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OK so once you handed out AMFA cards I organized card drives at MIA and LGA for the past 15 years. Big Deal you dont impress me.
I hate to burst your bubble but AA has been having A checks done in south America for quite some time. it may not be Heavy but its still Maint.
I brag about flying on an airline that does its Maint in south America because it was cheaper to fly Jet Blue then AA.
If I didnt take a 15 thousand dollar pay cut I may have actually paid AA for that positive space ticket. What really is a shame is that it cost more for an employee of AA to fly positive space "AA 20" then to fly on jet blue.
I am surprised we dont see eye to eye on most things since you call yourself an AMFA suporter.
opinions are like Arse holes everybody has one


You can try and rationalize it all you want. It does not change the fact that you are a hypocrite.
OK so once you handed out AMFA cards I organized card drives at MIA and LGA for the past 15 years. Big Deal you dont impress me.
I hate to burst your bubble but AA has been having A checks done in south America for quite some time. it may not be Heavy but its still Maint.

Better to just let those airplanes sit for 12 hours a day in EZE or GRU than to do an occasional A check? Anyway, Fixer talked specifically about HEAVY maintenance, and you bring up A checks. Figures.

I brag about flying on an airline that does its Maint in south America because it was cheaper to fly Jet Blue then AA.
If I didnt take a 15 thousand dollar pay cut I may have actually paid AA for that positive space ticket. What really is a shame is that it cost more for an employee of AA to fly positive space "AA 20" then to fly on jet blue.

Well, you're nothing if not an independent thinker - good to see that you don't blindly follow the typical union rule of "never buy nonunion." Your memory isn't too sharp, though. AA wasn't charging more, it was charging LESS (including your discount).

You paid nonunion jetBlew $2 more than AA's AA20 discount fare, according to your original post:


So you paid some nonunion pukes more money than your own employer would have charged. Do you shop at nonunion stores that are MORE expensive than their union counterparts? Typically, Wal-Mart is cheaper, but there are some nonunion specialty shops that are more expensive.

About that $15k paycut: If you hadn't taken it, you would have just experienced a larger paycut when AA filed its Ch 11 petition.
Fine, and as long as they put us under the NLRA I'd be all for it.

You and I have agreed on that for years.

If I'm not mistaken, NLRA also opens up the possibility of having multiple unions on property, no?
Better to just let those airplanes sit for 12 hours a day in EZE or GRU than to do an occasional A check? Anyway, Fixer talked specifically about HEAVY maintenance, and you bring up A checks. Figures.

Well, you're nothing if not an independent thinker - good to see that you don't blindly follow the typical union rule of "never buy nonunion." Your memory isn't too sharp, though. AA wasn't charging more, it was charging LESS (including your discount).

You paid nonunion jetBlew $2 more than AA's AA20 discount fare, according to your original post:


So you paid some nonunion pukes more money than your own employer would have charged. Do you shop at nonunion stores that are MORE expensive than their union counterparts? Typically, Wal-Mart is cheaper, but there are some nonunion specialty shops that are more expensive.

About that $15k paycut: If you hadn't taken it, you would have just experienced a larger paycut when AA filed its Ch 11 petition.

So it depends on what kind of maint gets done. And you call me a hipocrit. Let me know the rules on outsourceing so I can better understand your logic.

Not only was the fare cheaper but i didnt have to drive down to MIA to fly to NYC. Give people the choice MIA or FLL and 99 percent would choose FLL

We never filed chapter 11 yet you know that I would have taken more of a paycut. Do you have tomorrows lottery numbers. You seem to be all knowing about things that never happen. But that is what I expect from people like you.
You can try and rationalize it all you want. It does not change the fact that you are a hypocrite.

rationalize what
that A checks get down down south

Or that i flew jet blue because it was easier cheaper and more enjoyable than flying AA
So it depends on what kind of maint gets done. And you call me a hipocrit. Let me know the rules on outsourceing so I can better understand your logic.

I'm fairly certain that the maintenance in S America (just like in the UK) is performed by employees of American Airlines. Just like you are. You can argue that it's "outsourced" until you're blue in the face and very few people will agree with you.

Not only was the fare cheaper but i didnt have to drive down to MIA to fly to NYC. Give people the choice MIA or FLL and 99 percent would choose FLL

You're either having trouble with the memory or you're truth-challenged, because in your original post where you bragged about buying the jetBlew ticket, you said that B6 wanted $99 and that AA wanted (with your AA20 discount) $97. So AA was cheaper. Meaning you paid more to B6 so you could fly that nonunion crap carrier than it would have cost to fly AA. See for yourself:

I want to fly to MIA on April 23 considering its spring break I figured I would use the employee option of a positive space AA 20. I checked Jet Blue and the fare is 99 dollars. So I figure an AA 20 would be 60 or 70 dollars which I would pay. I went to the ticket counter today and they tell me it is 97 dollars. What is the point of giving us a discount when I can fly another carrier for the same money and better service. Another slap in the face by AA
I will be flying Jet Blue on the 23rd and I will also pay the extra 32 dollars to park in FLL for the 4 Days.
I would rather give the money to jet blue Thanks AA another satisfied employee.


So, which post was accurate? Last year or this year?

We never filed chapter 11 yet you know that I would have taken more of a paycut. Do you have tomorrows lottery numbers. You seem to be all knowing about things that never happen. But that is what I expect from people like you.

I'm confident the paycuts would have been more severe had AA filed. And your knee-jerk disagreement with that opinion is probably what I should expect from "people like you."
Dunno if the paycuts alone would have been deeper, but the overall impact including benefits and retirement would have gone farther, and there'd have been a lot more job losses. AA's employees got an unsolicited slap on the butt compared to the gang-raping that took place at the other legacy carriers...
I'm fairly certain that the maintenance in S America (just like in the UK) is performed by employees of American Airlines. Just like you are. You can argue that it's "outsourced" until you're blue in the face and very few people will agree with you.


You're either having trouble with the memory or you're truth-challenged, because in your original post where you bragged about buying the jetBlew ticket, you said that B6 wanted $99 and that AA wanted (with your AA20 discount) $97. So AA was cheaper. Meaning you paid more to B6 so you could fly that nonunion crap carrier than it would have cost to fly AA. See for yourself:


So, which post was accurate? Last year or this year?

I'm confident the paycuts would have been more severe had AA filed. And your knee-jerk disagreement with that opinion is probably what I should expect from "people like you."

The A checks in South America are not done by AA employees. And to think I thought you knew everything

Ok I paid 2 dollars more for the jetblue fare but i didnt have to drive down to MIA to fly to NYC. Give people the choice MIA or FLL and 99 percent would choose FLL

we will never know what the paycuts would have been because bankruptcy never happened. So you can claim anything you want but no matter how you slice it it is Bull sit
we will never know what the paycuts would have been because bankruptcy never happened. So you can claim anything you want but no matter how you slice it it is Bull sit

You might never know what the cuts would have been, but it's hardly BS.

It's an unshakeable fact that the unions who either cut a deal before arbrogation or went thru arbrogation process wound up with noteable cuts in pay, reduced benefits (both health and retirement), and in most cases, the wholesale scrapping of workrules and scope clauses.

Anyone believing that they'd have been better off in front of a judge is in serious denial.

Despite all the wringing of hands by AMR employees, it's also an unshakeable fact that scope clauses and retirement benefits were essentially untouched in the RPA's. Health benefits were largely untouched, and workrules were moderately touched. The cuts sucked, but it could have been far worse (i.e. the Vermont Plan).

Your paycuts might have been less if the job cuts had gone deeper, and more workrules had been set aside, but that's not how it worked out. Your union chose dues over pay.

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