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TRAVIS CHRIST will be in phl @230pm till 5pm

Ya know it's less than an hour since he was to leave and I can't believe someone hasn't posted an update.......You guys are losing your edge! :lol: :lol:
I finally worked a trip that was the last straw and instead of writing it up, I started to and then it hit me! WHY BOTHER? No matter what I say or scream they don't care, don't get it, can't implement it, are too pround to admit they are clueless and are generally a bunch of airline executive wannabes. I have more important things to do with my time and you should too.

Couldn't have said it any better! It is a shame that most of us try so hard to help fix things that NEED fixing, only to fall on deaf ears! I STILL try and submit helpful ideas but I'm not going to stress out about it anymore......if this is the way they want to do things, then so be it! I'll continue to do what I'm required to do with a smile (sometimes forced), but once my foot steps out the door of the Airport or Airplane.....I'm outta there! :up: I like my job and all....but it is what it is!

As for Travis Christ.....just another out of touch, young, cocky, inexperienced, immature idiot that none of us should have to listen to! :down:
I wonder if Travis will show up in "Business Crapual" Khaki's? Maybe people should throw tuna burritos at him. He is the biggest enemy of the VFF. I can't wait to hear what that arrogant sob has to say.

"We are removing the sit recline so our passengers are more comfortable ......and if no one complains we will implement this fleet wide."

Brilliant Mind
While I agree that complaining on these boards is pointless I feel that listening to the BS flow a mile a minute at that meeting is pointless as well. I wouldn't waste my time. Do any of you SERIOUSLY think that you are going to ask him anything or recommend anything to him that would give him or Doug some sort of epiphany? Make more use of your time if your at the airport and cruise the terminal or if off save your gas.
I hope he missed his flight back to PHX. It would be funny if he got to the gate and they closed doors already. GA " Sorry you must be here prior to 10 minutes before flight scheduled departure, plus we gave your seat away to another airline exec from Southwest" :up: :up: :lol: 🙄
Please say this is a joke.

I wish I was joking.....instead of removing seats......they are going to remove (or at best "severely limit") the recline of the seats.

Too many "altercations" taking place between PAX on the plane due to NO LEG ROOM

From the Horse's !@# mouth himself......not today but month's ago
Meanwhile, everyone else does not have it figured out--only US has figured out that who needs the premimum class customer. UA is doing away with TED and adding FC to its planes and now JB is considering FC cabins:


Still, US thinks the only way to survive is go ala carte and offer a completely sh7tty FC and Biz Class cabin to those paying the company's bills. I know this has been said repeatedly, but maybe, just maybe, US sucks so bad that no one wants to pay to sit in not so premimum cabin.
While I agree that complaining on these boards is pointless I feel that listening to the BS flow a mile a minute at that meeting is pointless as well. I wouldn't waste my time. Do any of you SERIOUSLY think that you are going to ask him anything or recommend anything to him that would give him or Doug some sort of epiphany? Make more use of your time if your at the airport and cruise the terminal or if off save your gas.
'The point of these meetings is not to take your suggestions, but rather inform you of what is going on. Taking suggestions can be a part of this, but in general it is is a way to let you know what is going on and allow you to ask questions. In this case, you simply prefer to hear the rumors on this board and have no interest in asking your own questions and getting your own answers and offering your own suggestions and thoughts.
No actually I don't feel like going only go get p!$$ed of at what comes out of their mouths. THEY get it but no other airline does. It's ALL PURE BS. Sorry. 🙄
Inform??? Interesting choice of words. Is that like the Germans were "informed" by Der Fuhrer of the invasion of Poland? Or is it a different kind of informed?

Interesting insite into how Tempe views their employees.

Your posts are pointless. This ala carte is happening one way or another. You have fought US Airways since the onset of this merger and what have you accomplished? I thought so.
Your posts are pointless. This ala carte is happening one way or another. You have fought US Airways since the onset of this merger and what have you accomplished? I thought so.

What has Bob accomplished?

He has proved, through the likes of you, the Kids in the Sandbox do not want customers to interfere with play time.

Personally I can't wait for the lawsuits aimed at US. Just wait until somebody lapses into a diabetic Coma because there was no water of snack free of charge.
US has billions and the Personal Injury lawyers must be drooling over these changes. Nevermind that it's a bogus claim but it will hit the media and US will settle at over a Million just to make it go away.
"There will be a cup being passed thru-out the cabin so we can take donations to buy this person a bottle of water".

It's sad that it will come to this, and Tempe will state that it is not their responsibility.
A) You can not bring a bottle of water with you past security. and
B) Some people refuse to pay outrageous prices that the airport concessions charge.
C) Or either don't have enough money with them on hand.

It will be just a matter of time till something occurs, and I just hope that it won't be fatal.

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