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The Republican Party ADULTERER Club

FWIW, Clinton wasn't prosecuted for having an affair. He was prosecuted for perjury.

If the comments from Wife #2 on the recent ABC interview have any credence to them, it looks like Gingrich was pretty open with her about his mistress...
FWIW, Clinton wasn't prosecuted for having an affair. He was prosecuted for perjury.

If the comments from Wife #2 on the recent ABC interview have any credence to them, it looks like Gingrich was pretty open with her about his mistress...

Correct but he was prosecuted in the court of public opinion by a man leading his party who was in the process of banging his second mistress.

He told his wife because he was backed into a hole and wanted to have his cake and eat it to. Married to a woman for 18 years and you are to stupid to know whether your wife was into swinging or not? What an obtuse self absorbed misogynistic prick. Do you think there is a reason hew only told his wife?
Correct but he was prosecuted in the court of public opinion by a man leading his party who was in the process of banging his second mistress.

He told his wife because he was backed into a hole and wanted to have his cake and eat it to. Married to a woman for 18 years and you are to stupid to know whether your wife was into swinging or not? What an obtuse self absorbed misogynistic prick. Do you think there is a reason hew only told his wife?

Well I see we've lowered the bar by resorting to name calling and insults. Just for the record I don't think Newt is qualified to be President. It has nothing to do with his sexual exploits real, imagined or otherwise. It has to do with things far more important then the number of wives he has had or affairs.

I wasn't all that "OMG he did What?" when Clinton was diddling Lewinski. I figured part of the outrage was that a bunch of old fart Congressmen couldn't get a 20 Yr old to service them and were just plain jealous. he crossed the line when he lied about it.

Here's a news flash! The sex drive is the 2nd most powerful drive the human species has. Only food is greater. Morality, often in the form of an organized religion seeks to establish rules of conduct for an orderly society. Jewish and Islamic Dietary Law have far more to do with public health/Safety then they do any real spiritual significance. it's just that now 2000 years later they have become tradition among the most devout. Similarly, Men of Wealth and Power will attract many earthly temptations like Ms Lewinsky. Some will sample this forbidden fruit while others won't. This "weakness" has never precluded men from public service. It shouldn't now.

Breaking ones moral code may be at issue when it comes to credibility, however it is merely one piece of the complex puzzle when deciding on who you wish to vote for.
Correct but he was prosecuted in the court of public opinion by a man leading his party who was in the process of banging his second mistress.

He told his wife because he was backed into a hole and wanted to have his cake and eat it to. Married to a woman for 18 years and you are to stupid to know whether your wife was into swinging or not? What an obtuse self absorbed misogynistic prick. Do you think there is a reason hew only told his wife?

Funny.....he was found guilty of lying via EVIDENCE by the House.....no ifs ands or buts.....Senate didn't have the Nad's to find him guilty .

Newt never entered into the evidence, or you got proof otherwise?
Well dell, to sum everything up, Newt was a Loser(kicked out of US House) back in the day, and he'll be a LOSER again on tuesday night !
You have a better chance of winning the Fla. Primary(or just as good of a chance) than that P O S does.
And as you know, the primary rolls on into "Romney Country", so we can be rid of that piece of DUNG, soon !

Lean Forward !
Well dell, to sum everything up, Newt was a Loser(kicked out of US House) back in the day, and he'll be a LOSER again on tuesday night !
You have a better chance of winning the Fla. Primary(or just as good of a chance) than that P O S does.
And as you know, the primary rolls on into "Romney Country", so we can be rid of that piece of DUNG, soon !

Lean Forward !

Dr Paul has been quite busy in ME & NV so let's see what happens.
Well I see we've lowered the bar by resorting to name calling and insults. Just for the record I don't think Newt is qualified to be President. It has nothing to do with his sexual exploits real, imagined or otherwise. It has to do with things far more important then the number of wives he has had or affairs.

I wasn't all that "OMG he did What?" when Clinton was diddling Lewinski. I figured part of the outrage was that a bunch of old fart Congressmen couldn't get a 20 Yr old to service them and were just plain jealous. he crossed the line when he lied about it.

Here's a news flash! The sex drive is the 2nd most powerful drive the human species has. Only food is greater. Morality, often in the form of an organized religion seeks to establish rules of conduct for an orderly society. Jewish and Islamic Dietary Law have far more to do with public health/Safety then they do any real spiritual significance. it's just that now 2000 years later they have become tradition among the most devout. Similarly, Men of Wealth and Power will attract many earthly temptations like Ms Lewinsky. Some will sample this forbidden fruit while others won't. This "weakness" has never precluded men from public service. It shouldn't now.

Breaking ones moral code may be at issue when it comes to credibility, however it is merely one piece of the complex puzzle when deciding on who you wish to vote for.

Please. Don't get all sanctimonious on me. You call Obama names all the time (another example of hypocrisy). I guess what is good fore the goose is not good for the gander?????

His sexual exploits are merely entertaining. His politics are abhorrent. His stance on the judicial system alone disqualifies him from sitting ion the WH. His lack of understanding of the COTUS in regards to the three branches of government which is fundamental to how our system works.

He has no credibility. He lied to his families. He lied to his party. He lied to his constituents. He lied to the country. He got booted out by his own party for his multiple failures. His sexual addiction is the least of his worries but it sure as hell is entertaining to see republicans dance around his infidelities. They hate Romney so much they will hitch their wagon to nearly anything with a pulse with the exception of your boy Paul. Does not seem like they will give him the time of day. So far he has managed to come in forth in the 3 contests and will probably continue to do so till Santorum drops out in which case he will move up to third place. Then when Gingrich drops out he will move up to second. By then, Romney will probably have the race all wrapped up. Always the brides maid, never the bride.
Please. Don't get all sanctimonious on me. You call Obama names all the time (another example of hypocrisy). I guess what is good fore the goose is not good for the gander?????

His sexual exploits are merely entertaining. His politics are abhorrent. His stance on the judicial system alone disqualifies him from sitting ion the WH. His lack of understanding of the COTUS in regards to the three branches of government which is fundamental to how our system works.

He has no credibility. He lied to his families. He lied to his party. He lied to his constituents. He lied to the country. He got booted out by his own party for his multiple failures. His sexual addiction is the least of his worries but it sure as hell is entertaining to see republicans dance around his infidelities. They hate Romney so much they will hitch their wagon to nearly anything with a pulse with the exception of your boy Paul. Does not seem like they will give him the time of day. So far he has managed to come in forth in the 3 contests and will probably continue to do so till Santorum drops out in which case he will move up to third place. Then when Gingrich drops out he will move up to second. By then, Romney will probably have the race all wrapped up. Always the brides maid, never the bride.

He has no credibility with YOU! Others apparently think differently of him. I never particularly cared for him as a person. So if you don't like him, don't vote for him.
He has no credibility with YOU! Others apparently think differently of him. I never particularly cared for him as a person. So if you don't like him, don't vote for him.

Yep, there most certainly are. Great isn't it. They are so desperate to find someone other than Romney that they will abandon nearly all their principles and support him. They will endorse a two time adulterer (that we know of) who was ejected from/by his own party for ethics violations and being a complete failure as Speaker of the House. He is a lobbyist for Fanny/Freddie as well as various drug cartels but he is 'not a lobbyist'. He has no understanding of how the judicial system works or it's mandate in the COTUS and to top it all off, he thinks we can put a colony on the moon even though we have a $15T debt.

All this because a Mormon is running for the WH and winning. I can only hope he wins the nomination. That would be a funny campaign to watch.
I'd like to go on record...I will vote for Ron Paul if he's the GOP nominee......as well as Romney or Gingrich or Santorum........

WOW dell, now "there's a surprise" ! !

You left out Mr. X......if he (hypothetically) were running on the American NAZI party ! 🙄

Sorry bro, it IS what it IS.

(Hey,.....but you and I can still Love the Steelers though) 😉
. He is a lobbyist for Fanny/Freddie as well as various drug cartels but he is 'not a lobbyist'.

He's also not a D.C.insider. Despite having spent twenty years in the House, four of them being speaker.
NEWT (x3) gets CRUSHED by Romney in Florida.
This makes NEWT a L O S E R.
Taking the sum of all parts of his life,
This Makes NEWT a L O S E R............Again.

Maybe now we can get rid of this- Psychologically ISSUE Laden- P O D (Piece of DUNG) off of the airways. Of course this will NOT happen, because this Very Angry Individual's EGO will make him -stay the course-to Further embarrass the Repug party.

"NEWT says NO reporters" !

Hey.. FATSO. I've got a news flash for you. You WONT be getting on ANY stage with our POTUS !
Because you're a L O S E R !!!!!!!!

But hey TUBBY. I've got an Idea. Why not have a round table DEBATE with you're 3 WIVES ? !!!!

Maybe you can run as a third party (independent ) candidate. That Way, B O wont even have to get out of bed, and still get "4 more" !

The GOP. The GIFT that keeps on GIVING !

Life is good/Lean Forward !

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