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The Lipstick Is Gone.

Thanks, longing, for a spot on post.

Every decent employee feels this way, and many have told this truth to power for DECADES. And for naught.

We so badly wanted our company to be successful. Our company was more than a paycheck - it was about us, and and our work ethic. We were damned proud of our accomplishments. Even though U had floundered financially for years, until very recently the metrics the grunts had input on - On Time, PAWOB's, etc. were routinely excellent.

We have worked our a$$es off for the Palace to fritter the proceeds away. We have sacrificed our retirement, our health and our financial future for no good reason.

The fact is, U is no longer worthy of our loyalty. They do not deserve the likes of us. I am glad the end is near.

U was never about the planes, the routes, the scintillating management team.

It was about the employees. My hope for every one of them getting out of the he// that is US Airways, remembers how special they are, that they act on their gifts, and prospers far better than what U had in mind for them.

For the Palace, I hold you in utter contempt.

For IAM D141, the Palace barely beat you out in the Contempt Race; it was a close run thing.
Meltdown at BWI. I'd be interested how USA320pilot can blame this one on those lazy fellow employees. The buffoonery is going to reach critical mass pretty soon and it won't matter how much money is thrown at it (or more accurately thrown OUT).
l4p: thank you for your kind hearted comments. it is with sad regrets that we have to lose our jobs. but like you said when one door closes, another opens and i will take advantage of that. thank you very much for traveling with us!!!
longing4piedmont said:
Can any of you site for me anything thing positive they have done with the money?
Baggage delivery people sure are making money hand over fist. I have a friend who owns a cab company with three cars and drivers and a van that he drives. He rarely drives people but is busy all day and half the night delivering baggage for several airlines. That's why he drives the van obviously. His by far largest customer is USAirways. The sad thing is, USAirways hasn't flown here since November of 2001. It's all express. He has told me that he is on track to make $120,000 this year alone off USAirways. That doesn't take in account the other two majors he delivers for. It maybe hard to believe, but he is putting his son through MIT by delivering baggage mostly for USAirways. So take it for what it's worth, but there are some positives for some out there to make money off USAirways and their management boob hacks.
What's going on here isn't just being noted domestically, but by foreign carriers as well. My future new employer has hired over two dozen U pilots. During the final interview phase myself and another US Airways pilot were asked this question: "How can US Airways afford to keep losing so many good people?" We both shrugged our shoulders. This question wasn't from an ordinary HR person, this question came directly from the COO of a major Asian carrier. By the time I leave here it will be almost 20 years. I grew up at this airline and it breaks my heart to see what it is/has become. Sadly, I just don't see a future here. I really hope I am wrong. I want to see US Airways survive. God speed everyone.

Operationally we're a mess. Worse than CCY knows. You see Al hides it from everyone.

Al has come a long way from ramp agent in Burbank to Executive VP of.....Operations.

and that's the problem.....Al just leave and don't let the door hit you in the ...behind.

Sorry to see you go, I don't blame you. Again, another fine employee who will be missed.

It seems we are all in agreement that Mr. Crellin is the one responsible for the operation mess. Is there anyway we can make our concerns heard in the hallowed halls of CCY?

Who is in charge of the PAWOB's? Has any tangible <sp?> been made to correct this? Are there any management types on the field?

Is there any real supervision on the ramp? Why are so many pieces of equipment in poor repair or not usable?

This is one sorry way to see a fine airline pass into the history books.

In regards to the initial discussion topic regarding lost luggage in CHS, don't necessarily blame the PHL ramp agents or anyother station for the matter without knowing the facts. In my station (not CHS) daily we are restricted in the number of bags we can load on an ERJ. For example last Sunday, we could only have 50 bags including carryons loaded on our PHL flights for 50 passengers. Consequently, we left over 30 bags off the airplane. I would like to see some statistics on how these regional jets actually save money, or does anyone factor this into the equation.

I can see from the customers perspective that it's the rampers fault their bag is not loaded. But the above circumstance, is just one of many. I also might add, the TSA department is also delayed in processing bags. Thus, it misses the flight and US assumes the blame.
Consequently, we left over 30 bags off the airplane. I would like to see some statistics on how these regional jets actually save money, or does anyone factor this into the equation.

The express crew is lucky to cost the group $100/hr (cumulative) as opposed to $300/hr(for 3) at mainline. The net difference is $200/hr so that means that they can pay for 8 late bags/ flt hr and still break even. The accual spread is even worse when you compare the retirement/benefits side too. :shock:
OldGuyinPA said:
Operationally we're a mess. Worse than CCY knows. You see Al hides it from everyone.

Al has come a long way from ramp agent in Burbank to Executive VP of.....Operations.

and that's the problem.....Al just leave and don't let the door hit you in the ...behind.

The dysfunctionality of US Airways lies solely
at the feet of the Board of Directors. They could
have AND should have fired Al Cremlin years
ago. He must have some naked pictures of
the BOD members, or maybe he has been
paying them to stay quiet.

Then again, maybe keeping Al around is all
by design. US Airways is in a downward spiral,
and at this late juncture, there would be no point
in firing Al. He is helping the BOD to hasten
the demise, or push US into the open arms of
another carrier, who will sell off the profitable
parts and close the doors. (Research AA/TWA
and DL/PA mergers)

FFOCUS members and other DM Preferred
members need to look up the names and
corporate addresses for each of the BOD
members and flood them with letters urging
them to fire Al and Jerry before it's too late.
SpinDoc said:
FFOCUS members and other DM Preferred
members need to look up the names and
corporate addresses for each of the BOD
members and flood them with letters urging
them to fire Al and Jerry before it's too late.
Oh I think you can count on it. As some one suggested to me this morning, I may send a tube of lipstick to the BOD with a note that it is time to "Kiss Off AL". I sort of liked the idea
IMO the ones in CCY are there now only for the money that will be thrown at them when this company finally shuts down or sold off in pieces. Lakefield, Crellin and Glass stand to make millions off this train wreck. They all take care of each other, so don't expect any of them to jump ship yet...there's still money to be taken out the back door here. They have all shown time and again, what little regard they have for the employees or customers. It's all about greed now.
longing4piedmont said:
We have an expression in the south.  It’s called “putting lipstick on a pigâ€￾.  She may look better from a distance, but when you get up real close she still smells like a pig.  Given what I have seen this week on US, I can’t think of a better way to describe the experience.

[deleted rest of post...plz dont quote long posts in their entirety since it takes up lots of room on the boards. thanks]
Managements fault? How dare you! It's the employees and unions fault. Too many have called in sick for the hoildays. Yea! That's the ticket!...........Remember: "Cheaper prices means cheaper services". "You get what you pay for". You want cheap seats? Sit down, shut-up, and enjoy the flight.......Thank You, The Management.
longing4piedmont said:
We have an expression in the south.  It’s called “putting lipstick on a pigâ€￾.  She may look better from a distance, but when you get up real close she still smells like a pig.  Given what I have seen this week on US, I can’t think of a better way to describe the experience.

[deleted rest of original post. ditto from above. it also makes the boards harder to read. thanks.]
:shock: Sir, you are 150 % correct in all aspects of your account. Might i suggest you send your concerns - STRONG concerns, to Dr Bonner...maybe he can shed the light on why no one cares or is doing anything to rectify the mess US has become. The employees and other Freq travelers would luv it if everyone started writing and even insisting on a meeting with Dr. Bonner and President Lakefield. Thanks for you continued support, believe me, MANY of US appreciate your concern and are hoping something drastic will happen - ASAP - or it will soon come to an end !
PineyBob said:
Via Con Dios and thanks for doing a great job. Would LOVE to have you join us for RoachFEST '05. The stories I bet you could tell. Be safe.

PS for those who don't speak Spanish Via Con Dios mean "GO with God"

Thanks Piney! Sad to say, flying rubber dog sh*t out of Hong Kong pays more and is more stable. Confucius say: A loyal cockroach never die 🙂