Well guess what? You work in a deregulated competetive enviornment. And your negotiations are curently stalled because the rest of us in the "global" industry have once again taken concessions which means your local enemy wants to match those concessions. This is why this fight needs to be industry wide. You cannot succeed locally, unless the rest of us succeed globally. Sorry, but that is just the way it is. Everytime one group fails, the rest suffer. Can you see that?
Our contract negotiations are not stalled at all. We make progress at every session and are making TAs of article after article at a steady pace.
While your so called global industry problems will come into play when we get to monetary negotiations, we can do NOTHING to change the global problems.
You belong to a union that represents airline employee groups at many airlines and rail workers.
They are also a member of the mighty AFL/CIO.
How has all that global power helped you as AA mechanics?
I has buried you in a bureaucracy of non-elected bait and switch dues collectors who only care about lining their own pockets and spout the same "think globally" propaganda you are, to make their members THINK they are in something bigger than themselves.
That way they distract their local members from the unions local failures.
You better start thinking small and chop down at least a couple trees before you try to attack the whole forest.
Heck, you guys need to narrow your fight not expand it to the whole industry.
Maybe YOU should identify YOUR real enemy and focus locally, you will have more success in the future.
Good luck to you.