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It will be the same old stuff...Benghazi, emails, investigations, murders, affairs....that's the problem. We'll have to see if Trump is able to push his supporters over the edge. I had concerns that Obama might have been assassinated by some loony on the right....but in both elections Obama ran against adult men with some semblance of class who campaigned and lost with dignity.

This is the first election where, despite their denials, a candidate has hinted at assassination of an opponent as Trump did with his "second amendment people" statement. He may have successfully engendered enough hatred in this country that one of his loonier supporters may well make Bill Clinton a widower sometime within the next 4 years. Guys like you and me might not have liked W....be we never hated the guy the way the right has hated Hillary since 1993

More assassinations were perpetrated by loonies on the fringe left, KC.

I got a question, you seem to be freak out worried about Trump and his economic plans......how to pay, where it coming from and so on.

Where's the freakout with Hillary and the continued taxation and spending like a blind man in a bordello?

At least Trump has given serious thought to turning around on the road with the bridge out ahead.

You guys like to jerk me off over my financial predictions.....cool....I can deal with it.....I'm not wrong by any means......many highly knowledgeable in global finance say its a given.....and very close....we are on a totally unsustainable path financially.
And I keep my old broken clock around because I like the way it looks.

And it is right on the mark twice every 24 hours...

And I keep my old broken clock around because I like the way it looks.

And it is right on the mark twice every 24 hours...

You fail to acknowledge world debt and the implications it has?
Fed is in a bind regarding any serious interest rate increases......what happens to our debt when interest rates go up?
More assassinations were perpetrated by loonies on the fringe left, KC.

I got a question, you seem to be freak out worried about Trump and his economic plans......how to pay, where it coming from and so on.

Where's the freakout with Hillary and the continued taxation and spending like a blind man in a bordello?

At least Trump has given serious thought to turning around on the road with the bridge out ahead.

You guys like to jerk me off over my financial predictions.....cool....I can deal with it.....I'm not wrong by any means......many highly knowledgeable in global finance say its a given.....and very close....we are on a totally unsustainable path financially.

Where will HIllary get the money to spend like a blind man? That's why they call the "TAX and spend democrats".

here does Trump plan on getting the money to increase our military and spend on aircraft, and carriers and "kicking the sh-t" out of ISIS? I seem to recall that he plans on CUTTING taxes. Don't look know...but when revenues are cut by a lot - CURRENT spending better be cut by a helluva lot MORE before you start spending money you don't have fighting wars and ramping up the military. Cutting taxes without immediately reducing (not shifting) spending is kind of like seeing that the bridge is out ahead and flooring it...hoping you can pull off a "General Lee" jump when you hit.

I never bought into the Art Laugher "3 minus 2 equals 5" theory that cutting taxes is the best thing we can ever do. Reagan did it...and we didn't have the money to pay our bills, so we commenced to borrowing. As Darth Cheney said "REagan proved that deficits don't matter"...unless a democrat is in office. This "unsustainable path" talk will be dropped like a hot potato when Trump tosses his token 2% tax cut to the redneck middle class who was worried about their grandkids future with the Obama spending. And my prediction is that if Trump is elected and gets what he wants - the debt is going to increase faster than it ever did under Obama. Borrow and spend doesn't work.
You fail to acknowledge world debt and the implications it has?
Fed is in a bind regarding any serious interest rate increases......what happens to our debt when interest rates go up?

We have revenues (income) of $3.6 trillion and we spend at $3.8 trillion. So we have to borrow a couple hundred billion. WHat happens when taxes (revenues....income) is cut by 20%? Well...for that first year...maybe even the second and perhaps even the THIRD year, we will have revenues of $2.8 trillion (new jobs will not be created overnight - if ever in the numbers needed to cover that tax cut). But we are still spending at 3.8 trillion....maybe more if we get that spiffy new military that Trump is promising...but let's say he got some great cuts that offset the military spending increase...so we will still spend 3.8 trillion. We'd be short by a trillion dollars every year. And that assumption that spending would stay steady at 3.8 trillion would assume that our interest obligations are being paid. IMHO...we ain't gonna see significant enough spending cuts to offset that pretty much overnight reduction in income.

And if his twitter rants gets us in a war...how the hell do we pay for that?

In the tape, Trump, who was only recently married to Melania Trump at the time, says of an unknown woman, “I moved on her and I failed. I’ll admit it.” “I did try and **** her,” Trump added. “She was married.”

He said he moved on the woman “very heavily,” even taking her furniture shopping.

“I moved on her like a *****, but I couldn’t get there. And she was married,” Trump says. “Then all of a sudden I see her, she’s now got the big phony tits and everything. She’s totally changed her look.”

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/10/trump-wapo-229299#ixzz4MRIGMZyg
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Hillary let four Americans die in Benghazi. Donald Trump makes lewd comments about women. Are these people harping on this Trump tape kidding? Where do you get your thought process?
Hillary let four Americans die in Benghazi. Donald Trump makes lewd comments about women. Are these people harping on this Trump tape kidding? Where do you get your thought process?

I notice on this new format that you disagreed with my post on Trump tax cuts impacting the deficit, which I would imagine is more important than him being led by his weenie. Mind telling me which part you disagree with?
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Trump is an alpha male. That's how alpha males talk. So what?

Now how many women did he rape and got away with it like Clinton?

Liberals fret over everything Trump, yet turn a blind eye over Hillary's accomplice to her husband's various rapes, assaults, etc.
Yea I got it.😕
Since Bill did similar it's OK because two wrongs make a right. 😵
Piss poor logic to vote this idiot as POTUS, IMHO.
But since you bring it up, Bill was impeached so lets save resources and impeach T-Rump before he even gets in office.
I notice on this new format that you disagreed with my post on Trump tax cuts impacting the deficit, which I would imagine is more important than him being led by his weenie. Mind telling me which part you disagree with?
All tards get a red... didn't you git the memo...🙂
Hillary let four Americans die in Benghazi. Donald Trump makes lewd comments about women. Are these people harping on this Trump tape kidding? Where do you get your thought process?
Exactly right Zom. These snowflakes and the libtard press will stop at nothing to hang Trump for nothing. While disregarding the Clinton Crime Syndicate 30+ years of scandals, deaths, scams. Trump talks some macho he-man smack about some actress in a Hollywood bus ten years ago, and it's front page libtard news. Billdo "Preditor" Clinton has had so many women accuse RAPE and AGRIVATED RAPE charges its hard to keep count. Hildabeast right by Billdo's side, to discredit and demean the Billdo victims...over and over again.

The Clinton Crime Syndicate must be protected at all costs.
Yea I got it.😕
Since Bill did similar it's OK because two wrongs make a right. 😵
Piss poor logic to vote this idiot as POTUS, IMHO.
But since you bring it up, Bill was impeached so lets save resources and impeach T-Rump before he even gets in office.
But your support of criminal Hildabeast who has many skeletons in her closet she could start her own grave yard. Not to mention dead body's SHE caused and or ordered with Billdo.

Impeach Trump? How about Hildabeast for prison? For treason, lying to congress, and RICO organized crime...30 years to life.

Moonbat Morons, not even close.

Trump Pence 2016
Yea I got it.😕
Since Bill did similar it's OK because two wrongs make a right. 😵
Piss poor logic to vote this idiot as POTUS, IMHO.
But since you bring it up, Bill was impeached so lets save resources and impeach T-Rump before he even gets in office.
But your support of criminal Hildabeast who has so many skeletons in her closet she could start her own grave yard. Not to mention dead body's SHE caused and or ordered with Billdo.

Impeach Trump? How about Hildabeast for prison? For treason, lying to congress, and RICO organized crime...30 years to life.

Moonbat Morons, its not even close.

Trump Pence 2016
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