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Teamsters recruiting scabs, is this the Union Tulsa Wants


Jun 22, 2012
Reaction score
Miami, Fl.
This is Information taken from Teamsters web sites.

Are You guys in Tulsa Sure You want them?

Workers of the world...

It is the duty of the union membership to first, elect a leadership that truly represents your interests. Once you've done that, you should follow their instructions when it comes to strikes. The Teamsters Leadership has come out and said they are not joining the strike, but they will not require their membership to cross the line. Therefore, it is the responsibility of every teamster to make his/her own decision. If I were told by my union leadership that I had to cross the line, I would cross.


The above logo is from Teamsters Net​
where Teamsters Talk on line.​

These are Post made by teamsters on this Web Forum about how the Teamsters Operate.​

Posted January 05 2013 - 07:05 PM
I am a member of local 174 in Seattle. Back in 2008 we went on strike for over 5 months. We lost our jobs to SCABS that the company sent out from their other locations in. We are still working without a contract. Now the teamsters in California are organizing those same SCABS that took our jobs. Is that what it’s coming down to? Organizing scabs instead of helping the members that have been paying our dues. These arent and never will be true Trade Unionist. How can we allow this? I’m disgusted at the fact that they can’t help us, but they sure do want to help the scabs that tore our lives apart.

Posted January 06 2013 - 07:39 AM
You make it sound like you were here during that time or you know something that we don't. Well I was and still am here. Have you ever been on strike? We have people here who lost everything because of those scabs! So unless you were here or are one of the jagoffs that helped with our negotiations, please keep opinions to yourself. Im stating facts....I lived it! That ship has sailed. it will never be able to help our situation. The majority of us employees have decided to kick the teamsters out. We filed a petition for decertification 3 years ago and the Local 174 filed blocking charges on us to try and stop us from kicking them out. We are being denied or right to the Democratic process of kicking them out. Along with the strike, blocking charges, and their inability to properly represent us......... Rick Hicks from 174 doesn't even come around here. They stopped giving a crap about us when they stopped receiving our dues.

Posted January 06 2013 - 08:58 PM
So it is true! The teamster are now in the business of organizing scabs. the only thing the Teamsters care about is getting their hands on our paychecks! We were on strike during the holidays in '08 and what for? A contract ? 4 years have gone by and no contract! We really showed the company huh, standing in solidarity really showed them not to mess with the grand ole' mighty teamsters right, i can tell by the amazing non existing contract we have. But instead of working on getting a contract they are organizing the same a**holes that took my paycheck because all the teamsters really care about is their own paychecks, all they care about are dues and that's it. They wanted us to stand together to make the company come down to its knees during the strike, that didn't happen and know thee 99% wants me to believe that after 4 years they have figured out a way to bring the company to its knees and its to organize the OH scabs. Stop talking out of your a**, I hope those scabs realize that all the teamsters want is $$$ and they will throw those workers in the same situation we are in and then they are on to the next victims.