Be carefull what you wish for!!! It''s a rare day to see an independent analyst talk bad about Carty. Weather you like him or not he''s very well regarded and would be snapped up quickly if he became a freeagent! I know you want to blame someone for all this but have you thought about who would replace him? Have you seen the trouble UA went thru to get a CEO? They ended up with a guy who''s only experience was flying as a passenger! And they had to pay him Millions more than Carty is paid just to get him to take the job! Also look at Delta. They ended up with Leo Mullin who''s another rookie who''s helping himself to millions while his airline sinks!
Folks the pickings are very slim when it comes to good qualified people, who''ll work cheap, to be an Airline CEO!
Folks the pickings are very slim when it comes to good qualified people, who''ll work cheap, to be an Airline CEO!