Are you personally a flight crew member?? Because you seem to have an awful amount of faith in MAE and their performance concerning our Airbus aircraft.
Mark my words.....when the day comes (and it will) that you are sky high and the airplane doesn't want to fly anymore and the houses are getting bigger.....think really hard about that 14 day maintenance visit at MAE.....and all the money UAIR saved while getting "QUALITY" work performed.
Again, your ignorance is legendary!!
Are you personally a flight crew member?? Because you seem to have an awful amount of faith in MAE and their performance concerning our Airbus aircraft.
Mark my words.....when the day comes (and it will) that you are sky high and the airplane doesn't want to fly anymore and the houses are getting bigger.....think really hard about that 14 day maintenance visit at MAE.....and all the money UAIR saved while getting "QUALITY" work performed.
Again, your ignorance is legendary!!