Piney Bob,
Let me start by stating that I appreciate your continued business. I can't speak for LavMan, but I am offering an employee's view. Each labor group on the property voted to accept concessions. We whine and complain, but the reality is that the majority of every labor group on the property voted yes. What we did not vote for was the complete disregard by management for the very language that includes their signatures! The easy way out would be for every person who is angry to just walk away. I don't know you from a cake of soap, but you appear to have determination and staying-power. I believe you have posted previously that when you were confronted with unscrupulous management you took matters into your own hands. I must admit, I was taken aback when I read that post. I assume for your plan to have been successful you had to think things through privately. This board is an avenue for employees to vent. I truly doubt Lavman or any other employee hopes you lose your miles. What many of the labor members on the property are attempting to do is fight back within the system. Let me stress, I do not condone malicious acts, but I do condone holding management to the language they signed.