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Three Year Merger Anniversary

I am sorry to say this, but if things keep going the way they are going at US Airways today, the whole thing might disappear within the year.

There is no excuse for there to still be such divisions within the company. The hatred, anger and frustration which exists in many areas of this company is at best unhealthy, and at worst could cost thousands of people their jobs.

Again to be clear, I do NOT place any blame for this on the front line employees, but the responsibility is squarely upon management for failing to plan adequately for this merger and take care of labor integration issues BEFORE the merger closed.

Then again, that's the way they do everything. Shoot first and aim later.

I truly wish you all the very best, but based on the current management's poor treatment of both employees and customers, it ain't looking good.....
Obviously, you haven't seen many airline mergers. Did you know that at the current Northwest there are still issues from the Republic merger? Should be interesting when their latest is final and the anti-union activities from Delta emerge into the public eye!
On a seperate note, my husband has been traveling all over the country this spring and summer, and consistently reports to me on ALL the airlines he flies on. American, Continental, United, Southwest, Northwest and Delta....according to him, USAirways has been the best he has flown on the entire time (with the exception of Mesa on our Express flights). I have also flown on several other airlines, and cannot believe that people #### about US --cancellations, rude personnel, delays, lies.....it has happened on all of the other airlines.
So, although this has, or is, a constant beat-the-company web site, it is not justified at all. Our company has become a whipping post and it is so not right.
Sorry, Art, but your doom and gloom isn't cutting it...
Well it's finally running smoother atleast... with major hurdles behind things are getting better.... doesn't happen overnight... I think us airways will be around awhile.

the airline with the most cash and lowest debt wins! Any ideas? This is why d & s are working so hard to attract & keep any cash this company can gets its wings on.
i don't know what your all bitching about ... i'm happy we merged , as are most of my co workers , if we here on the west were still AWA we'd be DOA by now , and the same can most likely be said for the old us airways .... we're ordering our new us airways uniforms and i'm happy to say i can't wait to wear mine , they look good ...

Here's to a sucessfull merger (for the most part ) :up:

It's nice to see that there are still people who take pride in their jobs and company. Bravo Freedom, for not succumbing to the doom and gloom of this board!
it has happened on all of the other airlines.

Flew on Frontier for the first time this past month and the DirecTV didnt work. They suck. They cant even keep their equipment working, makes me wonder what else didnt work on the plane. :down: :down: 😛h34r:
(Story true, but comments made tongue in cheek, but it sounds like some of the posts here from some FFs about US).
It's great to see people still have pride in their jobs. I hope that continues. I just wish management made it easier for you to have pride in your jobs.

I also really hope US Airways survives--for no other reason than I have dear friends who still work there.

The fact is, however, that there are some serious issues which may negatively affect the future of the company, and for anyone to say that the merger is complete, or has been successful at this point three years later, is just plain untrue.

Perhaps there have been improvements in performance of late, but any of that has been due to the front line folks--management is clueless, and they make decisions which are shortsighted and wind up costing much more than they save.

Many of the issues and problems which bring about such negativity among both employees and customers exist because of poor management decisions. It is clear that most of the management team are over their heads, and they are trying to run a large international airline with a regional airline mentality--ie. what worked for America West is good enough for US Airways.
That is both shortsighted and ill informed.

When you have a management team which treats both its front line employees AND customers as liabilities rather than assets, and treats both with contempt, there is a fundamental problem. The shareholders DO NOT come first. The Employees and Customers do.

If you are able to work with employees and improve morale, they try harder to please customers.

Customers who are happy come back more often and spend more.

The increased revenue from such loyalty helps profits and makes the shareholders happy.

The current management team will lie to your face and smile at you while taking as much as they can from you.

The contrast to this would be airlines such as CO and WN. They both operate with their priorities in the right order:

Employees First
Customers Second
Shareholders Third.

Take care of 1 and 2 and 3 takes care of itself.

Until and unless US realizes this, they will have a much harder time of it than other airlines. I am not saying they won't survive, but it will be a tougher path than it would have been had management made better decisions over the past three years.
On a happy note , i heard a rumor that we may get 100 dollars next month for on time and MBR .... althou we will see ...
...makes me wonder what else didnt work on the plane....

If I were a passenger on one of the USAirways transatlantic 757's with all the impromptu "speed tape" repairs to the cabin (which never, ever really get properly fixed,) I would wear my life vest through the entire flight wondering "what else didn't work on the plane."
The only people aware of the internal divisions are those involved, those who have personal contact with those involved, I would bet that even front line employees who are somewhat removed from actual flight operations (e.g. reservation agents, some of whom have never even been to an airport, let alone flown on a plane) are blissfully unaware that we are in many ways still two separate carriers.
There are still pages after pages in the DRS (direct reference system) that still say America West policy/phone numbers/info this is OLD HP stuff. The agents at the ATO and reservations read the DRS to interpret the policies and get info A lot of polices and info has change in the pass 3 years. The tools to retrieve info is QIK/SHARES stupid
There are still pages after pages in the DRS (direct reference system) that still say America West policy is...these policies are OLD HP stuff. The agents at the ATO and reservations read the DRS to interpret the policies. A lot of polices have change in the pass 3 years. The tools to retrieve info is QIK/SHARES stupid


Sounds like the crack IT team is still right on top of things.
On a happy note , i heard a rumor that we may get 100 dollars next month for on time and MBR .... althou we will see ...
No offense, but you represent the type of employees Parker loves to "massage".

Anything for that "ever-ellusive $50"

He's engaged in "class-warfare"...he knows how to work certain segments at a time.

Lift your eyes from the wheat fields..demand more for your efforts....dis-empower him.
Pennies on the dollar from what was taken from us. You'll be squealing again as soon as the next set of PHX cuts come.
Sounds good to me!! hey hey, Charlotte here I come!! Soon as the contract gets ratified, seems that Dougie and team will increase there destinations and flights out of this GOLD MINE!! Count me in, and I will gladly get out of this he!! hole I call the DESERT PHX!! :up: By the way , HOW is Everyone???!!! 😀
We have seen the cuts big time in LAS and PHX this last two months. They are by the way adding 17 additional flights back to PHX thank goodness for Nov and Dec. We shall see how next year comes to be.....? Southwest is decreasing there flights out of PHX hub by 20 or so in 2009. 😛

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