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The Republican Party ADULTERER Club

NEWT (x3) gets CRUSHED by Romney in Florida.
This makes NEWT a L O S E R.
Taking the sum of all parts of his life,
This Makes NEWT a L O S E R............Again.

Maybe now we can get rid of this- Psychologically ISSUE Laden- P O D (Piece of DUNG) off of the airways. Of course this will NOT happen, because this Very Angry Individual's EGO will make him -stay the course-to Further embarrass the Repug party.

"NEWT says NO reporters" !

Hey.. FATSO. I've got a news flash for you. You WONT be getting on ANY stage with our POTUS !
Because you're a L O S E R !!!!!!!!

But hey TUBBY. I've got an Idea. Why not have a round table DEBATE with you're 3 WIVES ? !!!!

Maybe you can run as a third party (independent ) candidate. That Way, B O wont even have to get out of bed, and still get "4 more" !

The GOP. The GIFT that keeps on GIVING !

Life is good/Lean Forward !


So now Obama can crow on forever about Romney's wealth, no Obama individual accomplishments....just class envy.
Gingrich will be in it for a bit more. His arrogance will not let him quit. He has already said that by the end of his second term he will have a colony on the moon. While I think most of candidates would say the 'second term' thing with a bit of tongue and cheek, I think Gingrich actually believes it. If you look at his ads he actually believes he is the one for a balanced budget while he was in Congress. He has delusions of grandeur that he really needs to seek treatment for. He believes his own lies.
He's probably been in communication with Marshall Applewhite who lives on the dark side of the moon.
So now Obama can crow on forever about Romney's wealth, no Obama individual accomplishments....just class envy.

Obama is President of the United States. Romney wants Obama's job and will spend millions trying to get it.

Talk about class envy.
Obama is President of the United States. Romney wants Obama's job and will spend millions trying to get it.

Talk about class envy.

Think Obama outclassed Mitt......didn't he have close to a billion when he bought the office?
According to Politico, $2.4 billion was spent by both candidates to buy the WH. When you include the Congressional races the amount jumps to over $5 billion. Clearly campaign finance reform is needed. The publics voice has been muzzled for decades. With the Citizen United travesty, the peoples voice was squashed even more. Given the distribution of the votes it is clear who is more beholden to the corporate money.
dell,....a little "back and forth" between 2 ol' acqaintences (You and Me).

Obama,..................Hardly the best POTUS. Closer to Carter in my view. (Hillary, well that may have been a different story)

Rick Santorum. Well this tired old world COULD Use some more Morality...Thats for sure !

Ron Paul. That older man HAS without question SOME very good points that he believes in !

Mitt Romney, ............Mitt as lived (since birth) in a silver spoon world that doesn't give him a clue to the worlds that You/Me/Tree/Sparrow/Dog/Tech/Fixer or any of the other regulars that I've ommited, live in. He's NOT a bad man. He's a Moral person, but with him it IS what it IS !

And then there is NEWT. He's NOT a moral man. He IS an EGOMANIAC. He's a Very ANGRY guy, loaded with Issues that would benefit from Psychological counceling !

There you(we) have it.
It Is what it IS.
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Dear Mr Gingrich

The above photo is of Ron and Carol Paul from earlier today as they celebrated their 55th Wedding Anniversary on the campaign trail in Nevada. Take a good look Newt, this is what "Til Death do us part" looks like. It also helps to define such words as Honor, Integrity, Fidelity, Trust & Credibility. I think it was Ross Perot speaking about the then rumors regarding Bill Clinton's indiscretions. "If his wife can't trust him then why should we". A pointed but fair question I think.

To some people those words above are not the punch line to some cruel Crony Capitalist joke. Some people actually live their lives based on concepts clearly foreign to you, Mr Romney & Mr Obama. Concepts like having a set of Morals, Values & Ethics that do not change like the shifting sands of a New Jersey Beach, A code that you live by each & every day.

These are not new ideas Newt, they are the bedrock upon which this nation was built.


Someone who won't vote for you.
View attachment 9323

Dear Mr Gingrich

The above photo is of Ron and Carol Paul from earlier today as they celebrated their 55th Wedding Anniversary on the campaign trail in Nevada. Take a good look Newt, this is what "Til Death do us part" looks like. It also helps to define such words as Honor, Integrity, Fidelity, Trust & Credibility. I think it was Ross Perot speaking about the then rumors regarding Bill Clinton's indiscretions. "If his wife can't trust him then why should we". A pointed but fair question I think.

To some people those words above are not the punch line to some cruel Crony Capitalist joke. Some people actually live their lives based on concepts clearly foreign to you, Mr Romney & Mr Obama. Concepts like having a set of Morals, Values & Ethics that do not change like the shifting sands of a New Jersey Beach, A code that you by live each & every day.

These are not new ideas Newt, they are the bedrock upon which this nation was built.


Someone who won't vote for you.

Whoa Sparrow. Why are you lumping MITT and the POTUS in with a piece of DUNG like NEWT (x3) ??
Whoa Sparrow. Why are you lumping MITT and the POTUS in with a piece of DUNG like NEWT (x3) ??

Indeed I am!

Three festering pus filled boils on the backside of US politics. Each one a member in good standing of the Political Parasite Class, Each a member of the Crony Capitalist Society.

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