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The uniform (TIE) is here!

I hope it all comes at once. I have a nosey 82 year old neighbor who thinks she's being friendly by bringing my boxes to my front door while I'm away. She later questions/comments on their contents, and knocks on the door to see that I got them, really just trying to get a peek inside.
I hope it all comes at once. I have a nosey 82 year old neighbor who thinks she's being friendly by bringing my boxes to my front door while I'm away. She later questions/comments on their contents, and knocks on the door to see that I got them, really just trying to get a peek inside.

I can only imagine that you, the stewardess, are the preferred topic of conversation among her friends! :shock:
I hope it all comes at once. I have a nosey 82 year old neighbor who thinks she's being friendly by bringing my boxes to my front door while I'm away. She later questions/comments on their contents, and knocks on the door to see that I got them, really just trying to get a peek inside.
I got my belt!!

(in one rather large box!)

I won't look good just wearing the belt! LOL

Hope the rest comes....!!
really just trying to get a peek inside.

Well when you get your entire uniform, invite her (and any of her nosey friends) and put on an EMBFA fashion show. That way they can see the whole shebang at once, your place and your fancy new u-ni-form. 🙄

I have also talked to several people at work about getting uniform pieces and have had 1 other person say they got all of theirs at the same time and many say they havent received anything yet.
Oh..good heavens...I got mine in one huge box. The FedEx man pulled up...I went outside to meet him...(to keep the the dogs from having him for lunch) and I really didn't know at the time it was my uniform being delivered. I asked the fellowed as he was walking it up to the house...who the heck was sending that box to me. And his response was...Twin Hill.

Twin Hill?!! Oh my! I say to him.. that's my new uniform. He looks down at the box...looks back at me and says..."What is this... a suit of armor?? Cuz it weighs a ton!! I laughed my head off.

Anyway, I got every piece I ordered in that box. I'm sure I'm not the only one. Everything. :up:

Thats great news and how it's properly done. :up:
I went online and changed my address with Twinhill. I live in CC and do not have a car. I cannot afford transportation multiple times to FedEx. I cannot believe they are shipping the uniform in multiple shipments. Give me a GD break! I went ahead and changed my shipping address to:

OPR Table
Second seat with torn fabric
Philadelphia, PA 19113
Good lord people do some of you listen to yourselves? Never mind the complainers but these that defend the company at any cost. Do you realize that the company is never, ever, ever responsible for anything? It's always this or that or due to someone or something else. US was most likely a nightmare to deal with. And jetsetter if the dates are wrong then why are they posted when you check? TOTAL BS. And Good for you Dessertgal that you got all your pieces in ONE box. I'm kind of hoping my pieces come separate as my delivery man is HOT, HOT, HOT....Keep the packages coming. :up:
that is so unfair that you have a hot delivery man....anyway I got a lot of boxes it was like christmas LOL 2 boxes for the scarves, 1 box for the aprons, 1 box for the jackets, 2 boxes for the sweaters, 1 box for the shirts anyways that is my update
I went online and changed my address with Twinhill. I live in CC and do not have a car. I cannot afford transportation multiple times to FedEx. I cannot believe they are shipping the uniform in multiple shipments. Give me a GD break! I went ahead and changed my shipping address to:

OPR Table
Second seat with torn fabric
Philadelphia, PA 19113
that is a good one
I went online and changed my address with Twinhill. I live in CC and do not have a car. I cannot afford transportation multiple times to FedEx. I cannot believe they are shipping the uniform in multiple shipments. Give me a GD break! I went ahead and changed my shipping address to:

OPR Table
Second seat with torn fabric
Philadelphia, PA 19113

What happens when you order things from Amazon and they ship items separately? It's amazing that Twin Hill is shipping like every other company in America.
I have approx. 20+ items on order. Do not send a belt one day and a tie the next. Get it? If I were ever to order from "Amazon" and I was asked to run to FedEx each time I missed a package of "20" to follow, I would shop elsewhere. Twinhill is at fault. <_<
I could swear my neighbor just headed out into the rain with that swooshoriffic scarf on her head.
That was really uncalled for. EMBFA, I really expected better from you. I will just chalk this one up to getting caught in the heat of the moment. You have nobody to blame except your very own MEC East President Mike Flores for the profit "sharing".
Why don’t you just say thank you instead of putting fuel on the fire
Why don’t you just say thank you instead of putting fuel on the fire

Why don't you read the post to which I was replying. I will not express gratitude for myself or any of my colleagues to be referred to as a "trailer park" crowd.

A good post-fire investigation discovers the source of the fire....why don't you do that next time before spouting off.

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