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the IAM is mad at the back door deals at AA!

I know the your current CBA is basically an extension of what the IBT negotiated, but if AMFA was so great they would bring as much work back in as possible, which they havent been able to do.

And the only reason you are getting the fourth line is because you let Southwest farmout checks to Aeroman in El Salvador.
Not true again.
Are you sure you are not anomaly?

We have been continuously improving and adding job protection to the contract we inherited.
The work that we allowed to go to El Salvador was work that was already outsourced.
That language gave us MORE work in house and job protections for AMFA represented mechanics, NOT LESS.

Keep it up, I think we have found the limits of your "vast knowledge". :lol:
You are so unreal.

what you pulled up is the single carrier status when the IBT failed to get cards and the NMB certified the IAM at both HP and US.

Stock clerks at HP were on their own agreement, when we merged, and the NMB ruled the IAM as the union for HP mechanic and related also, their stock clerks were placed with us.

Funny I was a stock clerk in 1999, always been part of the mechanic and related cba and even was on the negotiating committee in 2004 and 2005.

So please explain to me how if I wasnt in the class and craft, then how was I on the negotiating committee?

The IAM was certified in 1949, stores at US was always part of the class and craft.

Learn to read and comprehend. It even states the IBT was now not the representative.

In your rush to prove me wrong, you made yourself look foolish.

Denial is a tough thing to handle, and we do have a good EAP program here for when you are no longer part of your land of make believe craft and class. It is okay to be in the stock craft and class. In fact I have plenty of good friends who are stock clerks. Nothing to be ashamed of. But the facts are that during the single carrier, the NMB took you out of Mechanic and Related and properly placed you in the Stock Clerk craft and class. The good news for you is that I can get you plenty of IAM cards so theat Stock Clerks will remain in the IAM.

The Board finds that the IAM is the certified

representative of the entire craft or class of Stock Clerks in the

single transportation system. The IAM’s certification, initially

established in NMB Case No. R-4593, is extended to cover the

entire craft or class of Stock Clerks on the combined US

Airways system. The certification in NMB Case No. R-4593

now excludes Stock Clerks from the Mechanics and Related

craft or class.

US Airways/America West Airlines, 33 NMB 321

(2006). Accordingly, the IAM’s certification as the

representative of the Stock Clerks craft or class on the

combined US Airways system is now based on the Board’s

determination in NMB Case No. R-7100; and it hereinafter will
be referred to as the certification in NMB Case No. R-7100.

The Board extinguishes the IBT’s certification issued in Case

No. R-6684. Accordingly, NMB Case No. R-7100 is closed.


Mary L. Johnson

General Counsel

I did provide you the defintion of the word "excludes" in case you are having trouble with it
excludes 3rd person singular present of ex·clude (Verb)

  • Deny (someone) access to or bar (someone) from a place, group, or privilege.
  • Keep (something) out of a place.
Ignore the facts.

I posted the NMB case, you cant read and comprehend.

Once again, I upgraded to a stock clerk in 1999, explain to me how I was on the Mechanic and Related CBA?

Explain to me how I was on the negotiating committee in 2004 and 2005, if I wasnt in the class and craft.

I posted the NMB case and it shows stores part of the M&R.

We got a new CBA in 2008, and yet the stock clerks are still in the certification and in the CBA, explain that?

Explain how we are still in the CBA if they are excluded?
Ignore the facts.

I posted the NMB case, you cant read and comprehend.

Once again, I upgraded to a stock clerk in 1999, explain to me how I was on the Mechanic and Related CBA?

Explain to me how I was on the negotiating committee in 2004 and 2005, if I wasnt in the class and craft.

I posted the NMB case and it shows stores part of the M&R.

We got a new CBA in 2008, and yet the stock clerks are still in the certification and in the CBA, explain that?

Explain how we are still in the CBA if they are excluded?

Yes...you were part of M&R until September 21, 2006. CBA's and NMB craft and classes are two different things.
That doesn't make it right! You and I both know, FAA licensed AMTs should be able to have their own class and craft. It is just a matter of politics - mostly on the unions side along with crooked scumbags over at the NMB - to saddle the mechanics with unlicensed types in ongoing effort to dilute the vote of AMTs for better representation. It's all part of the "catch all union's" communist philosophy. Really, what benefit is in it for AMTs - to have all these different classifications included in everything they vote on? My experience has been, the AMTs get their pay and benefits shredded. Witness AMT pay at AA now vs their peers in the industry - dead last - right. Then take a look at the pay of AAs other work groups - in the top 3 vs the rest of the industry. AMTs at AA have been the victims of catch all unionism for far too long. The time for AMFA is now.

The problem is that the National Mediation Board representation manual, is very ambiguous and all that it states on determining who belongs to a class craft is that they share a “community of interest” whatever that means. What I think we should do is Petition the government to establish a separate class craft and omitting the related title, so we can get a Mechanics Class Craft.

http://www.nmb.gov/r...on-manual.pdf (SECTION 9.1)
What I'm getting is you are advocating that Airline workers roll over for corporate raiders until they sell off the carcass of what was once a good company with good jobs to some other carrier so you can move in with your seniority intact. But under no circumstances should you fight back with anything more than harsh words.

I haven't seen 700 advocating that at all.

You dismiss and disrespect what the EAL workers did, I feel like they should be recognized for what they did the same way we look at people who take up arms for our country. I recognize that if more of us behaved like they did then we would still have pensions, benefits and wages like we had years ago thanks to the generations before us who fought for them.


What's the old phrase? "Don't mourn-organize?" I think that's what we all need to get back to...

TImes change 700UW. UNIONS like the TWU have not served their purpose for a long time. They exist only as a form of control and political manipulation.

I am not saying the idea of a UNION is bad but, they are very prone to corruption. You have to hit the reset button and clean out the garbage every once in a while. TWU is long overdue.

In another thread, you were looking to lay the ground work to do just that. How is it going so far? Have you and your coworkers made any progress? (honest questions)

Actually they resigned from Eastern and went to work for Trump. Trump lost the shuttle to Citibank, US operated for Citibank then bought it, the IAM gave them the day they started at Trump, they sued US and the IAM and the jury gave them their EA time.

And the Shuttle was sold before the EA went on strike. Eastern went on strike on March 4, 1989, that would be five months after the shuttle was sold.

Thanks, man! I figured I had my timelines all tangled up...

My experience has been, the AMTs get their pay and benefits shredded. Witness AMT pay at AA now vs their peers in the industry - dead last - right. Then take a look at the pay of AAs other work groups - in the top 3 vs the rest of the industry. AMTs at AA have been the victims of catch all unionism for far too long. The time for AMFA is now.

Do you think that's because you were in the same union as everyone else, or is it more an indictment of the TWU ATD's complete impotence at AA? I ask, because from my spot on the outside looking in, that's what it seems like.
Yes...you were part of M&R until September 21, 2006. CBA's and NMB craft and classes are two different things.
It's just more unskilled labor riding the coat tails of the AMT profession.
I hear the TWU likes to do it at AA also .
I was an AMT at Eastern I did walk a picketline and was strike leader at LAX.

Amt's for years have been carrying the stores and ramp, with AMFA we will have all mechanics. Facilities/Automotive/Aircraft Maintenance. (title 1 cleaners if we still had them).

You know what makes bosses happy? A divided workforce. You know what terrifies them? Everyone standing together. You know, like you did at Eastern?

Want your own class and craft? Great, nothing wrong with that in principle. But doing it out of some sort of perceived spite isn't going to benefit anyone in the long run, except those in the C-suite.
It's just more unskilled labor riding the coat tails of the AMT profession.
I hear the TWU likes to do it at AA also .
I guess myself, my wife and my son need to thank you WNMECH and I suppose all AMT's.
Thanks for the ride!!
You know what makes bosses happy? A divided workforce. You know what terrifies them? Everyone standing together. You know, like you did at Eastern?

Want your own class and craft? Great, nothing wrong with that in principle. But doing it out of some sort of perceived spite isn't going to benefit anyone in the long run, except those in the C-suite.
I don't know my history.
When have pilots and FAs gone on strike for AMTs?

How about ramp and stock clerks? I am sure that has happened some time. I just don't know when.
Was it eastern?
There you go again.
I with your "vast labor experience" and being "highly educated on union matters", you still know nothing about SWA and AMFA.

Swa has always outsourced the majority of their heavy maintenance.
It has not changed or increased.
The Ibt did not stop it before AMFA was here.
And your beloved all mighty IAM did not stop it when they represented our mechanics before the IBT.

We are happy that finally we have a union that has shown it can successfully negotiate with SWA to bring more lines of maintenance in house and still work with SWA whose long standing lean business model has allowed us year after year profitability and job security.
Thank you AMFA.

Just Curious, What is your timeline as far as representation, I never knew you had the IAM.
Back on Topic.

If the IAM really is upset that US is not negotiating with them how come they have not asked the NMB for a release?

Back on Topic.

If the IAM really is upset that US is not negotiating with them how come they have not asked the NMB for a release?

When we met with USAIR management back in July their COO pretty much said that the IAM was OK with just kicking the can down the road. The fact that they have not even asked to be released supports what the COO said.

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