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The "I LOVE Sarah Palin" Thread

The next time the future of our country relies on the commander in chief's ability to land a jet on an aircraft carrier at night, I remember this....I can see it now...the phone rings at 3:00 a.m. - Russia has launched a nuke towards us...McCain slides down the batpole to the bat cave to a waiting F18 - swoops in to land on the USS Abraham Lincoln just offshore of Norfolk and saves America.
Wasn't 'Project Vote' found to be full of fraud?

McCain was dead wrong on every prediction of the Iraq war save the surge (short war, US seen as liberators, cheap war ...)

"for the first time in my adult life, I am really proud of my country because it feels like hope is finally making a comeback."

Bet you are one of the folks who thinks racism is dead and gone huh?

Saul Alinsky and Karl Marx

Marxs is long gone and Alinsky died in 1972. Where are you going with this? OH yea.. the Obama is a Comie routine ... never mind ... continue.

Jerry Wright and Louie Farrakhan


Tont Rezko-Bill Ayres and Bernadette Dohrn

Keating 5

Obama was a doper.

So was W. Who cares what he does in the privacy of his own home?

McCain was not.

Yea for him

McCain can't run a computer.

Obama can't land a jet on an aircraft carrier at night.

Neither could W, Clinton, Reagan, Carter, Ford or Nixon. W could have someone land for him and get under a sign that reads "Mission Accomplished". What's your point?

BTW...mooseburgers are pretty good.

Crashes FIVE planes before getting one on an Aircraft Carrier

Graduates (barely) at the bottom of his class

Leaves wife who waited for him because she was "TOO FAT" for him (replaced her with a young thin rich chick) after her life threatening accident

Had Tea and cookies with the enemy regularly

Lies regularly

changes mind with the wind

Behaves like a spoiled crybaby when he can't have his way

Dumb as dirt when it comes to the economy

Best friends forever with G.Bush

Voted lockstep with Bush 98% of the time

Can't remember his way home half the time

"Super Fake"

Crashes FIVE planes before getting one on an Aircraft Carrier

Graduates (barely) at the bottom of his class

Leaves wife who waited for him because she was "TOO FAT" for him (replaced her with a young thin rich chick) after her life threatening accident

Had Tea and cookies with the enemy regularly

Lies regularly

changes mind with the wind

Behaves like a spoiled crybaby when he can't have his way

Dumb as dirt when it comes to the economy

Best friends forever with G.Bush

Voted lockstep with Bush 98% of the time

Can't remember his way home half the time

"Super Fake"

This sounds like just about every modern President, from JFK forward. He's got my vote.
This sounds like just about every modern President, from JFK forward. He's got my vote.

No it doesn't. Most of our Presidents have been very educated with an intellect rated top to mid level in their class. Only the most recent has been of the "special needs" level. NONE except this one and McCain has claimed HERO status. (for being shot down and captured).

As far as your vote...we knew that even when you pretended to be a "liberal". McCain couldn't hold a couldn't hold a candle to most of our Presidents from the last 50 - 60 years. God forbide our former leaders could see the level of ignorance and stupidity of his VP choice.

McCain's class ranking : 894 out of 899

Obama Harvard : Magna Cum laude

Sarah Palin flunked out from Hawaii Pacific University, went to community college in Idaho, only attending two semesters, joined a "beauty contest," went to another community college in Alaska, barely completed, went back to University of Idaho and majored in Journalism.

Who stands out as the most informed and intellectually equipped to run a Superpower?

I respect your choice...at least you vote.
Sadly, we've already seen what one Silver Spoon fed pretender can do to the well being of the nation:

(Former Harvard Prof. of Bush), Tsurumi—now a professor of international business at Baruch College in the City University of New York—said he remembers the future president as scoring in the bottom 10 percent of students in the class.

Thirty years after teaching the class, Tsurumi said the twenty-something Bush’s statements and behavior—“always very shallowâ€â€”still stand out in his mind.

“Whenever [Bush] just bumped into me, he had some flippant statement to make,†said Tsurumi when reached at his home in Scarsdale, N.Y. “The comments he made were revealing of his prejudice.â€

The White House did not reply to requests for comment on Bush’s time at HBS.

Tsurumi said he particularly recalls Bush’s right-wing extremism at the time, which he said was reflected in off-hand comments equating the New Deal of the 1930s with socialism and the corporation-regulating Securities and Exchange Commission with “an enemy of capitalism.â€

“I vividly remember that he made a comment saying that people are poor because they’re lazy,†Tsurumi said.

Tsurumi also said Bush displayed a sense of arrogance about his prominent family, including his father, former U.S. President George H.W. Bush.

“[George W. Bush] didn’t stand out as the most promising student, but...he made it sure we understood how well he was connected,†Tsurumi said. “He wasn’t bashful about how he was being pushed upward by Dad’s connections.â€

Tsurumi said that the younger Bush boasted that his father’s political string-pulling had gotten him to the top of the waiting list for the Texas National Guard instead of serving in Vietnam. When other students were frantically scrambling for summer jobs, Tsurumi said, Bush explained that he was planning instead for a visit to his father in Beijing, where the senior Bush was serving at the time as the special U.S. envoy to China."

Bush graduated near the bottom of his class as well.

Obama Harvard : Magna Cum laude

Idiot savant?

I can tell of his intellectual superiority everytime he talks without a teleprompter.

Bringing up high school seems a bit over the top to me. A lot of things can change in a persons life from high school to age 50 +/-.
Bringing up high school seems a bit over the top to me. A lot of things can change in a persons life from high school to age 50 +/-.

Very true.....and scholastic ability isn't necessarily an indicator of other skills.

Einstein had problems in math class..... 😱
Bringing up high school seems a bit over the top to me. A lot of things can change in a persons life from high school to age 50 +/-.

These examples were of Undergraduate and Post Graduate educations...which clearly lay the foundation of most White collar professional challenges. Nothing was mentioned about High School whatsoever.
Einstein wasn't running for President or Vice President of the United States either, Sherlock
Bringing up high school seems a bit over the top to me. A lot of things can change in a persons life from high school to age 50 +/-.

Absolutely. Younger years are irrelevant. President Bush was snorting lines of cocaine in the bathroom stalls at that age and look at all that he has amounted to.
Sadly, we've already seen what one Silver Spoon fed pretender can do to the well being of the nation:

He may have a silver spoon, but take a look at Obama closer.

Obama spent most of his up-and-coming years traipsing around the globe with his gypsy mother and her various lovers du jour (call them "step fathers") before being dumped on his maternal grandparents when she decided she no longer wanted the burden of being a mother. Regardless of what your take is on his upbringing, nowhere does this indicate a traditional family upbringing reflecting traditional values. It reflects the chaos and disorder that is the average low income American. These very people claim they're under attack at all levels by people trying to keep them down, financially, academically, etc. While Obama's stunning rise to the top (he had a lot of help) indicates the power and will to overcome adversity, I have to question how he made it through a system that is set up to keep people of his type down. There must be someone responsible for this.

I'm not sure which is worse...
These examples were of Undergraduate and Post Graduate educations...which clearly lay the foundation of most White collar professional challenges. Nothing was mentioned about High School whatsoever.
Einstein wasn't running for President or Vice President of the United States either, Sherlock

Maybe it was something else I got it confused with but either way, I am not the same person I was when I was in college. I tried things and did things that I would not do as an adult ... lesson learned. I was not a very good student as a kid but when I went back decades later for additional training, I was a much better student.

I don't care for W at all. I do not think Palin has the curiosity about the world and about the US to make a good leader. She is 44 years old and her first timeout of the country was a few weeks ago. She would be second in line of the most powerful nation in the world and has very little understanding of how the US or the US Constitution operates. The fact that she went to 5 institutions before getting her degree not with standing, she does not have what it takes IMO.
I am voting for both of the candidates. McCain's entire career is something most of us could only dream of in terms of achievement and patriotism. No one's qualifications even come close. He's amply qualified to be President and I support him fully!
McCain has done nothing but follow the Republican crowd his whole political career. Like the good soldier he is. He hasn't the will nor the intent to change anything,as was evident by the "McCain Feingold Campaign Finance Reform Bill". A Bill, that as at it turned out, is nothing but more protection for the emcumbent crooks that he works with. The man has had a long well connected career with the Washington insiders. Which includes 150 lobbyists. You should read about his family "southern confederate"heritage.
The bottom line is this. This man will make no changes to improve the situation. He'll continue the war until the country is completely bankrupt. He'll further the outsourcing of your jobs to further decimate the economy.
Anyone who believes that this crook is good for our country, doesn't just have their head burried in the sand, they're sucking oil.
The man is part of the evil republican machine that's dictated to by the royal Rockefeller oligarchy.
McCain has done nothing but follow the Republican crowd his whole political career. Like the good soldier he is. He hasn't the will nor the intent to change anything,as was evident by the "McCain Feingold Campaign Finance Reform Bill". A Bill, that as at it turned out, is nothing but more protection for the emcumbent crooks that he works with. The man has had a long well connected career with the Washington insiders. Which includes 150 lobbyists. You should read about his family "southern confederate"heritage.
The bottom line is this. This man will make no changes to improve the situation. He'll continue the war until the country is completely bankrupt. He'll further the outsourcing of your jobs to further decimate the economy.
Anyone who believes that this crook is good for our country, doesn't just have their head burried in the sand, they're sucking oil.
The man is part of the evil republican machine that's dictated to by the royal Rockefeller oligarchy.

So apart from socialistic changes within our lives.......what will the Big 'O' actually do for you and I?

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