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Trump Polling

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I just tested the "ignore" feature - I don't know what it did before, but it evenblocks quoted posts from a person on ignore. I put Hack on ignore and this thread suddenly became a tard free zone. I took him off again, but it's pretty powerful.
Ignore or not, the pot meets the kettle again. Libtard is my discription of your demented side, just as your "alt-right" "repug" and "T Rump is owned by leftys. You poke others in the eye, but when they poke back you whine. I never put anyone on ignore, because free speech is a right my family and many others fought and died for.
Angry leftists are doing this constantly today, attempting to shut down anyone and anything they don't like. It's agree with us and our"safe space" or we will destroy you. Trump was never a racist until he ran as the GOP candidate. Now he is demonized by leftist zealots as the new Hitler in less than a year.
Go ahead and use the ignore KCfrier, before you go off on a moonbat tangent like you did on the 9/11 thread and get it shut down.
Ignore or not, the pot meets the kettle again. Libtard is my discription of your demented side, just as your "alt-right" "repug" and "T Rump is owned by leftys. You poke others in the eye, but when they poke back you whine. I never put anyone on ignore, because free speech is a right my family and many others fought and died for.
Angry leftists are doing this constantly today, attempting to shut down anyone and anything they don't like. It's agree with us and our"safe space" or we will destroy you. Trump was never a racist until he ran as the GOP candidate. Now he is demonized by leftist zealots as the new Hitler in less than a year.
Go ahead and use the ignore KCfrier, before you go off on a moonbat tangent like you did on the 9/11 thread and get it shut down.
YOu got it. I don't mind a debate. I don't mind a disagreement. But this tard fetish that you have gets old.
YOu got it. I don't mind a debate. I don't mind a disagreement. But this tard fetish that you have gets old.
Great, ignore me, could care less. Say what ever you wish, I will. I'll use "libtard" where and when I feel like it. Just like you moonbats will continue to burn down gas stations, beat up old ladies, scream obscenities and attack people at Trump rallies. You really have no leg to stand on, but go ahead and try.
Hey HACKjob, just a very simple question, really, a very simple question.
What are you going to DO, and what are you going to SAY after Donald T-Rump get beat, and the Replugs LOSE ANOTHER Presidential election
Hey HACKjob, just a very simple question, really, a very simple question.
What are you going to DO, and what are you going to SAY after Donald T-Rump get beat, and the Replugs LOSE ANOTHER Presidential election
Hey it's the angry lib geezer. Well a simpleton like yourself is only capable of a simpleton question, truth be told. You still can't let go of the CAPS button, should just leave it on. As KCfrier says, hmmm....hmmm. I highly highly doubt it gramps, Trump is in. For entertainment purposes only, my answer. I guess I'll prepare the best I can for the coming civil war, as I have been doing. This will be started by Soros and his puppet Dumbocrats, anarchists, and idiots that don't know what they are up against . You on the other hand, might want to find a place to hide, and find somebody to protect you. Don't forget a case of Geritol and Ben-Gay. Good luck.
Hey HACKjob, just a very simple question, really, a very simple question.
What are you going to DO, and what are you going to SAY after Donald T-Rump get beat, and the Replugs LOSE ANOTHER Presidential election

It will be the same old stuff...Benghazi, emails, investigations, murders, affairs....that's the problem. We'll have to see if Trump is able to push his supporters over the edge. I had concerns that Obama might have been assassinated by some loony on the right....but in both elections Obama ran against adult men with some semblance of class who campaigned and lost with dignity.

This is the first election where, despite their denials, a candidate has hinted at assassination of an opponent as Trump did with his "second amendment people" statement. He may have successfully engendered enough hatred in this country that one of his loonier supporters may well make Bill Clinton a widower sometime within the next 4 years. Guys like you and me might not have liked W....be we never hated the guy the way the right has hated Hillary since 1993
Why have to people nominated someone like Trump tp represent their views? This pretty mich nails it!
Why have to people nominated someone like Trump tp represent their views? This pretty mich nails it!

And how many candidates running for Congress have asked Trump to campaign for them? How many candidates running for Congress have talked about how they will work side by side with president Trump to make America great again? I can't think of any. So...even if a republican Congress is maintained after 2016...what makes you think that they will welcome Trump with open arms when they've done nothing to indicate they will work with Trump any better than they worked with Obama.

The republicans in Congress that "failed" did EXACTLY what "we the people" put them there to do...oppose Obama on every single thing he proposed. The only thing they didn't do is repeal Obamacare...that's the "one issue" that they were elected to do Let's say they DO work with Trump and get the ACA overturned.....what then? They are going to "replace it with something great". I eagerly await to see what they come up with. Other than that - the mainstream GOP (read that as most of the house and senate) don't like him any more than they did Obama. So how will Trump get things done? Or should we abolish congress and just make Trump America's first dictator?
Okay Harry...let's forget the past....aside from promising us some "really great" things...what are you expecting from a Trump presidency? Give us some idea of what YOU consider a "really great" thing that would expect to see from Donald Trump?
Honestly KC, it serves no purpose debating you with Trump. It's obvious your mind is made up and your sole intent is to simply talk trash and regurgitate idiotic talking points. Your endless posts show the extent of your TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome).

Maybe it is you who should put yourself on ignore for your own sanity.
My mind has been made up on Trump since the 80's. He was an egotistical azz that got a great head start with daddy's money back then....and he's an egotistical, mentally unstable azz today.

Here's a test to see who is looking at Trump with biased eyes (pro or con). A CEO of a Fortune 500 company is told by a competitor that the color of a necktie he wore 6 years ago clashed with his suit...something trivial and insignificant. What kind of behaviour would you expect from a true leader...1) just ignore it and focus on kicking his competitor's behind in the market or 2) rant on twitter for 4 hours starting at 3 in the morning about what a loser the other CEO is and how that necktie was the epitome of style back then...and bringing it up in meetings for the next week. Trump did the equivalent of one of those moves - I view it as indicative of someone who is mentally unbalanced. What to you view it as?
Let's play a game: Insert your own caption for the photo below:


I'll start:

"Trump meets with bald guys to make his hair look great", immediately fires the editor who failed to crop the taller guy out of the photo.
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