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The "I LOVE Sarah Palin" Thread


1. Senator John McCain (R-AZ) promoted an amendment to allow foreign control of U.S. airlines and believes the U.S. policy on allowing foreign carriers to serve our domestic market should be relaxed.

2. In a statement on lobbying and ethics reform on January 4, 2007, Senator McCain called research on the effects of flight attendant fatigue “ridiculousâ€￾ and has refused to co-sponsor legislation extending federal family and leave benefits to Flight Attendants.

3. Senator McCain introduced legislation to amend the Railway Labor Act and impose “baseball styleâ€￾ arbitration on contract negotiations, which could eliminate our right to vote for a contract. He also stongly opposed the Employee Free Choice Act.


1. Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) opposes efforts to allow foreign airlines, using foreign crews, to begin competing in the U.S. aviation market and believes Americans have legitimate concerns with foreign takeovers of U.S. airlines.

2. Senator Obama will require health and safety protections for Flight Attendants and cleaner air standards onboard the aircraft. He also was one of the first U.S. Senators to co-sponsor legislation extending family and medical leave benefits to Flight Attendants.

3. Senator Obama supports our collective bargaining rights and has pledged to protect workers from harassment when they try to form unions. He also co-sponsored and voted for the Employee Free Choice Act.

Not much good trying to deny these positions...they are on the RECORD.
The employee choice act ends voting by secret ballot,forces binding arbitration on both parties with no provision for appeal,ends most organizing elections......no wonder McCain voted against it.

I would be very nice for both the company and the union to have the list of voters and how they voted.... :down:

As for foreign ownership and domestic flying.....you can't have it both ways in a global economy.....foreign interests buy into the US all the time just as US has been doing overseas for many years.

Looks like Big 'O' is an out of touch elitist.
I think the choice of Sarah Palin is a refreshing change for the Republican Party. I'm a lifelong Liberal and support Liberal causes. I'm disappointed in the Democratic Party ticket. I don't think they're in it to win it. I don't like Barack Obama and I don't like Joe Biden. They represent institutionalized politicians who seek to return us to a fantasy past that never existed. It's regressive and not PROgressive to vote for them. It's more of the same "We Hate Republicans" kind of democratic disaster that has kept us from standing up to Bush. All talk and no action...proven.

Sarah Palin represents best what our founding fathers intended when the country was founded. We've lost touch with the fact that "career politician" is a relatively new development. The American dream involves a lot of things, but it's well-documented that the intent was to have ordinary people in politics and to be involved in government. It is a government OF the people and BY the people...not just FOR the people. Nowhere does it say that a career in politics is required. Jesse Ventura is a prime example.

While some attack her lack of experience or her perceived intelligence, I think she's got plenty enough experience and intelligence to be President if McCain were to die. To think that her being a woman, a wife, and mother would interfere with her official duties is ludicrous.

Sorry, folks, I like her and I'm voting for them. I thought it was high time for a Water Cooler thread in support of her. I know I'm not alone. I don't want a hateful debate over her qualifications, so please direct those sentiments to those threads. There are several. Keep it clean and nice and Go Palin!

Are you better off than you were eight years ago? The ticket you support will continue the policies of the last eight years. Job losses 760,000 lost under this administration so far and that's not counting the job losses that will result from the credit crisis. I have children in college and the costs under this administration have risen 75% partly because education was not a priority and the feds reduced payments to universities. Sarah Palin is inarticulate, incoherent and presented an I love Lucy type of personality typical of before the women's movement in the 60's during the debate. So, will it be ok for McCain to refer to her as honey while slapping her on the butt asking her to bring him coffee. It's OK to elect smart people, something we haven't had in the last eight years. It's OK to elect people who can speak in complete sentences with correct syntax. I hope you reconsider. We have big problems in this country that will require competence, not who has the best personality.
Are you better off than you were eight years ago?

As a matter of fact, I am. Save for fuel costs, it costs me far less to operate my businesses today than it did in the 1990's, with less taxation and less government oversight. I make more money and that makes more jobs I create and more food on my table and that of my employees.

Yes, I'm better off today than I was in 2001
"with less taxation and less government oversight"

But Bobbie...this is what cause the current financial meltdown, one that will destroy your business unless it deals with death, in which case it will be a gold mine.
"with less taxation and less government oversight"

But Bobbie...this is what cause the current financial meltdown, one that will destroy your business unless it deals with death, in which case it will be a gold mine.

What caused this little meltdown was a socialist government intervention into the banking and housing industries to help people who never could afford a home in the first place. :down:
McPain or Obiden? This election is truly a joke. I dislike them all. Not since Reagan have I felt that these candidates in any combination are losers. Why don't we just run the popular ticket of Obama and Palin and make everybody happy!

It could be the first DemoRepuLibeCons party for the purpose of controlling the masses!

Myself and many others I've talked to are considering not voting because it is a lost cause. Spare me the "...you don't vote you can't complain" arguement, because this is still America and I am an American citizen and a taxpayer and have the FREEDOM to chose. I therefore have a right to moan and complain regardless of if I vote. I think all the candidates are losers and I don't see our country's situation getting better.

McCain is boring, Obama is a tool as is Palin, and Biden is an idiot.

We're doomed! 😱

BTW I might not vote for leader-and-chief, but I'll vote for congress or other elections this year!

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