...Which is what you should be talking up.
AMFA makes a big deal out of promoting the craft, and bettering the lives of it's membership. You should've been proud to welcome a bunch of fellow AMT's up to your level as equals. Instead, you talking about kicking the ladder out as if it's a selling point.
Ok Kev, we have been down this road before.
And if I must then I will say it again.
Nobody got a ladder kicked out from under them.
Our new AMFA members coming from Airtran have gained huge raises, better benefits and job security by joining us on our contract.
It could have taken them 10 years or never to get these wages and benefits if there was no merger.
They gained everything and voted to trade a mere 4 years on a list to get it.
I welcome them all, including our new hires from AA and elsewhere, and am glad they will be getting our AMFA negotiated pay rates.
I thank them all for agreeing to compromise and reach a deal outside of arbitration.
AMFA did not tell us we had to accept a deal that was not fair to both sides. The AMFA system allowed us to make our own decisions, vote and negotiate for ourselves.
Our agreement raised up both sides.
Ask how the AA guys will feel when after their merger they are still stuck in their TWU negotiated garbage contract instead of at least being given benefits that the other side gets?
I am proud to say that we are glad that our ex-Airtran guys now make a good wage, and we will try to get them more on our next contract.