Time for Cartys resignation!!!!!!

Be carefull what you wish for!!! It''s a rare day to see an independent analyst talk bad about Carty. Weather you like him or not he''s very well regarded and would be snapped up quickly if he became a freeagent! I know you want to blame someone for all this but have you thought about who would replace him? Have you seen the trouble UA went thru to get a CEO? They ended up with a guy who''s only experience was flying as a passenger! And they had to pay him Millions more than Carty is paid just to get him to take the job! Also look at Delta. They ended up with Leo Mullin who''s another rookie who''s helping himself to millions while his airline sinks!
Folks the pickings are very slim when it comes to good qualified people, who''ll work cheap, to be an Airline CEO!
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Mr. mAArky,

I believe 9-11 would have never happened if Gore would have been elected. Iraq leadership did not like the Bushes and this was/is there way of getting back at them. I truly believe the whole deal is/was personel.
But then again, this is only a dumb okie democrat talking.
have a good day
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  • #18

Those walking papers work 2 ways.

Carl Icahn was the reason for TWA''s problems on the first 2, and AA demanded the 3rd one. You are the one who seems not to be able to remember anything. As far as dividing the workforces, you seem to be doing a pretty good job of it yourself....
twaokc writes:
"TWA was not bankrupt.....AA made that a condition of the sale. Did you forget that?"

TWA was a three time loser. It seems you have forgotten the other two bankruptcies? Or did they never have those also? You guys kill me! It is a BAD decision to buy ANY failed business, give the employees a huge raise, and expect to make money. It doesn't work. Whether or not it was a good or bad business decision, the purchase was bad for the morale of employees on both sides, and should never have been done. We now have hatred and contemp for or fellow workers, when we should be pulling together as a united force to save this company. Carty knows that a positive culture is vital for a sucessful company, but his actions have killed any loyalty anyone ever had for AA. Carty should be handed his walking papers, he has ruined AA.
It is ALWAYS somebody else to blame with liberals and cowards.

Whatever happened to looking in the mirror?

In the last year, what have each of you done above and beyond to correct our situation?
twaokc writes:
"Carl Icahn was the reason for TWA''s problems on the first 2, and AA demanded the 3rd one. You are the one who seems not to be able to remember anything. As far as dividing the workforces, you seem to be doing a pretty good job of it yourself...."

Does it matter who you blame for the Bankruptcies? I don''t care if you blame Ichan for the first two, and Carty for the second, the fact of the matter was TWA was a FAILED carrier long before AA was having problems. Nobody wanted them, until Carty figured out a way to get them in BK court. This has proven to be a lost cause, and will never ever be an asset to AA. If he had not been so interested in becoming "THE WORLD''S LARGEST AIRLINE", this would have never happened. And we would have much much less internal strife at AA.
Bags, "What go''es arround,comes arround!" Now A.A. will know how it is like to live on "TWA WAGES"!!!! Or will they ?????
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Do everyone a favor, inclulding AA and start your business. you are not getting the $12,500.
When AA declares BK, which will before year''s end, I will admit AA is a FAILED carrier. It has a bad business model. A business model that treats it''s employees as liabilities rather than assets.
Why will you TWAer''s not accept the fact that TWA was a FAILED carrier? 3 bankruptcies and a sale to avoid liquidation should tell you that.
And twaokc, so far they are still paying severance and the $12,500. The have not yet invoked the Force Majure yet. So I know it will piss you off, but hopefully I will get laid off soon, with a little $$$ to leave. One thing is for sure, I will not be hanging around here talking about how great AA was. Before 4-10-01 it was better, but now it sucks. It will feel good to get laid off. Who cares what happens in BK. I won''t be around.
On 4/2/2003 10:21:48 AM MiAAmi wrote:

Carty has to go. Look at what he has done to AMR. Just his decisions with Reno and TWA alone he should be booted.

Carty has to go .....is the most asinine statement yet on this board. I originally didn''t believe he could even begin to talk to three big three union heads. Union negotiations are best left to those in the day-to-day side of the world. But he has shown his true medal.

Carty, has always will be a visionary. One who firmly believes that AA present business tactics have a future and so he plans accordingly.

Evidentially the people who''s opinions really count, AMR shareholders,( have moved the stock 41.67% today )

They loved Carty on the ''street'' today
bags, i partially agree with you and miaami. the twa disaster would have been a good "strategic" acquisition for all aaers involved had we not had to put up with the "senior citizen headaches" that came with the deal.

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