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This Guy Makes Me Sick...

LavMan said:
How so? For sticking up for the contract? For telling the truth how Dave and his robber barons are fleasing the employees?

GO drink some more Koolaide!
You want to punish our customers by driving US Airways out of business so that customers lose frequent flyer miles.

That is the most ignorant statement that I have heard for a while....
Who is punishing the passenger?

Dave is by blatantly violating a labor contract that they agreed with, it is not the employees who are firing the first shot, but we will defend our work with all necessary and legal means when Dave does.

THe most ignorant statement is when you post and you have no idea of all the facts surronding what is going on!
LavMan said:
Who is punishing the passenger?

Dave is by blatantly violating a labor contract that they agreed with, it is not the employees who are firing the first shot, but we will defend our work with all necessary and legal means when Dave does.

THe most ignorant statement is when you post and you have no idea of all the facts surronding what is going on!
I work here genius, and I do know what is happening. Wishing you go out of business to punish Bob is unbelievable....
Read it again

I said when Dave farms it out,(no one knows what he is gonna do yet), COMPREHEND, it is a scenario that is possible, because if the IAM strikes, you will see the other labor groups honor our picket line and it will cause this company great economic harm because of a decision of MANAGEMENT, not the employees or the unions.
Bob, I was just comparing the employees loss of wages, benefits, pension, sick time, vacation time, jobs and many other things to your CP DMs. Seemed like a fair comparison to me.
Piney Bob,
Let me start by stating that I appreciate your continued business. I can't speak for LavMan, but I am offering an employee's view. Each labor group on the property voted to accept concessions. We whine and complain, but the reality is that the majority of every labor group on the property voted yes. What we did not vote for was the complete disregard by management for the very language that includes their signatures! The easy way out would be for every person who is angry to just walk away. I don't know you from a cake of soap, but you appear to have determination and staying-power. I believe you have posted previously that when you were confronted with unscrupulous management you took matters into your own hands. I must admit, I was taken aback when I read that post. I assume for your plan to have been successful you had to think things through privately. This board is an avenue for employees to vent. I truly doubt Lavman or any other employee hopes you lose your miles. What many of the labor members on the property are attempting to do is fight back within the system. Let me stress, I do not condone malicious acts, but I do condone holding management to the language they signed.
You REALLY need to get a life!!!!!! You are like a broken record. Stop already will ya????????
hmm, breaking into other's people offices, stealing their documents, no wonder why you love Siegel and Glass, you are immoral and have no scruples.

I am done with you, since now you showed your true colors.

BREAKING THE LAW and being nothing more then a common CRIMINAL!
Twicebaked said:
You REALLY need to get a life!!!!!! You are like a broken record. Stop already will ya????????
This is a truly great post!!!! I think I am bad checking the forums a few times a week only because I work for the company and am interested what is going on in "Rumor Control" There is a fair number of you folks who live on this forum 24/7!!!! In other words people you have NO LIFE!!!!!!!! For those of you unfortunate enough to work for U maybe if you put that amount of time into your job maybe just maybe this sorry excuse for an airline may survive! And the others who do not work for U but seem to have nothing better to do than monitor this forum(moderators excluded)...GET A LIFE!!!!

Way I see it, you're the only one obviously with any cash since you must work in your spare time. So, how about taking us out for some entertainment, since this forum that is free is the only entertainment we folks on here can afford...

Whatd'ya say? Spare some change for a beer?
Please respect the opinions of our members and avoid personal insults. This will not be tolerated on the boards.
Piney Bob,
Your post indicates that you held your ground against management. Why then, do you find fault with labor in general and LavMan in particular when attempting to hold management to the agreements they signed? Labor is not engaging in covert activities, such as sneaking into offices and copying documents. If I have to choose between covert activities and insisting management honor their word, I must agree with Cavalier. I elect to take the high road.

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