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Trump Polling

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700UW said:
The bailouts went to the corporations, not unions.

You really can't be that ignorant.

Only racist is you, how many white sheets and hoods do you own?
What a liar
Auto Bailout or UAW Bailout? Taxpayer Losses Came from Subsidizing Union Compensation
The bailout would have cost $30.0 billion less had the UAW been treated like GM’s and Chrysler’s other creditors. Instead, the Administration violated basic principles of bankruptcy law and transferred that money to the UAW—at taxpayer expense.
700UW said:
What are you smoking?
The IAM doesnt get money from Obama.
The IAMAW is a non-profit organization and every penny it spends has to be  reported to the Federal Government.
You really cant be that stupid.
Former President Bush gave the airlines $5 billion in tax dollars and the airlines laid off 100,000 employees.
Its amazing they let you touch anything that goes on an airplane.
And you were quite happy you weren't one of them, right?
delldude said:
And you were quite happy you weren't one of them, right?
I actually wasnt happy, got bumped from Stock Clerk to Utility, so I took a double paycut.
Keep trying.
The best quote so far regarding Trump.

"Like many Americans, I don’t think we need another Clinton or Bush in the White House. But Trump isn’t the answer. His remarks about Senator John McCain’s war record ripped it with me. There’s a personal angle: My youngest son did two tours in the Middle East, and several other local boys answered the call. Some were hurt and will never be the same. For a guy like Trump, who never wore the uniform, to scoff at anyone’s military sacrifice makes him, in my opinion, ineligible for the job of commander-in-chief.

He even had the chutzpah to argue that he has worn the uniform — in military school — which he likened to real service. That’s like going to a toga party and announcing that you now know what it’s like to have served in Caesar’s legions."
700UW said:
I actually wasnt happy, got bumped from Stock Clerk to Utility, so I took a double paycut.
Keep trying.
Spin it how you want, taxpayer money kept Government Motors in business, which in turn saved union jobs.
Not saying there's a problem with it , just that there's a problem with you admitting it!
southwind said:
Spin it how you want, taxpayer money kept Government Motors in business, which in turn saved union jobs.
Not saying there's a problem with it , even though GM and BaRack skirted existing bankruptcy laws, just that there's a problem with you admitting it!
southwind said:
Spin it how you want, taxpayer money kept Government Motors in business, which in turn saved union jobs.
Not saying there's a problem with it , just that there's a problem with you admitting it!
A mind is terrible thing to waste.

A condition of the TARP for GM was GM had to give equity in GM in the form is Stock to replay the TARP.

And your precious DL air lines received tax dollars under the ATSB program and never paid a cent back to the Feds.

Hypocrite much.

I think you should enroll in a GED class maybe that will teach you how to educate yourself and maybe you will learn to actually comprehend what you read
And PS Congress approved TARP, said many of your republican lawmakers voted for it.

A mind is a terrible thing to waste.
777 fixer said:
The best quote so far regarding Trump."Like many Americans, I don’t think we need another Clinton or Bush in the White House. But Trump isn’t the answer. His remarks about Senator John McCain’s war record ripped it with me. There’s a personal angle: My youngest son did two tours in the Middle East, and several other local boys answered the call. Some were hurt and will never be the same. For a guy like Trump, who never wore the uniform, to scoff at anyone’s military sacrifice makes him, in my opinion, ineligible for the job of commander-in-chief.He even had the chutzpah to argue that he has worn the uniform — in military school — which he likened to real service. That’s like going to a toga party and announcing that you now know what it’s like to have served in Caesar’s legions."
To whoever this quote is from,
I'm curious what their take on Obama and Hillary are, as neither served and both hate the military and all it stands for.
700UW said:
Obama gives military largest raise in 5 years, GOP refuses to give credit
Did Cruz, Rubio, or Trump serve?
At least Obama is Commander and Chief, and Hillary was Secretary of State.
Ha ha ha...nothing like scraping the bottom of the barrel for a political slur. lol
Did Obama serve?  Maybe with the Choom Gang?
How about Clintoon?? Oh he got 'serviced'.
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