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If you have a medical condition, then it is YOUR responsibility to make sure your needs are taken care of. You should not blame the airline for your failure to plan for these things. I'm always thirsty so I never leave the house without a drink in my hand, and I probably have a small cooler with more drinks if I am gone for a while. I also have a tendency to get low blood sugar and it can hit at any time and when it does I start shaking and I can't even function until I eat and drink something. One time I even passed out from it so I know I better not even take a chance. As a result, I always make sure I have something with me in case it happens. I take responsibility because it is my problem and my responsibility. Period! If I were traveling and I knew I couldn't bring drinks through security, then I would arrive at the airport early and purchase drinks for the outrageous price regardless and I would pack plenty of snacks as well. Why? I can't and shouldn't depend on other people when this happens, EVER! I would rather have a little inconvenience and pay the extra price and plan ahead than to end up in the hospital or worse 35,000 feet and in serious condition. These people who complain about the airline not having food because of their medical conditions need to stop being helpless fools and take some responsibility for god's sake!
Well sometimes you just never know what you accomplish until months or years later. One thing I've accomplished is annoy you and that's kinda fun.

I can't help but notice when the facts and figures come to the forefront you hide in the tall grass. How can you be a LCC when your CASM is higher than many legacy carriers? Care to respond to that pointless post.

Personally I can't wait for the lawsuits aimed at US. Just wait until somebody lapses into a diabetic Coma because there was no water of snack free of charge. US has billions and the Personal Injury lawyers must be drooling over these changes. Nevermind that it's a bogus claim but it will hit the media and US will settle at over a Million just to make it go away.
Piney, that is way over the top! We have snacks in First Class, cookie box in the coach cabin for delays too. I also will not refuse ANYONE FREE WATER whatsover during this ridiculous ala carte nickel and diming, period! I will give them a free snack box IF I have to! Of course we will still offer free drinks to the needed, sick, etc, and I will not get in any dispute with a pax, I will just hand it over! The company already stated there will be no inventory on the sodas, juices and water. So, here you go! Can't hold me accountable for THE SH!T you created!! Sorry, I am not going to stress out about it. 🙄
Piney, that is way over the top! We have snacks in First Class, cookie box in the coach cabin for delays too. I also will not refuse ANYONE FREE WATER whatsover during this ridiculous ala carte nickel and diming, period! I will give them a free snack box IF I have to! Of course we will still offer free drinks to the needed, sick, etc, and I will not get in any dispute with a pax, I will just hand it over! The company already stated there will be no inventory on the sodas, juices and water. So, here you go! Can't hold me accountable for THE SH!T you created!! Sorry, I am not going to stress out about it. 🙄

Can you send me your August schedule? So I can stack up on the snack boxes when I'm back to being a broke college student 🙂 I'm just kidding WCT!
You know, folks the more I think about it the more I think we should let the children in the Sand Castle have their way. And the more I listen to the kool aid drinkers like UW Cactus and their arrogance "Ala Carte pricing is coming whether you like it or not"..... Hey I have got news for you......high yield customers are leaving--whether YOU like it or not. We will not tolerate the attitude or the contempt Tempe has for formerly loyal business travelers--so get over yourselves.

Let them ala carte themselves to the point of insanity. See how it will help offset the premium customers' defection, which has begun, and which we FULLY advocate. See how it helps the labor situation when flight attendants and gate agents take the brunt of customers' frustration. See how US will be the FIRST carrier back in BK.

So let's go the natural next step. The kids in the sandbox can't get their minds off being another Southwest, or thinking that they are an LCC, so just go the rest of the way. Be Ryan Air US. Take the seat pockets out. Take window shades out. Charge for everything.

In fact take the F seats out while you're at it.....you don't offer a real F product so what the heck. This is where you're headed anyway, so just do it. And while you're at it keep telling your elite customers that you could not care less about them, and that you are too generous to them as it is, and that they deserve NO rewards for their loyalty.

I have news for Tempe---we get the message and we're taking your advice.

Why not change the name to Leisure Air, and make employees wear leisure suits........

I never thought I would say this, but US is making WN look better and better by the day.

And for those of you who say "if you don't like it go elsewhere", I have and we are.....BIG time.
Art: That's the only thing they understand. These boots are made for walking and they are about to walk all over their little bean counter books in Tempe. The FF are leaving pissed, the general flying public is going to be pissed and leave with a bad taste in their mouth but the employees are going to all out revolt on their butts. The crew room was a total abuzz the other day on how this just is not going to happen on flights. These people start to unload they are getting whatever. I don't back stupid decisions. There was a way to do this and meet in the middle and they choose to just piss off everyone.
You have a very very hot day and some Sr Mama is playing "Ski Nazi" and decided no freebies, some guy get sick and bingo, LAWSUIT quicker than you can say Jack Daniels.

I dunno about lawsuits...but let me ask this question and possibly ask if we put an "over/under" on it....

How many times, during the 1st 6 months of the stupidy that is "The New US Airways Ala Carte" product do we believe "local police officials" will need to meet an airplane because a passenger goes BALLISTIC?

And is that passenger a "Preferred" customer who had just paid a $1,000 for a last minute fare and gets stuck with a $2.00 bill for a Coke? Or is it once-every-three years leisure traveler that US Airways covets so much now?
Here are a few suggestions:

A) bring an empty water bottle with you,(you can bring that through security) fill it up at a water fountain. No cost to you.
B) bring snacks from home and put them in your carry on. You can buy a huge box of Naturevalley bars at Costco for $9. 40bars per box.
C)use your credit/debit card at the airport concessions, no need to carry cash and you can bring all that on just as people did after 9-11 when food was removed.

We eliminated pretzels in coach, interesting that NO ONE even asks for them anymore now that we stopped giving them away for free.

Lastly, do not play the "i am a diabetic card" when you should be responsible for your own health. When you take a city bus or a subway to get from point A to point B, do you expect the bus company to give you food for your health issues? You can not expect others to be responsible and bring everything with. As crewmembers, we know to pack a lunch pail of food for when we need food.

You are going to see a huge spike in these so called "sick" people.

I don't want any part of this.

I believe they need to start raising fares, but I am not going to take any crap from pax on this issue. We don't get paid enough to get b!tched at like we ARE going to.
Lastly, do not play the "i am a diabetic card" when you should be responsible for your own health. When you take a city bus or a subway to get from point A to point B, do you expect the bus company to give you food for your health issues? You can not expect others to be responsible and bring everything with. As crewmembers, we know to pack a lunch pail of food for when we need food.

Well not that I'm against the pretzels being gone BUT on a bus or subway you DO have the luxury of hopping off. Some people DO pack stuff but how many cans oj should you carry with you? Sometimes it's just not their fault. I guess you'd just let them sit there to die....atta girl. You show em! ! ! 🙄
And for those of you who say "if you don't like it go elsewhere", I have and we are.....BIG time.

"Big Time"?
Other than the beotching on this board are there any stats that shows this to be true?
I have seen nothing to indicate it is true, nor has the company had any statments that they are expierencing anything outside of what the entire industry.
My first question would be...Do these "new" elites bring in the same revenue as those that have left US? My second question would be...Do you believe that the company would admit and certainly PUBLICLY that they shot themselves in the foot and need to gain their VFF's back? Ummm yeah sure. 🙄
The company would never make a statement to that effect, but when silvers are getting upgraded on LGA-CLT, and silvers can get upgraded on the 8 seat 757 F cabin, something's up.

They can make statements all they want about how elites are up or holding the current levels, but anything Tempe says is BS--smoke and mirrors. The only reason the elite numbers have not shown a decline as much as they really have is that they are giving away status or worse yet selling it. And to answer 965VJ, new elites probably do NOT provide the same level of revenue. They have lowered expectations--they just won't complain as much.

And UP, you work in Tempe--they had their chance to see the numbers we provided--chose not to believe them.
Now it's even worse.

Here is a snapshot. We now have about 1100 members. Our last survey showed the AVERAGE spend on US in a year among our membership was $18,000, but MANY had spends north of $40K. Based on our information, MOST of those folks no longer fly US Airways unless they have no other choice.

This information was laid out in front of management, some of whom looked truly concerned when they saw it. However they chose not to accept it, and instead, continued the arrogant anti customer (and anti employee) behavior which we see today.

Yes you may say it's a small sampling, but you can extrapolate as well as I can.

Oh--and regarding status matches, I have had over 100 requests for status match information in just the past few days.....and not a single one asking for a match TO US.....

Get your heads out of the sand before it's too late....oh wait...it already may be............
<SNIP> And to answer 965VJ, new elites probably do NOT provide the same level of revenue. They have lowered expectations--they just won't complain as much.
Art, for clarification, it’s my understanding that FFOCUS has information on airlines that will match status.

I was referring to current US FFs that were looking to switch after the June 12 announcement from Tempe.
Lastly, do not play the "i am a diabetic card" when you should be responsible for your own health. When you take a city bus or a subway to get from point A to point B, do you expect the bus company to give you food for your health issues?
Omg, what a stupid analogy. A diabetic can get off at the next stop. The next stop on US...well, who know because you guys suck. Stop the stupidity please.

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