This might be the most brilliant post on these boards in a long time. I can''t wait to hear labor''s spin on this very logical post. I find it amazing that everyone is blaming Carty for the weak airline industry and economy.
As AA observer has said, "If you don''t like your job, go elswhere"On 4/21/2003 1:51:15 AM AAOutsider wrote:
Like AAObserver, I have been reading these boards for sometime. And, like AAObserver, I have come to the conclusion that some of you have lost all sense of reality or at least all sense of proportion.*
Case in point, why are you all mad at Don Carty? Ask yourselves:
Is it really because he failed to disclose the SERP and the Executive Pension trust?
Or, is it really because none of you wanted to take a pay cut, believing as you did that it’s all management’s fault that AA is losing millions of dollars a day?
That’s it, isn’t it? How convenient, then, for many of you to pretend that Carty’s apparent deception is the real reason when the real “real” reason is that instead of accepting your role in the solution you’d rather obfuscate what the problem is.
Do you actually believe that management has not done all that it could do in its own power to stop the company from losing millions a day?
Short of wage reductions from union employees, it has done all it possibly could: Depeaking of the hubs, cutting down on distribution costs with the EveryFare program, simplification of the fleet, diverting ASM’s to leisure markets from business markets, automating some CS functions like web check-in, deferring pay raises for all management employees, etc.
(And, before some of you counter that Carty has done nothing to redefine AA’s business model, let me be the first to say that, as Michael Boyd has pointed out, there is nothing wrong with the hub and spoke system. As an airline with both national and international scope, AA cannot afford but to operate in this way. So the question of emulating Southwest is moot unless you are all willing to live with the consequences of AA selling off all of its international routes and closing its hubs. One of the major consequences of that would be that a large number of you would lose your jobs and the rest would now have to work more frequently, since without the international assignments you would have to work more trips to reach your monthly maximums.)
According to management’s estimates, they have cut $2 Billion in structural costs with all of the operational initiatives they have enacted so far. They didn’t ask you for a single penny while they did all of this. But, clearly all of those cuts were not enough. So, as a last resort, employees have now been asked to do what it is necessary to save the company.
If many of you got your wish, and Crandall were still the CEO of AA, then you would have had to make concessions the day after Sept. 11. (No questions about that. Some of you have very short memories, especially the FA’s whom Crandall once referred to as a bunch of housewives.) Therefore, I find it ironic that you are now crucifying a man who did everything in his power to keep from asking his employees for concessions until he was definitely sure that he had covered all the other bases.
As it stands, you were asked for only $1.8 billion in wage and work rule concessions, whereas the unions at United were asked for $2.6 billion. From all of these calls for a revote, it would seem that some of you would rather have the company declare bankruptcy so that more of you lose your jobs (like over at United) and more of you end up making much less. That is the reality that faces you, a reality that I hasten to add would (will) be much worse if you did (do) not have a compassionate leader like Carty at the helm.
However, some of you seem bent on destroying him and destroying yourself in the process. Haven’t you been paying attention? There is nothing to be gained in bankruptcy. If Carty can keep the company out of bankruptcy by getting AA’s bankers and vendors to renegotiate the terms of their agreements with AA, based on the promise that all of you have already contributed to saving the airline, then everyone saves $500 million dollars in related bankruptcy costs and fees. Carty seems capable of getting the banks and vendors to do just that as evidenced by the fact that, as news reports have indicated, the company has already arranged for a DIP Loan of potentially $1.75 billion (more than UAL obtained), with less stringent financial requirements than the one UAL obtained, and $750 million dollars of which is secured by the AA Credit Card alone (more than UAL obtained from Bank One for their credit card business).
I know Carty’s financial acumen will come as a surprise to some of you who think he has done nothing for AA since taking over for Crandall. However surprising as it may seem to you, just take a moment and think about what damage all your grousing and calls for his resignation are doing to his and AA’s credibility in the financial community, the one that trusted him to give AA $1.75 billion. If any of you have the wherewithal to arrange for similar financing, please step forward now. (I thought so.)
It is time to be pragmatic folks before you pass the point of no return. Do you really want to face bankruptcy or the future with a CEO that the financial community doesn’t trust, with a CEO that has no compassion for the employees or history with the company, with a CEO who can’t admit when he is wrong, with a CEO who thinks the future of the company rests in becoming an LCC?
It is really time to count your blessings and agree to work with each other for the good of yourselves, what you have built at American Airlines, and what you hope to accomplish in the future.
*Yes, the reference is to “Gulliver’s Travels” and is more in spirit with all of Swift’s writings than the one made somewhere else to a “Modest Proposal.” After all, it would seem by trying to get rid of the tall guy that some of you have failed to learn the lesson of Swift’s “Modest Proposal” and cast yourselves instead as Lilliputians. Swift was a pragmatist, who was skeptical of both materialists and those who abided by the letter of the law, be they spiritualists or Whigs.