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The shocker of 111

NewHampshire Black Bears wrote:

AA-East xfers (specifically referring to NYC/BOS) are like nothing you've EVER seen before, as far as militancy goes. They make US/PHL F/a's look like angels.
New Yorkers have looong had a love affair with Arizona, so I suspect you'll be getting a LOT out your way.
ANY unionized AAer (Fleet service/Mechanic/F/A/Pilot) based in NY...NEVER gives a CRAP about so-called tough management. Management there has 4 choices.
1. Go along to get along
3. Get FIRED
4. Xfer out.

Enjoy the 'show', coming to the Desert Soon !

LOL, absolutely correct. The only way for anyone in PHX with less than 20 years to stay in PHX is to never ever ever transfer out. If you do transfer, you will have to wait until you are old and gray to get back in. That's assuming that PHX doesn't get the axe. For those waiting to transfer in you may have already missed your best shot.
So, Contuniteus’s problem is sloppy, malcontent and just overall bad employees should never be reprimanded or fired and anyone in management that does is Attila the Hunesque, got it.

BTW, were you the lazy, surely male FA in 1[sup]st[/sup] class on the EWR to PHX flight Sunday?
No UPNAWAY, all sloppy, malcontent and just overall bad employees should be reprimanded and fired, not just the ones in PHX. The problem is that most of this type of ATTRITION comes from PHX, and no-where else.

And yes, I was that F/A - how did you know? 🙂
LOL, absolutely correct. The only way for anyone in PHX with less than 20 years to stay in PHX is to never ever ever transfer out. If you do transfer, you will have to wait until you are old and gray to get back in. That's assuming that PHX doesn't get the axe. For those waiting to transfer in you may have already missed your best shot.

Here is how this will work: PHX managers are going to be tasked to continue status quo, which is to continue a high rate of attrition in PHX.

For every junior - say 1990 and less - F/A that manages to fall on the attrition list, an east F/A with average seniority of 1989 will be able to take that spot upon the next open bid. The more -1985 and less - F/As come into PHX as a result of available slots due to ATTRITION, the more original AWA F/As will be bumped down in Seniority.

Then somewhere down the line, PHX is going to experience a slight decrease of flying, and eventually, inflight is going to come up with a plan of voluntary and forced displacements - which would sort of look like this: http://afausairways....ne/mar06_10.htm

Then the junior F/A at the bottom of the seniority list would be eligible for involuntary displacement out of PHX.


Like I said, I am neither an enemy of east or west F/As, just PHX AWA management, because of their disparaging way of operating the PHX base, which is going to result in what I described above.

Mark my words on this...
I always warned that this large influx of people would happen, because of the amount of attrition that exists in PHX.

Why did the West Flight Attendants become part of a union with a date of hire merger policy?

You got a bad SLI but you did it to yourselves.
+68 PHX


ohhh well

Told you so.... PHX will continue to be the base with the most openings for the forseeable future. 🙂
All we need now is for MIA, NYC, BOS, LAX, and SFO bases to open for transfer. Then I can hold the Tel Aviv four trips a month block in the "J" position, then all of my dreams will have come true...lol
Oh, also it will be nice to have Christmas, Thanksgiving and 4th of July vacation. And did I mention having better SAP opportunity.....oooh la la

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