Okay, let's say I'm wrong and the Easties really mean it when they say they'll get their way or shut the place down. What if the Westies decide we don't care anymore either and say "go ahead, shut the place down", and you do? Will that be a proud moment for you and your family? Will you feel you've done your part to make the world a better place? Will you be a happy person?
In order:
1) "Okay, let's say I'm wrong and the Easties really mean it when they say they'll get their way or shut the place down."
You are wrong, although the majority out east would like for this place to succeed, it certainly doesn't look too good at present.
2) "What if the Westies decide we don't care anymore either and say "go ahead, shut the place down", and you do?"
East doesn't need the west's "approval" to do such.
3) "Will you be a happy person?"
As much, or even far more so than would be the case if this atrocity/joke/travesty of a "seniority" list is ever put into effect.
Here's some for you sir:
What IF?....The west becomes willing to back off the "award" via fences/etc?..and we can then all actually work "together" as a group for a decent contract, and with at least a potentially viable airline? Would that not be the far more desireable overall outcome?
Should this debacle continue on it's apparent path, and the west has/had plentiful options to prevent further deteriotion/failure of the business entity:
"Will that be a proud moment for you and your family?"
Will it be just "fine" with you guys trying to explain that some seemingly dysfunctional man's arbitration was so so precious to you that it exceeded the value of YOUR job? Will "your family" fully understand that your group felt it so utterly imperative to jump ahead of people that were flying before some of you were even born, that ANY degree of compromise just wasn't "fair"?
Will all your families understand and fully sympathize with "fighting the good fight" so that someone still on probation should instantly become "senior" to a man with 20 years of continuous service/experience? "Will you feel you've done your part to make the world a better place?"
What tall summit upon the Mountains of Morality is the west standing so proudly upon?....I can't seem to find it on anything mapping the regions of Ethics or Decency....Oh Wait!...Here it is in the Dark Shadows hidden within the Valley of Capricious Litigation...right next to the river of "I Got Mine!"..and in full danger of flood damage.