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Trump Polling

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Yea I got it.😕
Since Bill did similar it's OK because two wrongs make a right. 😵
Piss poor logic to vote this idiot as POTUS, IMHO.
But since you bring it up, Bill was impeached so lets save resources and impeach T-Rump before he even gets in office.

It will be interesting to see all the "conservatives" who were thumping the bible and saying Bill Clinton should be impeached...and voting for it...to somehow find their way to support this guy before he is ever elected.

Pretzel logic at best. (My apologies to Steely Dan)

But your support of criminal Hildabeast who has so many skeletons in her closet she could start her own grave yard. Not to mention dead body's SHE caused and or ordered with Billdo.

Impeach Trump? How about Hildabeast for prison? For treason, lying to congress, and RICO organized crime...30 years to life.

Moonbat Morons, its not even close.

Trump Pence 2016

Do you have any proof?
No you don't .
If there was proof, this would not be a discussion.
Regardless, it is clear that you will support this idiot no matter what he does.
That's why you Hillbillies don't discuss issues.
Trump channels Mike Tyson.


T-Rump (think the TITANIC), Just hit the ICEBERG ! !

(Soon) before 11/08, T-Rump will QUIT, and turn it over to Pense.

Even his hardest core believers are getting sick of the 'Lack of Cover' that T-Rump doesn't provide for them. EVERY Replug running for election/re-election should be backed into a corner and asked if they SUPPORT/ENDORSE that sick A-hole.

I'm curious as to what Ivanka Trump thinks about 'Daddy now ? AND I've ALWAYS Wondered just exactly how 'Daddy Looks at Ivanka ???? 😉😉
Trump channels Mike Tyson.

Oddly enough, after the debates some friends of friends in North Carolina were saying that they were voting for Trump because Godly men like Franklin Graham supported him. I wonder what Franklin will think about this...trying to cheat on his third wife the same year he made that vow in front of God and everybody.
Do you have any proof?
No you don't .
If there was proof, this would not be a discussion.
Regardless, it is clear that you will support this idiot no matter what he does.
That's why you Hillbillies don't discuss issues.
So all the women he raped are liars?
The 800k hush money Billdo paid to Marla Maples was just a bonus? What?
Trump hasn't done s%$t compared to the Clinton Goodfellas.
Treason? Nope.
Lied to Congress? Nope.
Lied to the FBI. Nope.
Got 4 heros killed in Bengazi? Nope.
Made millions off his government job? Nope.
Took millions from terrorists? Nope.
Want more?
You want to discuss issues Moonbat?
Try again Clintonbot.
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Serial rapist and predator Clinton, makes what Trump has ever said and done look like an angel.
YEs...but you gotta remember...Clintons sexual escapades were discussed in front of a grand jury that was part of an investigation into a real estate deal gone bad...Clinton lied about that and was impeached. So would you consider it fair game to 'investigate" president Trump about a questionable real estate deal, only to drag him in front of a grand jury and ask him about some of HIS sexual conquests so that he can be impeached for perjury? Or are his sexual escapades nobody's business but his own and he should never be questioned by a grand jury about them?
You seemed to forget (or just plain clueless) on his many rapes and assaults.

But it took just ONE to get him impeached. And since he knows that rich guys can just "grab them by the p--sy".....we'd have a lot of good stuff we could ask him about in front of a grand jury. Remember...we only need ONE..and there are millions of "beautifuls" out there...and T Rump said it himself...he just can't resist beautiful. And with Trump's bullying personality, I wouldn't rule out a rape or two under HIS belt. Maybe we can start here:

With sirens blaring, and women and children scrambling for the lifeboats, the orchestra (knowing that they would all DIE) bravely started playing tunes of the times. A scene from the Titanic you say ? Well almost. It's a scene of a doomed ship with the REPUBLICAN Party All on board.
Like the Titanic, future school children will wonder HOW a Major political party became EXTINCT, and HOW it EVER allowed the likes of Donald Trump to Ever be the Captain at the helm of this DOOMED Ship !!
With sirens blaring, and women and children scrambling for the lifeboats, the orchestra (knowing that they would all DIE) bravely started playing tunes of the times. A scene from the Titanic you say ? Well almost. It's a scene of a doomed ship with the REPUBLICAN Party All on board.
Like the Titanic, future school children will wonder HOW a Major political party became EXTINCT, and HOW it EVER allowed the likes of Donald Trump to Ever be the Captain at the helm of this DOOMED Ship !!

pole smoker
So all the women he raped are liars?
The 800k hush money Billdo paid to Marla Maples was just a bonus? What?
Trump hasn't done s%$t compared to the Clinton Goodfellas.
Treason? Nope.
Lied to Congress? Nope.
Lied to the FBI. Nope.
Got 4 heros killed in Bengazi? Nope.
Made millions off his government job? Nope.
Took millions from terrorists? Nope.
Want more?
You want to discuss issues Moonbat?
Try again Clintonbot.

You HillBillies have "NOTHIING!", NADA, ZERO, except what you imagine in your little peckerwood head.
When you HillBillies get a conviction, or at least a court hearing, get back to me.
I don't like Hillery but I don't like T-Rump more.
Get? Got it?

In the tape, Trump, who was only recently married to Melania Trump at the time, says of an unknown woman, “I moved on her and I failed. I’ll admit it.” “I did try and **** her,” Trump added. “She was married.”

He said he moved on the woman “very heavily,” even taking her furniture shopping.

“I moved on her like a *****, but I couldn’t get there. And she was married,” Trump says. “Then all of a sudden I see her, she’s now got the big phony tits and everything. She’s totally changed her look.”

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/10/trump-wapo-229299#ixzz4MRIGMZyg
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And Hillary enabled by threatening and destroying anyone Bill did.

Notice Hillary, in her quest for the presidency, in her zeal to get Trump, just ruined two more women's reputations by digging up things in their past that they'd rather have forgotten?

That's a real president.....
You HillBillies have "NOTHIING!", NADA, ZERO, except what you imagine in your little peckerwood head.
When you HillBillies get a conviction, or at least a court hearing, get back to me.
I don't like Hillery but I don't like T-Rump more.
Get? Got it?

Make America Communist Again


Obama's ROE's,they empty a clip at you and turn away you cain't shoot back.

Under Trump you will.

How's the current DOJ/FBI doing on that front xUT?
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