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HEY EINSTEIN, maybe you did'nt read the rap sheet on these illegal FELONY law breakers! fake ID's, fake S.S. #s, etc.etc. you suppose they had authenic F.A.A certfied A%P's? OH YEA THATS RIGHT THE U.S. DOES'NT HAVE JURISDICTION OVER FOREIGN CARRIER'S LISCENSING PROCEDURES 😱 lets see they lie about every thing else but they are trustworthy to sign off on an aircrafts airwothiness :shock: you are one lame duck! you would make prime superviser pencil whip material. 😉
local 12 proud said:
HEY EINSTEIN, maybe you did'nt read the rap sheet on these illegal FELONY law breakers!
Perhaps you are unaware of the reasons that prior convictions are not permissible in court as evidence of guilt of other crimes?

These people may well not know what they're doing, but if so it's not because they are Filipino. <_<
AP Tech said:
It is up to their employer to do the background checks and it is obvious they did not.....
Were I to bet on what really happened, I'd bet that the employer knew full well that they were illegal. It's just far better for them from a legal standpoint to feign ignorance.
falsifying government records such as I.D's, S.S#s, etc. is a "CRIME" regardless of their past transgressions. THEY LIED TO OBTAIN WORK ON FALSE PRETENSE'S!. no one said it had anything to do with being fillipino, you choose to make this a racial issue. DON'T TWIST MY WORD'S......LIKE I SAID, YOU WOULD MAKE GOOD PENCIL WHIP MATERIAL. perhaps when you get out of buissness school a airline job awaits you :lol: OH BTW YOU WILL ALSO NEED TO OBTAIN AN A&P FIRST IN ORDER TO WHIP THOSE LOG BOOKS 😉
It shows that if the employer did not do the required background check. It makes you think what kind of work they permit to happen or not happen.
AP Tech said:
Just maybe they should do a check on Mobile Aerospace and see what they find there? Verious curious to see where the 1000+ so called "other" personnel are from......Maybe that is why they are so competetive on their costs?
Airport ID: BFM
Physical Location:

MOBILE , AL 36615
U.S. Phone: (251)438-8822
Foreign Phone:
Fax: 2514388892

Certificated Mechanics: 532
Repairmen: 74
Non-Certificated Mechanics: 1173
Total Employees: 1776
mweiss said:
Just so we're all crystal clear on the point, could one of you explain why the fact that these are Filipinos illegally in the US means that they do shoddy work on aircraft?
Everyone is supposed to work from reference documents, such as Maintenance Manuals and Structural Repair Manuals. If these manuals are difficult for life-long english read-write-speak folks with A&P certificates to follow (due to poor presentation in the manuals), how do you think a foriegn national will do comprehending these documents? The FAA could generate a lot of money in fines by showing up and asking each worker on an airplane at one of these shops for his/her/it's manual reference that they are working from, but then that would be some harassing oversight and the front-line FAA inspectors would get their leashes yanked on for being too aggressive and raising operating costs.

It doesn't seem like a level playing field between in-house and outsourced shops. It would be nice if the rules applied to all.
Yep, but the FAA doesn't hesitate to show up and check F/A emergency manuals and cook your goose. Just very recently a F/A retrieved her new Emergency Manual version in her mailbox upon starting a trip. She had it with her, but had not yet had the time to actually put in her binder. She got 3 days suspension.

And my F/O told me on my last trip, that he personally knows of an FAA guy out of LGA who told him, that they go easy on the JetBlue guys, because the are "the new kids on the block"!
F/A's are low fruit to pick and very easy to enforce. Sorry. Like I said, the rules do not seem to be applied to all.
mweiss said:
Just so we're all crystal clear on the point, could one of you explain why the fact that these are Filipinos illegally in the US means that they do shoddy work on aircraft?
weiss, Do you know whether or not illegal aliens that work on transport aircraft in this country recieve a extensive background check, and are they subjected to Drug and Alcohol Testing ?....... People in this country have SHORT memories.... - 9/11/01 -still seems very vivid to me....I wonder what our "Homeland Security" director thinks about this sort of activity ?
insp89, do you know if the natural-born US citizens working at these firms recieve a extensive background check, and are they subjected to drug and alcohol testing?

It ain't the nationality that's the problem here.
mweiss said:
insp89, do you know if the natural-born US citizens working at these firms recieve a extensive background check, and are they subjected to drug and alcohol testing?

It ain't the nationality that's the problem here.
Mr. Weiss,.... It is not my intent to make a "nationatily" debate out of these posts.. I would like to focus on the question as to whether these "firms" that work on our nations transport aircraft,.... Recieve the same background checks , Alcohol & Drug testing,... as the A&P mechanics of this nations airlines, are REQUIRED to by the FAA ??
My sense is no. The FAA has not done a good job in enforcement in years.
insp89 said:
Mr. Weiss,.... It is not my intent to make a "nationatily" debate out of these posts.. I would like to focus on the question as to whether these "firms" that work on our nations transport aircraft,.... Recieve the same background checks , Alcohol & Drug testing,... as the A&P mechanics of this nations airlines, are REQUIRED to by the FAA ??
unfortunatly the answer to your question is yes employees of part 145 repair stations are subjected to the same background checks and drug and alcohol testing as the employees of the airlines. The loophole to that would be if the repair station brings in contractors the contract personnel are under regulated by thier employers. In that case the background checks and drug and alcohol testing is completed by the contract house.
dash8dr said:
unfortunatly the answer to your question is yes employees of part 145 repair stations are subjected to the same background checks and drug and alcohol testing as the employees of the airlines. The loophole to that would be if the repair station brings in contractors the contract personnel are under regulated by thier employers. In that case the background checks and drug and alcohol testing is completed by the contract house.
Sounds like a mighty big "loophole", Wonder if the FAA is looking into this ?
yes sir insp89, the fed's will be all over it just as soon as a plane load knock's a big ole smoldering hole in the ground. :angry:

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