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Trump Polling

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Apologies for not using Quinnipiac.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that two-out-of-three Likely U.S. Voters (67%) are angry at the current policies of the federal government, including 38% who are Very Angry. Thirty percent (30%) say they are not angry at these policies, but that includes just nine percent (9%) who are Not At All Angry.

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delldude said:
Apologies for not using Quinnipiac.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that two-out-of-three Likely U.S. Voters (67%) are angry at the current policies of the federal government, including 38% who are Very Angry. Thirty percent (30%) say they are not angry at these policies, but that includes just nine percent (9%) who are Not At All Angry.
Here's the thing.  The president really can't do a damn thing about their anger.  The guys who CAUSED that anger are the ones that these angry people reelected to Congress.   You want to watch T Rump's approval rating drop....elect him president.   The president only signs the bills....it's Congress that sets up current policies of the federal government.   One has to wonder if people will be as pissed off for Trump vetoing a bill as they were at Obama...since it will be the same group of guys presenting that bill for his signature. 
KCFlyer said:
Here's the thing.  The president really can't do a damn thing about their anger.  The guys who CAUSED that anger are the ones that these angry people reelected to Congress.   You want to watch T Rump's approval rating drop....elect him president.   The president only signs the bills....it's Congress that sets up current policies of the federal government.   One has to wonder if people will be as pissed off for Trump vetoing a bill as they were at Obama...since it will be the same group of guys presenting that bill for his signature.
Not really a Trump supporter here but, it sure is fun to see all the Libtards squirming and panicking!
cltrat said:
typical liberal knows more than you knows whats best for you or at least thinks he does
No! Libtards believe government knows what's best for you!

All bow to the Anointed One!
777 fixer said:
You know what they think now? No you don't. All you know is what the right wing noise machine tells you.
"Right Wing noise machines" don't seem to trouble you at all from your other postings on the "Top Gun" thread, now do they? From my own life experiences with fellow ne'er-do-well USAF Aviators; I can absolutely promise you that no clueless, flaming/"touchy-feely-liberals" were/are flying such weapons for America...Ever....Period. Sigh....Grow Up.
777 fixer:
KCFlyer said:
Here's the thing.  The president really can't do a damn thing about their anger. ....
Why not? What's the extent of what that pathetic little perpetual child's mandate is, if not to bring harmony and success to the Nation and our People? Truly; what's your little oh-boy-mama pimp actually good for?....If ANYTHING?
delldude said:
Did Obama serve? ...
Thanks for the laughs. I very much doubt "he" could've so much as even survived the Girl Scouts, without their properly throwing "him" out in utter disgust. 😉
Glenn Quagmire said:
That's arguably both your best "thought" out and most fully erudite posting ever. The infinitely vast universe of liberal "intellect" sometimes needs to be seen to be fully appreciated, or even at all believed.
Glenn Quagmire said:
Um hmm...As previously posted: That's arguably both your best "thought" out and most fully erudite posting ever. The infinitely vast universe of liberal "intellect" sometimes needs to be seen to be fully appreciated, or even at all believed.
EastUS1 said:
Thanks for the laughs. I very much doubt "he" could've so much as even survived the Girl Scouts, without their properly throwing "him" out in utter disgust. 😉
More than likely would have been thrown out for giving away "Free Cookies" with a sign behind him stating "You didn't bake those cookies!"
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