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He wont know if you are or arent from his district
The Zip Code says you are the e-mail goes through.

I vented to him yesterday

Do you think he's the first politician to get irate e-mails from people not in his district? Or that he's the only politician not to have figured that out?
I AGREE, Oberstar is a HORSES ass, one bought and paid for by NWA.

However, If YOU lived in his district, OR...you worked for NW, who by the way does NOT need DL, would'nt YOU be happy if he were to put the KIBOSH on any deal with BIG RED ??

Dougie Stealin' is the only one from NW,"licking his chops" over a potential deal w/DL !!!

It IS what it IS !

Let Anderson deal with the guy in the next room...ON HIS KNEE'S, ...Begging for any deal aka..Glen Tilton.
Keep dreaming about re-regulation...

There is no crisis in the industry. There's crisis in some portions of the industry, and that's due to both management and labor being slow in reacting to how a free market economy works.
Free market? Where? Show me a free market. Seems that you are the one slumbering.
We live in a fascist state, controlled by monopoly men running a three card monte game called the stock market. These monopoly men practice neo mercantilism, hardly a "free market." :down: :down:
By the way, fascism has very little to do with jack boots and dictators; that would be totalitarian or authoritarian (we're getting there too). Fascism is the the merger of corporate and state power.
Well, I disagree with you. Pres. Carter and a very Democrat-controlled Congress disagreed with you 30 years ago and I think they were correct. And I don't usually give Democrats much credit for anything. But they got this one right.

To paraphrase Bob Owens, in that 30 years, the only people who have truly suffered in any "crisis" of which you speak are the represented employees of the various legacy airlines. Management has done OK, airplane manufacturers have thrived and passengers have made out like bandits. So have all the bankruptcy-related suppliers like lawyers, accountants, consultants and bankers.

Check out the growth of RPMs in the last 30 years compared to the US population growth; most people with a job can afford to fly now - as often as they wish. Not so in 1978. So 299 million+ Americans have benefitted due to deregulation while fewer than a million have suffered. I'd say that's a pretty good tradeoff. Almost everyone benefits at the expense of very few. Admitedly, it's been very painful for the workers who didn't see it coming.

The current crisis? It will work itself out. Low cost providers will continue to grow and higher cost providers will either shrink or will continue to try to convince customers to pay more. Oil? Finally has climbed to reasonable levels. $10-$20/bbl prices were ridiculous and encouraged wastefullness.

In sum, the sky ain't falling. As with every industry, there's some dislocation. But eventually, you and the others who preferred the old way will retire or die.

Re-regulation? Notta chance.

Retire or Die?

Oil prices have leveled to a price you deem "socially" acceptable?

My family is the acceptable sacrifice so that Mom and Pop get cheap tickets to Disney?

It's OK that Mangement Lied, Suppliers Cried and a Kennedy driving meant others Died?

All of this rings "right" to you?

Get a program...practice it one day at a time.
<_< ------The Crisis in the Airline Industry today, is a direct result of "Deregulation!" And I believe that, in time, more people will realize this! You can make all kinds of argument to try and dispute this, but I feel in the end, some sort of "Reregulation" is the only answer!!!
There are other answers. One is a complete reorganization of the labor movement in this industry, its long overdue. We have the same structures that were put up in the regulated era and they have failed us for over two decades now.
There are other answers. One is a complete reorganization of the labor movement in this industry, its long overdue. We have the same structures that were put up in the regulated era and they have failed us for over two decades now.

Which is why the airlines like them just the way they are thank you very much!
Do you think he's the first politician to get irate e-mails from people not in his district? Or that he's the only politician not to have figured that out?

And your point is...

Do nothing like the rest of the twu sheep

And your point is...

Do nothing like the rest of the twu sheep


My point is if you think he's going to change his position based on some e-mails that may or may not be from people in his district think again.

Out of cusiosity what did you say in your e-mail?
Which is why the airlines like them just the way they are thank you very much!

You don't find any coincidence that the airlines and unions that have held onto the status quo are also the ones failing?...

Sure, go ahead and reorganize how labor in the airlines, starting with taking airlines out of the Railway Labor Act.
My point is if you think he's going to change his position based on some e-mails that may or may not be from people in his district think again.

Out of cusiosity what did you say in your e-mail?

I was going to copy and paste the e-mail on the BB but I just didnt.

If he hears from enough people with different angles about the positive and negatives brought about by mergers there is a possibility he may be swayed.
Unless he has been bought and paid for like the rest of the scum that runs this country.

But its people like you who would rather lay down
roll over
and ask the twu for more of that extra long lubricated concession
before making an effort to do something. Even if it means typing an e-mail. You are a typical twu follower.
Happy to be paying dues to a worthless union. More concessions to follow.
You don't find any coincidence that the airlines and unions that have held onto the status quo are also the ones failing?...

Sure, go ahead and reorganize how labor in the airlines, starting with taking airlines out of the Railway Labor Act.

I agree, remove the airlines from the RLA...This way when a contract expires, it expires and a REAL union can walk out at midnight.. No more going on indefinitely allowing the airlines more time to BUY off politicians and use the billions in unrestricted cash to solidify their contingency plans..

I'm all for it.
Yep. It also eliminates the closed shop in states with RTW, which is probably more of a benefit to the members than they might believe. Once you take away cumpulsory membership and dues payment, the union has no choice but to prove their worth. Today, there's no incentive for them to produce anything except rhetoric.
I was going to copy and paste the e-mail on the BB but I just didnt.

If he hears from enough people with different angles about the positive and negatives brought about by mergers there is a possibility he may be swayed.
Unless he has been bought and paid for like the rest of the scum that runs this country.

But its people like you who would rather lay down
roll over
and ask the twu for more of that extra long lubricated concession
before making an effort to do something. Even if it means typing an e-mail. You are a typical twu follower.
Happy to be paying dues to a worthless union. More concessions to follow.

I guess you expected to get a rise out of me with that line about rolling over. Well I to have sent an e-mail to an elected representative. It was a number of years ago when some were talking about baseball style for the airlines. I wrote an e-mail to my senator voicing my opposition to it. Of course I included my address to show that I was actually from the state. Now of course one e-mail is not going to sway the views of a senator. However it probably would have more of an affect than some rambling e-mail from someone out of state.

I've noticed a pattern on this message board. If you don't agree with certain people here you get labeled a TWU follower, stoolie etc, etc. That's funny considering at one time I was one of those guys handing out AMFA cards. What’s even funnier is when guys like you talk about outsourcing and how AMT's are getting screwed. Then you turn around and brag about flying on an airline that sends some of its aircraft to Central America for heavy maintenance.
I guess you expected to get a rise out of me with that line about rolling over. Well I to have sent an e-mail to an elected representative. It was a number of years ago when some were talking about baseball style for the airlines. I wrote an e-mail to my senator voicing my opposition to it. Of course I included my address to show that I was actually from the state. Now of course one e-mail is not going to sway the views of a senator. However it probably would have more of an affect than some rambling e-mail from someone out of state.

I've noticed a pattern on this message board. If you don't agree with certain people here you get labeled a TWU follower, stoolie etc, etc. That's funny considering at one time I was one of those guys handing out AMFA cards. What’s even funnier is when guys like you talk about outsourcing and how AMT's are getting screwed. Then you turn around and brag about flying on an airline that sends some of its aircraft to Central America for heavy maintenance.

OK so once you handed out AMFA cards I organized card drives at MIA and LGA for the past 15 years. Big Deal you dont impress me.
I hate to burst your bubble but AA has been having A checks done in south America for quite some time. it may not be Heavy but its still Maint.
I brag about flying on an airline that does its Maint in south America because it was cheaper to fly Jet Blue then AA.
If I didnt take a 15 thousand dollar pay cut I may have actually paid AA for that positive space ticket. What really is a shame is that it cost more for an employee of AA to fly positive space "AA 20" then to fly on jet blue.
I am surprised we dont see eye to eye on most things since you call yourself an AMFA suporter.
opinions are like Arse holes everybody has one


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