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Trump Polling

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You HillBillies have "NOTHIING!", NADA, ZERO, except what you imagine in your little peckerwood head.
When you HillBillies get a conviction, or at least a court hearing, get back to me.
I don't like Hillery but I don't like T-Rump more.
Get? Got it?
I'm sorry to see your having a libtard meltdown over Trumps lewd comments pumped up by the libtard press. Good thing Trump hasn't actually raped multiple women or let 4 heros die in Bengazi, or had top secret emails at home on a illegal server. That might send you over right over the Trump edge. I would have thought you being in Vietnam (thanks for your service BTW) you might be just a little more upset with the former crooked criminal Secretary leaving hero's to die in a foreign country after they asked for help 600 times? Yet your still going to vote for her?
In case you forgot, Hildabeast has been in a court hearing, several of them. She was protected by the president and his hench women in the NoJustice Dept. With the FBI where she lied over and over. Then in front of both houses of Congress where she lied, over and over. To save Barry Obammy from being impeached because he knew all about it, the FBI and the Barry's NoJustice Dept failed to bring criminal charges. However, it's not going away.
You can hate Trump for his demeaning comments about women, no excuses from me. Except Trump hasn't one drop of blood on his hands, he hasn't taken millions from terrorists, he hasn't committed treason, and he hasn't let Iran, Syria, and Russia run roughshod over the United States.
That's very egregious in my view.
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Make America Communist Again


Obama's ROE's,they empty a clip at you and turn away you cain't shoot back.

Under Trump you will.

How's the current DOJ/FBI doing on that front xUT?
It sucks and I don't like it.
I don't know if I have the stomach to pull a 'yes' handle (or yes button) on Billery or T-Rump..
I'll let you know after I vote.
It will be interesting to see all the "conservatives" who were thumping the bible and saying Bill Clinton should be impeached...and voting for it...to somehow find their way to support this guy before he is ever elected.

Pretzel logic at best. (My apologies to Steely Dan)

Gary Bauer, chairman of the Campaign for Working Families, said Trump's "grossly inappropriate language" does not change the choice facing the country in the Nov. 8 election and that "I continue to support the Trump-Pence ticket."

"Hillary Clinton is committed to enacting policies that will erode religious liberty, promote abortion, make our country less safe, and leave our borders unprotected," Bauer said.

"Naturally I’m disappointed," said Steve Scheffler, head of the Iowa Faith and Freedom Coalition. "But, you know, the Bible tells me that we are all sinners saved by grace and I don't think there's probably a person alive that I know of that hasn’t made some mistakes in the past."

He said Clinton has peccadilloes of her own, most notably marital woes with her husband, former President Bill Clinton.

"So yes, I will vote for Donald Trump. I’m not excusing his behavior at all. It’s disgusting," he said.
I'm sorry to see your having a libtard meltdown over Trumps lewd comments pumped up by the libtard press. Good thing Trump hasn't actually raped multiple women or let 4 people die in Bengazi, or had top secret emails at home on a illegal server. That might send you over right over the Trump edge. I would have thought you being in Vietnam (thanks for your service BTW) you might be just a little more upset with the former crooked criminal Secretary leaving hero's to die in a foreign country after they asked for help 600 times? Yet your still going to vote for her?
In case you forgot, Hildabeast has been in a court hearing, several of them. She was protected by the president and his hench women in the NoJustice Dept. With the FBI where she lied over and over. Then in front of both houses of Congress where she lied, over and over. To save Barry Obammy from being impeached because he knew all about it, the FBI and the Barry's NoJustice Dept failed to bring criminal charges. However, it's not going away.
You can hate Trump for his demeaning comments about women, no excuses from me. Except Trump hasn't one drop of blood on his hands, he hasn't taken millions from terrorists, he hasn't committed treason, and he hasn't let Iran, Syria, and Russia run roughshod over the United States.
That's very egregious in my view.

Hold on big fella and release your anger.
You HillBillies should be pissed off at T-Rump for being such and ID-10T.
You like his 'style' and approve of his methods, I don't.
Both sides defense is transference.
Lil Billy did it so it should be OK for Lill T-rump.
That's BullShit in my honest opinion.
So, how low of an ethical bar are you willing to go?

T-Rump once stated that he could go out and shoot somebody and still be POTUS.
What kind of leader makes a public statement like that?
I "REALLY-REALLY" tried to like T-Rump as I "REALLY-REALLY" do not like Billery, but he has been a prick.
Yea, I know, it's not all about him but what a RepubliRat in office can 'help' circumvent installing new judges.
I get that and agree but then you have to carry the baggage that this clown brings.
Vote your conscience.
I will do the same.
Gary Bauer, chairman of the Campaign for Working Families, said Trump's "grossly inappropriate language" does not change the choice facing the country in the Nov. 8 election and that "I continue to support the Trump-Pence ticket."

"Hillary Clinton is committed to enacting policies that will erode religious liberty, promote abortion, make our country less safe, and leave our borders unprotected," Bauer said.

"Naturally I’m disappointed," said Steve Scheffler, head of the Iowa Faith and Freedom Coalition. "But, you know, the Bible tells me that we are all sinners saved by grace and I don't think there's probably a person alive that I know of that hasn’t made some mistakes in the past."

He said Clinton has peccadilloes of her own, most notably marital woes with her husband, former President Bill Clinton.

"So yes, I will vote for Donald Trump. I’m not excusing his behavior at all. It’s disgusting," he said.

I've never like religion and politics...but if there is a God in heaven, Trump will announce that he is gay.
Hold on big fella and release your anger.
You HillBillies should be pissed off at T-Rump for being such and ID-10T.
You like his 'style' and approve of his methods, I don't.
Both sides defense is transference.
Lil Billy did it so it should be OK for Lill T-rump.
That's BullShit in my honest opinion.
So, how low of an ethical bar are you willing to go?

T-Rump once stated that he could go out and shoot somebody and still be POTUS.
What kind of leader makes a public statement like that?
I "REALLY-REALLY" tried to like T-Rump as I "REALLY-REALLY" do not like Billery, but he has been a prick.
Yea, I know, it's not all about him but what a RepubliRat in office can 'help' circumvent installing new judges.
I get that and agree but then you have to carry the baggage that this clown brings.
Vote your conscience.
I will do the same.
Trump might say idiotic lewd (I called them lewd before BTW) statements about some women, and other ill advised comments. He is a New Yorker, and we all know what big potty mouths they are. He is not politically correct, nor does he claim to be. However, That is NOT a CRIME AGAINST THE STATE or VIOLATION OF FEDERAL LAWS. The only thing that angers me is Hildabeast has the Obammy led InJustice Dept and the FBI in her pocket, and she has not been led away in handcuffs. She has the gall to call out Trump for his statements, when she and Billdo are as bad if not worse in that arena. Here's some examples of Hildabeast's vulgar mouth that CNN will never show anything about.
The libtards have no leg to stand on. None.
You vote for a criminal. I'll vote for Trump.
Donald Trump flubs on Election Day

"Republican nominee Donald Trump told a crowd in Florida to go cast their votes on November 28—a full 20 days after Election Day, which is Tuesday, Nov. 8."

“We’re doing something that’s incredible, it’s a movement,” Trump said. “But if we don’t win, all it is is a little asterisk in history. There’s never been anything like this so go and register, make sure you get out and vote Nov. 28.”

"Trump’s comments came at a rally in Panama City, Fla., on Tuesday night. "

Donald Trump flubs on Election Day

"Republican nominee Donald Trump told a crowd in Florida to go cast their votes on November 28—a full 20 days after Election Day, which is Tuesday, Nov. 8."

Don't believe the Liberal media, if Trump says election day is November 28th it is.
Prediction - Trump supporters will mention "57 States" before 8 a.m. CDT.
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