You have been one of the few that have had something of substance to add to the debate. I have appreciated the additonal news links and other pertinant info you have suppplied.
I do not mean to speak for you, yet it seems that reading through your response, and memory serves for your past postings, you are not against most of what is suggested in the Transformation Plan. Rather you (like all of us) would prefer to see concrete evidence of management's proposed changes actaually happening, see the transformation occur, and see the company becoming what they have proposed (or start the process) before you toss in your support let alone care to entertain further concessions.
If that is inncorrect, I apologize for my assumption. If it is what you think, then I agree with you.
But I have been trying to keep a "Glass half full" attitude regarding if real change is occuring. I think US has no choice but to go trough these changes they have announced. I happen to think that this sounds more like a real plan rather than the smoke and mirrors of the past. And I think that they have started the process in motion as much as possible without new labor agreements in hand. For example. announcing the PIT drawdown is unwelcome news to many, but in contex such a thing is the first step in moving those aircraft onto point to point routes..
Because I feel much still depends upon getting new agreements in place if only to secure further financing, period. Without financing, growth is a pipe dream. Without profitable growth, there is ittle hope for us to remain alive, let alone competitive.
You have been one of the few that have had something of substance to add to the debate. I have appreciated the additonal news links and other pertinant info you have suppplied.
I do not mean to speak for you, yet it seems that reading through your response, and memory serves for your past postings, you are not against most of what is suggested in the Transformation Plan. Rather you (like all of us) would prefer to see concrete evidence of management's proposed changes actaually happening, see the transformation occur, and see the company becoming what they have proposed (or start the process) before you toss in your support let alone care to entertain further concessions.
If that is inncorrect, I apologize for my assumption. If it is what you think, then I agree with you.
But I have been trying to keep a "Glass half full" attitude regarding if real change is occuring. I think US has no choice but to go trough these changes they have announced. I happen to think that this sounds more like a real plan rather than the smoke and mirrors of the past. And I think that they have started the process in motion as much as possible without new labor agreements in hand. For example. announcing the PIT drawdown is unwelcome news to many, but in contex such a thing is the first step in moving those aircraft onto point to point routes..
Because I feel much still depends upon getting new agreements in place if only to secure further financing, period. Without financing, growth is a pipe dream. Without profitable growth, there is ittle hope for us to remain alive, let alone competitive.