My $862.40 fare was the cheapest NON-REFUNDABLE fare for my PHL-FLL-CLT-PHL trip this week. Let's look at what that $862.40 got me in the way of amenities.
PHL-FLL 7:40AM departure. Two visits from the snack ferry and a late arrival due to "The PHL Factor" Not sure how late but it was late. Pleasant and professional gate agent & Flight attendent. Did I mention NO FREAKING BREAKFAST AT 7:40A Freakin' M????? OH AND WHILE I'M SHOUTING NO FREAKIN' LIME for my sparkling water either!
FLL-CLT - One of the best F/A's I've ever had serve me. He even managed a pre flight beverage service on an A320. He busted his butt the entire flight. Was warm and friendlt to EVERYONE! NO FREAKIN' LIME EITHER! But I did achieve my goal of emptying the F cabin liquor kit of Tanqueray. So all was not bad. Plane was the usual pig sty.
CLT-PHL - G/A was very very pleasant to all of those waiting. He had on a golf shirt a style I'd not seen before. Wondering if it's a new uniform option or if he's just a rebel? F/A's were to be nice "Disengaged" No smiles, no pre departure beverage, one visit from the snack fairy nothing but the bare minimum from them. I had bought some goodies in CLT so I actually had to check a bag. Knowing PHL I made the T/A remove the *Priority tag and as usual my bag arrived BEFORE the *Priority ones did. Plane was the usual pig sty, plus this 737-400 was missing lots of paint. What an image to portray of the NEW US Airways.