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The uniform (TIE) is here!

I can't wait until my cacky culottes come.

i hope I get them tomorrow.

Just in time to wear them to church.
That's right - it's the companies fault that almost all distribution companies Amazon.com, Wal-Mart.com, Landsend.com etc never ship partial shipments. What were those guys thinking in tempe by selecting a company that ships items like the rest of world. These people are really drinking the companies kool-aide.
Hi all, word out on the street is that uniforms have begun shipping to FAs.

Uniform Shipping Update

As of this past Monday, 1000 FA uniforms had been shipped. By the end of this week that number should be 4000. By the end of next week we should be at 5500 to 6000. Once FA uniforms have been shipped we will move on to CSAs. That means CSA should start receiving items by the end of the month.

A few important reminders regarding your uniform shipment:

What should I do when I get my order?

First, open your order right away and verify your packing slip matches what you received. Then try on all your pieces to make sure they fit. If you need to return anything, please initiate the return immediately as it may take 2-3 weeks to get an exchange processed. Return process is included in your order.

The last date for flight attendants to return garments to TwinHill for exchange will be February 8, 2008 to ensure your items are sent back in time for the launch on March 3rd. Please note: All flight attendants are expected to be in compliance on launch day.

When can I wear my new uniform?

Your new uniform cannot be worn until your departmental program launch date: March 3rd for Flight Attendants and a Customer Service launch date to be determined and communicated later this month.

It’s cold! Can I at least wear my new all-weather coat?

Yes, your new all-weather coat is the only piece that can be worn immediately upon delivery.

How will alterations be handled? Am I on my own?
The garments that are sent to you will be the size that fit you best at your fitting. No alterations are made by TwinHill, unless you choose to receive your pants pre-hemmed. If you need any alterations for your new garments you have two options – take them to your favorite tailor or take them to any Men's Wearhouse location (women too). The Men's Wearhouse has very competitive rates. Keep in mind the alterations must be consistent with your department's uniform expectations. Go online at www.menswearhouse.com to find any of the more than 550 Men's Wearhouse locations throughout the U.S.

I received my uniform pants and they are the wrong length. Can I return them?
No. Altered or cleaned items cannot be returned. However, you may take them to your tailor or the Men’s Wearhouse store nearest you to be re-altered to an appropriate length.

Be sure to save your receipts for alterations, you will need these to attach to your expense report reimbursements.

What is the process for a return or exchange?
TwinHill merchandise cannot be returned to a Men's Wearhouse retail location. If you need to return or exchange your TwinHill product(s) please follow the instructions below.

Please note: the last date for flight attendants to return garments to TwinHill for exchange will be February 8, 2008 to ensure your items are sent back in time for the launch on March 3rd.

If a garment has been altered in any way, including a hem, it cannot be returned for exchange or credit. If pants are ordered hemmed, the hem can be adjusted free of charge at any Men’s Wearhouse location for the life of the garment.

If the wrong size garment is ordered, TwinHill will exchange the garment as long as it has not been worn, laundered, dry cleaned or altered and the garment is returned within 30 days of receipt. The employee must cover the cost of return shipping. Remember, US Airways employees receive up to 75% off FedEx shipments.

Orders can be changed prior to garment shipping by contacting TwinHill Customer Service. Once a garment has been shipped, the return policy above will be in effect.

If the garment has a manufacturer defect such as missing buttons, broken zippers or other faulty construction, TwinHill will exchange the garment as long as it has not been worn, laundered, dry cleaned or altered. TwinHill will also exchange any garments with manufacturer’s defect within 30 days of receipt. If either of these situations occurs, please contact TwinHill’s Customer Service Department at 866-429-1026. TwinHill will pay for return shipping and quickly repair or replace the damaged merchandise. To expedite the process, when speaking with the Customer Service Department, please have the following information available:

- Packing slip or invoice number
- Your name and telephone number
- Reason for the return
- Item(s) being returned

The reverse side of all packing slips are printed with a return and exchange (if applicable) form. Please follow the instructions on the form and return your garments to the TwinHill Distribution Center for processing. We recommend that you use a return carrier that provides tracking information and guaranteed delivery (such as FedEx). Items that have been worn, altered, laundered or dry cleaned will not be accepted for return. All acceptable garments returned will be processed for credit or exchange as indicated on the form.

Return to:
TwinHill Returns
5630 Renwick
Houston, TX 77081

What if I have another question that’s not answered here? How do I get assistance?
Please call TwinHill’s Customer Service Department at 1-866-429-1026 for help.

I heard I will receive a $25 Mens Wearhouse Gift card, it was not in my shipment.

Yes, that is correct. You will receive your gift card in the mail. It is being mailed in a separate envelope with a “thank you†letter from TH.

Twin Hill ordering website:

Ok the serving apron isn't available until April 23rd? I guess due to the survey they didn't know how many of these MANDATORY items would be needed? MORON ALERT.....MORON ALERT! ! ! ! :lol: C'mon someone please spin it. :up:

So very true. Why did we even do the survey? Short on shirts, pants & aprons...what its a joke. A+ for Twinn Hill. :up:
I think any "moron" knows that the items are not being shipped by the company 🙄 but rather by Twin Hill. You guys love to blame everything on the company :rant:

My received my order yesterday and everything was in the box that I ordered..including the dreaded "dress" that I love!!! :up:

Okay DesertFA66, So you don't think the company know how many male and female F/A they have online? Wasn't the Aprons a mandatory item? Didn't they send out surveys? Between some of the bean counters and the uniform supplier there should have been some idea on the type of ordering that was needed. Tempe should just push back the date until Twin Hill can produce the merchandise.
Open up another pouch of KoolAid mix DesertFA and make sure you mix it with cold water this time. Your not mixing Jello.
You don't understand all the drama? Why not? You don't think shipping items in a box one at a time is stupid? The cost alone is outragous! Why not just ship the whole thing in ONE box. If you ahve to push the date back again so be it. Already look foolish on that front. I can understand 1-maybe 3 boxes as items become AVL but get real. Your koolaid popsicle is getting worn out on this side. Turn it around and start to lick other other end.
could it be that T.H. has different venders in several locations from where they ship...I like the old stuff got my shirts off the internet and paints from mens warehouse...IMO they can take as long as they want to ship it to me...kinda like on the airplane if I don't have it...I don't have to worry about it...I think we have to many BIG FISH to fry to worry about a silly uniform...
They can take as long as they like. The company is paying for the shipping. Don't we still get profit sharing? They want to squeeze every ounce of dignity and pay out of us on something's but turn around and will waist money on boxes and shipping just to make a rushed rollout date. That's what pisses me off.
Beachboy, your doing a fine job yourself losing your dignity with your postings.. no need to blame that all on the company. Profit sharing, I dont think there will be much of that going around after the next quarterly meeting on the 24th....be amazed to see if we made a profit.
You mean our profit sharing we shared with the trailer park crowd?
You mean our profit sharing we shared with the trailer park crowd?

That was really uncalled for. EMBFA, I really expected better from you. I will just chalk this one up to getting caught in the heat of the moment. You have nobody to blame except your very own MEC East President Mike Flores for the profit "sharing".
Well, he's a douchebag, no question there.

I don't know what color the trailer is... aqua green? "Bold" red? Awkward, dull blue with a swoosh?
Oh..good heavens...I got mine in one huge box. The FedEx man pulled up...I went outside to meet him...(to keep the the dogs from having him for lunch) and I really didn't know at the time it was my uniform being delivered. I asked the fellowed as he was walking it up to the house...who the heck was sending that box to me. And his response was...Twin Hill.

Twin Hill?!! Oh my! I say to him.. that's my new uniform. He looks down at the box...looks back at me and says..."What is this... a suit of armor?? Cuz it weighs a ton!! I laughed my head off.

Anyway, I got every piece I ordered in that box. I'm sure I'm not the only one. Everything. :up:

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