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This Guy Makes Me Sick...


I get it, believe me. We, me and you, are seen as numbers. But, that really doesn't work so well in the real world of human beings. Ben steams your clams enough, you take your dollars elsewhere. Dave (or rather jerry) steams the employees clams enough and the system starts to fail. You find another airline who cares about your dollars enough to take good care of you. The employees either quit and go elsewhere, or stay and lose all interest in anything but check out time. Is that any way to run a business?

My customers matter to me. If they are happy, my job is easy. Enlightened self-interest, I think it's called. I enjoy my job and would prefer to keep it. And take pride in doing it well as part of a TEAM.

The only part of TEAM the Daves, Ben and Jerry recognize is the "ME". That can't last in a service industry. Transportation is a service that requires lots of team effort. That's where they are failing, miserably. They aren't team leaders.

PineyBob said:
Of course according to Cav, turning the tables on two of them and getting them fired is somehow immoral in his little world. How exactly I haven't figured out yet!

You are the one who keeps bringing up the fact you had two people fired and are proud of it with justification in your own small mind that it was it was them or you. Anyone with scruples knows how much weight your opinions really carry given your belief system of screw them before they screw me. My small world, your words, of a belief system has worked well for me for over a quarter of a century through very difficult times and I am still ticking thank you very much, ask people on these boards who know me as to that fact. You come on these boards with opinions all over the place according to the phase of the moon wanting yourself to be heard. This shows where you are at Bob, lost totally and completely and I feel only sorrow for your kind because until you see the true light you will continue to live in darkness and be lost. I brought this up only because you won’t let it die. I will not bring up this matter anymore even if you still feel compelled to do so, you are driven out of the old thing called, guilt, which God put there for a reason.
PineyBob said:
Dea Certe said:

I get it, believe me. We, me and you, are seen as numbers. But, that really doesn't work so well in the real world of human beings. Ben steams your clams enough, you take your dollars elsewhere. Dave (or rather jerry) steams the employees clams enough and the system starts to fail. You find another airline who cares about your dollars enough to take good care of you. The employees either quit and go elsewhere, or stay and lose all interest in anything but check out time. Is that any way to run a business?

My customers matter to me. If they are happy, my job is easy. Enlightened self-interest, I think it's called. I enjoy my job and would prefer to keep it. And take pride in doing it well as part of a TEAM.

The only part of TEAM the Daves, Ben and Jerry recognize is the "ME". That can't last in a service industry. Transportation is a service that requires lots of team effort. That's where they are failing, miserably. They aren't team leaders.

At least not yet. I think the have an agenda that involves outsourcing huge amounts of maintenance, badgering the older workers into retiring to create a lower pay structure.

When they have pushed as far as they can, IMHO almost as if by magic they will stop and begin mending fences in a big way. That will happen IMO when the string 2 successive quarters together.
Piney Robert,

If dave comes back for more, he will kill it.
PineyBob said:
cavalier said:
PineyBob said:
Of course according to Cav, turning the tables on two of them and getting them fired is somehow immoral in his little world. How exactly I haven't figured out yet!

You are the one who keeps bringing up the fact you had two people fired and are proud of it with justification in your own small mind that it was it was them or you. Anyone with scruples knows how much weight your opinions really carry given your belief system of screw them before they screw me. My small world, your words, of a belief system has worked well for me for over a quarter of a century through very difficult times and I am still ticking thank you very much, ask people on these boards who know me as to that fact. You come on these boards with opinions all over the place according to the phase of the moon wanting yourself to be heard. This shows where you are at Bob, lost totally and completely and I feel only sorrow for your kind because until you see the true light you will continue to live in darkness and be lost. I brought this up only because you won’t let it die. I will not bring up this matter anymore even if you still feel compelled to do so, you are driven out of the old thing called, guilt, which God put there for a reason.
Never EVER lecture me on faith or religion EVER! You don't know one thing about me. Even the Bible speaks of an "Eye for an Eye", So lose the holier than thou attitude. Your moral superiority nauseates me. That's why the religous right takes such a pounding.

What ever happened to the Mennonite concept of humility? OH Wait I guess the Mennonites haven't found the Cavelier ONE PATH TO HEAVEN - MY PATH!

One of the reasons I got off the corporate ladder was to get away from the people like those 2 gentlemen. And for the record I sleep like a baby. GUILT??? I feel guilty that i didn't do it years earlier and saved several co-workers from thier BS!

Actions speak louder than words! Instead of hiding behind the Cross and the IAM's skirt like you, I took action! Action to preserve my standard of living and to protect my family. For that I could never feel guilt. Pride perhaps, but no guilt.

Just for the record Cavelier I was Baptised in the Delaware River at the age of 14, one year after the death of my father. The congregation sang "Just as I Am" on the River banks.

Question my opinions? FINE, Challenge my assumptions? Love it!

My deeply held convictions and faith keep me from doing many of the things I need to do to be totally successful in modern business. I will never rise above where I am because of it. I know it, I accept it. It's a trade-off I'm prepared to make. That faith remains mostly private and personal. Don't like it? TOUGH DARTS. Just keep hitting people over the head with the Cross and see how many embrace it. Also remember that Christ railed against hypocracy much more than sin, a fact ignored by most fundamentalists who are to busy worrying about Howard Stern saying Penis on the radio.

Also remember this country was founded on personal and religous liberty. Note in the Delaration of Indepence it says "Creator" not Jesus, not God, Not Allah, not Budda, but rather "Creator" was chosen as most religions believe in a "Creator"

You may be surprised Cav, I may be more conservative spiritually than you! The difference is I tolerate others and their point of view and make a concerted effort NOT to judge. I fail at both of these tasks because I am human. But I will defend myself, I think I missed the day in Sunday school when they taught about "Turning the other cheek"

Looks like I hit the right spot. LOL

If you think for one second that senior management will be able to repair morale on any tinsy winsy level if they "out source " work from the mechanics and related, you are more of a wishful, hopeful thinker of humanity than the Pope.

After the winter concession IT WAS OVER WITH ANY TRUST. With the termination of the pilots pensions; their futures, IT WAS IN CEMENT.

Continued disregard of our employees contracts and terminations happening system wide on a daily basis along with the prospect of "out sourcing" with more elmination of jobs, there is no way you look at these folks and say "savior" (don't mean no jesus either). If they made millions and millions of profits for this company, they would make millions and millions in their pockets. The employees are tied to 2009 contracts with 20,000 jobs and still counting GONE!

Total wipe out. And our fate is still looming in their hands with something else brewing.

Never. Until now.
One more thing Bob, I am here for the count...when they leave, ALL of them, I leave. I stay ONLY for the employees.

I receive tremedous satisfaction protecting my people in every single aspect of their job. I can rest my head on my pillow knowing I am raising hell every which way I can to draw attention to the degradation of our employees here at U. Since management knows no "middle ground", I remain tightly perched and positioned on the LEFT.

If you knew exactly what I do daily, you would know why I remain.
Does anybody remember "Chainsaw Al Dunlap"? I think "Labor Friendly Dave" and "Chainsaw Al" may be brothers! We all know the fate of "Chainsaw Al".
Like I said before, I was here long before Dave and his robber barrons came along, and I will be here long after they are gone!
LavMan said:
Like I said before, I was here long before Dave and his robber barrons came along, and I will be here long after they are gone!
So you really expect the company to survive this crowd!!!!

That seems a little optomistic.
Bob, you have no clue, go ask the 20,000 employees who have lost their jobs, go ask the pilots who have been here for 20+ years and no have no pension, go ask the numerous employees who have had to file bankruptcy to survive, do I need to go on?

Bob when I am at work I do my job to the best ability I have, but I will be damned if I will let these robber barons screw me or any of my coworkers over, I have been here 15 years and Dave and his gang just over 18 months, we built this company and saved this company, Dave did not give back $1.1 Billion a year in concessions, he has the audacity to build a new house in SXM while those of us who work for a living are struggling every day to survive.

I am sick and tired of you and how you feel the employees should be servants and Dave the master. You have no idea of what it is to work for this company.

If US Airways Group violated any of Dave and his robber barons employment contracts they would call their lawyers and sue, but god forbid us employees who just took it in the butt stand up for our contracts you chastize us.

You really need to get a clue.

Bob I hope when this company tries to farmout the airbus work and the courts decalre it a major dispute and we strike and the other unionized employees honor our picket line and if it causes this company to go out of business, I want to see your reaction when you lose all your dividend miles which your company pays for your ticket to earn those miles not out of your own pocket disapear like our economic livlihoods have and see how you whine and cry.
Qoute by LavMan:
Bob I hope when this company tries to farmout the airbus work and the courts decalre it a major dispute and we strike and the other unionized employees honor our picket line and if it causes this company to go out of business, I want to see your reaction when you lose all your dividend miles which your company pays for your ticket to earn those miles not out of your own pocket disapear like our economic livlihoods have and see how you whine and cry.


You are an embarrassment to everyone who works at Airways or is affiliated with organized labor…

How so? For sticking up for the contract? For telling the truth how Dave and his robber barons are fleasing the employees?

GO drink some more Koolaide!
Bob, you dont know me nor my education nor what I am skilled at, I will be fine if U disapears, but you on the other hand still don't get it.

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