Pants Unknown ETA
I dont understand all the drama in the above posts, you should have your uniform by the end of this month. The dates listed in your order status was an estimate, and you should not rely on those dates.
There are only a few items that will ship out after the roll out, and that would include the Bold tie for men and the Livery scarf for women. Those items are due out end of March 08.
Oh here we go! The feeding bell is ringing for the koolaid feeding. The company ultimately has responsibility. If your vendor can't meet the date because you (the company) are cheap with unrealistic expectations of rollout, that's USAIRWAYS problem. Some of you really just need to step back and listen to your defense of this place. Keep licking guys. So much koolaid so little time.
DING DING DING....calling all Westies to defend the America West honor! I don't care about the thing anymore. It can come one box at a time, I don't care anymore. Cracked out is what it is.
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Oh, the aprons are delayed, this must be because not enough people put it on the survey. Um, didn't the company say it's a required item? And sice they are One Size Fits All, wouldn't that be the easiest order to fill? One for each F/A?
Now, what is the "livery" scarf? The swooshy one? I hope no one expects us to wear the Jay Jay the Jet Plane one until then? I'd rather tie a dirty table rag from Jet Rock around my neck.
Does anyone have the web address for our twinhill orders?