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The Republican Party ADULTERER Club

Ms Tree,
Quit WASTING you're time !!!!!!!!!!

When this FAMILY VALUES SHIIT is working for them, they'll beat you to death with it.
When it's NOT, they'll spin the living shiit out of it ! (saying.."Well yes......B U T " )
In 10,000 YEARS, the democratic party could NEVER catch those phoney FAMILY VALUES bas-tards for being the KINGS of Hypocracy !!


The political battlefield has more then a few corpses strewn upon it as a result of the combatants sexual indiscretions.

EVERY family has VALUES! Tom, even your family has values that they hold dear. No idea what they are but they are there.

So what you're saying is you reject "Conservative Evangelical Family Values".

I happen to be all for Family Values! I just don't want the likes of Rick Santorum instructing me through the Bully Pulpit of Government and perhaps even legislatively exactly what those values should be.
Ms Tree,
Quit WASTING you're time !!!!!!!!!!

When this FAMILY VALUES SHIIT is working for them, they'll beat you to death with it.
When it's NOT, they'll spin the living shiit out of it ! (saying.."Well yes......B U T " )
In 10,000 YEARS, the democratic party could NEVER catch those phoney FAMILY VALUES bas-tards for being the KINGS of Hypocracy !!


This guy is displaying a profile that exhibits an seething hatred for our Conservative Christian friends......

I bet this person has a low IQ.
So you admit to being Christ Like in your views on hypocrisy? The mere notion of hypocrisy denotes a largely Christian view of things?

No Science here! Sounds more like good old Bible Thumping to me.

While I'm on the topic of Christ Like behavior I'd remind you of another comment Jesus made, "Let he among you who is without sin cast the first stone."

Hey Ma! Look no cut and paste!!!

I am pretty sure hypocricy has existed long before Christians thought of it.

And again you are missing the point. The republicans are the ones casting the stones. The are the ones touting family values, abstinence and homophobia while they are banging their mistress, getting knocked up along with their kids (outside of wedlock) and denying equal rights to gays while they are cowering in the closet.

Liberals seem to know they are not perfect and are not out telling others how to run their life.
I am pretty sure hypocricy has existed long before Christians thought of it.

And again you are missing the point. The republicans are the ones casting the stones. The are the ones touting family values, abstinence and homophobia while they are banging their mistress, getting knocked up along with their kids (outside of wedlock) and denying equal rights to gays while they are cowering in the closet.

Liberals seem to know they are not perfect and are not out telling others how to run their life.

Hmmmm You seem to have a pretty big handful of stones that you throw and throw regularly.

I've seen the Liberal brand of hypocrisy too with Mr "I did NOT have sex with that Woman" Clinton and the rocks being thrown at the "Vast Right Wing Conspiracy" out to get Mr Bill (in his mind). if you rendered every politician mute who ever said or acted hypocritically no one would be able to speak on either side.
When have I been hypocritical?

When Clinton said he did not have sex he was lying not being hypocritical. Had he said it was wrong to have an extramrital affair and he would prosecute anyone who had one, that is hypocritical. As it is, he lied about an Embarasing question when he should have told everyone it was none of their dam business.
The political battlefield has more then a few corpses strewn upon it as a result of the combatants sexual indiscretions.

EVERY family has VALUES! Tom, even your family has values that they hold dear. No idea what they are but they are there.

So what you're saying is you reject "Conservative Evangelical Family Values".

I happen to be all for Family Values! I just don't want the likes of Rick Santorum instructing me through the Bully Pulpit of Government and perhaps even legislatively exactly what those values should be.

Not sure abiut tom but what I want is for the right wing to keepntheir values to them selves and keep them out of my life. Dems tend not to push family values. Not sure why but I am glad. When you hear someone touting family values or abstinence or so.e.other BS like that odds are they are republican and Christian. I just want them to shut up. If I want personal advise I will ask. Otherwise just keep your crap to your self.
Being outspoken is a fundamental right. It's like the bible thumper in your shop or office that everybody talks about because he made a mistake.

Judge not, lest ye be judged...........
Did Edwards campaign on a family values platform?

You and Sparrow need a dictionary. Look up hypocritical and then look up lying. They are not synonymous.

Edwards lied. Had he said dont cheat while he was lying and cheating then you would have a point. He did not so you don't.

Thanks for playing.
Did Edwards campaign on a family values platform?

You and Sparrow need a dictionary. Look up hypocritical and then look up lying. They are not synonymous.

Edwards lied. Had he said dont cheat while he was lying and cheating then you would have a point. He did not so you don't.

Thanks for playing.

I guess all the photo ops and tearful renditions of his wifes dilemma and how they deal with it and so on don't count in your family value talking points?
Not sure abiut tom but what I want is for the right wing to keepntheir values to them selves and keep them out of my life. Dems tend not to push family values. Not sure why but I am glad. When you hear someone touting family values or abstinence or so.e.other BS like that odds are they are republican and Christian. I just want them to shut up. If I want personal advise I will ask. Otherwise just keep your crap to your self.

Ms Tree,
You nailed it EXACTLY, as to where I'm coming from !

There are some on here(I'll keep names out of it) who also know Exactly where you and I are coming from !! 🙄 GO STEELERS ! (thats "my" fav NFL team) 😀
Did Edwards campaign on a family values platform?

You and Sparrow need a dictionary. Look up hypocritical and then look up lying. They are not synonymous.

Edwards lied. Had he said dont cheat while he was lying and cheating then you would have a point. He did not so you don't.

Thanks for playing.

Obama campaigned on ending the wars yet he has not done so and in fact attacked Libya, Yemen and Pakistan without the advice and consent of Congress. Saying one thing and doing another is a form of Hypocrisy too. In this case it doesn't fit with your talking points agenda from the Progressive Mother Ship.

Sometimes with you it's like debating a member of the Borg Collective. Sorry to say Resistance is NOT futile and I will not be assimilated into your Orwellian world were adultery and lies trump criminal charges as in the case of Mr Edwards.

Newt Gingrich wasn't the first hypocrite and surely won't be the last. Your comments here are yet another sterling example of your Christian Hating bigotry. Somehow if he was a Gay Hypocrite, I think you'd be OK with that. But now that you have the opportunity to display your bigotry towards Christians for all to see it's nice of you to take advantage of the opportunity.
And arguing with you is like arguing with a brick wall but not as entertaining.

Obama said he would ends the wars. He did end one and lied about the other. There is a difference between hypocrisy and lies that you seem unable to grasp.

Edwards lied and and is being prosecuted. So what is the issue and what is being trumped by what? He got busted and is facing the consequences.

Show me where I said it was ok for a gay or anyone else to be a hypocrite. Can't? Awwwwww I'm so surprised. Keep writing checks you cannot cash.

Again with the religious BS? This has nothing to do with religion other than the fact that he is a hypocritical right wing fruit cake. This has to do with him saying not to fool around while he is banging his second mistress. That is what this is about. His religion is the religion of politics and money. He is a glory seeking whore who will say anything and do anything (or any one) to get what he wants. This has jack to do with religion.
Ms Tree, on 29 January 2012 - 07:43 PM, said:

Did Edwards campaign on a family values platform?

You and Sparrow need a dictionary. Look up hypocritical and then look up lying. They are not synonymous.

Edwards lied. Had he said dont cheat while he was lying and cheating then you would have a point. He did not so you don't.

Thanks for playing.

Someone is ignoring the issue, Miss Tree? 😉

I guess all the photo ops and tearful renditions of his wifes dilemma and how they deal with it and so on don't count in your family value talking points?
His religion is the religion of politics and money. He is a glory seeking whore who will say anything and do anything (or any one) to get what he wants. This has jack to do with religion.

I assume you're referring to Barack Obama?

For YEARS he was up Jeremiah Wright's arse and as soon as it became clear that Rev. Wright was a liability out the door he went. That's also a type of hypocrisy. from our friends at Wikipedia:
Hypocrisy is the state of pretending to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that one does not actually have.[1] Hypocrisy involves the deception of others and is thus a kind of lie.[1]

Hypocrisy is not simply failing to practice those virtues that one preaches. Samuel Johnson made this point when he wrote about the misuse of the charge of "hypocrisy" in Rambler No. 14:

Nothing is more unjust, however common, than to charge with hypocrisy him that expresses zeal for those virtues which he neglects to practice; since he may be sincerely convinced of the advantages of conquering his passions, without having yet obtained the victory, as a man may be confident of the advantages of a voyage, or a journey, without having courage or industry to undertake it, and may honestly recommend to others, those attempts which he neglects himself.

Thus, an alcoholic's advocating temperance, for example, would not be considered an act of hypocrisy as long as the alcoholic made no pretense of constant sobriety.

Take Denis Kuchinich or hell Bernie Sanders of VT for that matter. I agree with almost nothing they advocate, yet in some ways I find the notion of either one of them as President far more comforting then the current Empty Suit. They stand unwavering for SOMETHING. That has value to me. Lot's of value. You'll note that I never criticize either of them and this is why. They have a set of core values just as Ron Paul does. In fact I would argue that any of the three would be a better President then the turd we have now or any of the Republicans not named Ron Paul.