corrupt hag, and it's beyond belief. Even for a libtard.

I would have surmised after living, scamming, and failing 70+ years you would have learned never to be over confident. Put on your Depends and go play bingo with the old lady. Just don't cry on your EBT card when Hildabeast goes to prison in 2017.

Attend Klan meeting? You mean the one started by Democrats? Ammonium Nitrate is only used by libtards, C4 is much better. I am my own milita group, so keep your head down gramps.

"We’re spending a lot of time these daysdiagnosing whether Donald Trump’s position in the polls is merely bad or still getting worse. Most of the evidence on Wednesday — which included the firstdusting of state polls since the second presidential debate, on Sunday night — fell into the “still getting worse” bucket. Trump’s chances are down to 14 percentin our polls-only forecast (against an 86 percent chance for Hillary Clinton) and to17 percent, a record low for Trump, in our polls-plus forecast."
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