NEWT (x3) gets CRUSHED by Romney in Florida.
This makes NEWT a L O S E R.
Taking the sum of all parts of his life,
This Makes NEWT a L O S E R............Again.
Maybe now we can get rid of this- Psychologically ISSUE Laden- P O D (Piece of DUNG) off of the airways. Of course this will NOT happen, because this Very Angry Individual's EGO will make him -stay the course-to Further embarrass the Repug party.
"NEWT says NO reporters" !
Hey.. FATSO. I've got a news flash for you. You WONT be getting on ANY stage with our POTUS !
Because you're a L O S E R !!!!!!!!
But hey TUBBY. I've got an Idea. Why not have a round table DEBATE with you're 3 WIVES ? !!!!
Maybe you can run as a third party (independent ) candidate. That Way, B O wont even have to get out of bed, and still get "4 more" !
The GOP. The GIFT that keeps on GIVING !
Life is good/Lean Forward !
So now Obama can crow on forever about Romney's wealth, no Obama individual accomplishments....just class envy.