Trump Polling

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"Dear Mrs. Palin,

I am a former US Marine and US Navy Officer with a Combat Action Ribbon as well as service connected disabilities. I am also a Republican. I have also served with, and am friends with, dozens of combat veterans who suffer daily from various injuries and wounds to include PTSD. I recently read your comments related to PTSD in which you attempted to excuse your son’s arrest on domestic abuse charges and firearm charges by referencing his supposed PTSD. Based upon your previous comments I am not surprised that you would choose to use this very serious condition as a political football and, once again, attempt to divert blame from your own family’s abhorrent, violent behavior.

In 2014 your entire family was involved in a late night ‘drunken brawl’ at a party in which Track Palin (the accused domestic abuser) was involved in a bloody fight. While you publicly stated how proud you were at your children’s violent actions, maybe this should have been a sign that Track has a problem. It is certainly curious that you did not feel the need to reference his supposed PTSD in this situation and instead stated: “…my kids’ defense of family makes my heart soar!” Maybe, instead of encouraging Track’s violence, you should have taken the opportunity to get him help. Maybe, instead of being the result of PTSD, your son was simply trying to uphold the stated Palin family values and “…make your heart soar” by abusing a woman.

PTSD is stigmatized in the media and not well understood by the general public. An estimated 22 veterans commit suicide every day in the United States. This is nearly 8,000 veterans who take their lives every year. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) stated: “Every day in the United States, 22 veterans succumb to suicide — losing their personal battle to invisible wounds of war.” Veterans who have willingly given so much in service to their country should not have to bear the burden of being further stigmatized by your ignorant and foolish statements.

While I do not propose to speak for all veterans, I am clearly not alone in my views regarding your unfortunate statements. They were unfortunate for the many veterans who face further disdain and discrimination based upon your inaccurate and ignorant portrayal of those who suffer with PTSD as well as the causes of the condition.While I would personally prefer that you simply avoid public life and simply fade away, if you insist on trying to use your “celebrity status” for a cause, please educate yourself on the facts of PTSD and try to help veterans by using your significant influence in a more productive, and less political manner. There are a number of veteran’s organizations to which you can donate time, money and energy to make a difference. Two organizations you may want to consider is the Marine Reconnaissance Foundation and the Recon & Sniper Foundation.


Chris Mark"
delldude said:
A Recovering Democrat

NO, NO, NOOOoooooop......

Well, it's good to see some come out of their BaRack-O-Trance and face the reality of what's happening to their country!
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Thanks 700UW. I am now for Trump. He will be social conservative and a fiscal liberal, while being a hawk, while not wanting war.

Sign me up.

He just needs to get those pesky other government branches out of his way.

He will be the nominee for the Republican party.
Again not a big Trump supporter but, will take him over Bernie "Stalin" Sanders or Hitlery "Lyin'" Clinton any day!
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Glenn Quagmire said:
Trump is more liberal than most of the Republican party of the last 30 years.
Think what you just said.
The Republican Party has gone more left with the Dem's but not quite as radical.
There are fewer self identified Liberals anymore in the Dem wing, they've gone progressive socialist more than liberal. Liberals anymore, at least to me are your moderate establishment GOP crowd. Old Blue Dog Democrats, who Nancy made extinct early in the Obama experiment, now live on the other side of the aisle.
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Kev3188 said:
Your autocorrect is still broken...
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