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The final three candidates from the 591 circus ring


Jun 17, 2011
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Noel Padilla Bio

I began my career with American Airlines in Chicago in 1989, more out of necessity than looking for a career in aviation. I was a 19 year old father of a 1 year old and needed a steady reliable income. I had just dropped out of the Architecture program at the University Of Illinois at Chicago and needed to start raising my young family. My whole life I have been “Mr. Fix-It” and from day one in 1989 I was hooked. I originally started on the ramp and within months I had enrolled in the now defunct American Airlines Maintenance Academy in Chicago and earned my A&P certificates in 1992.
I was bothered by the constant bullying tactics and pushy treatment from management. The representation at the time in my opinion was less than stellar so, being young and naïve, I decided to get involved. I had no idea what I was in for and was often overwhelmed back in those early days but continued to work. In Chicago local 512 I held the positions of Steward and Safety Steward, off and on for 5 years.
In 1999 I transferred to Miami and within 2 years got involved again, this time in local 568. With the mentoring of some great officers at 568, I worked my way up to eventually serve as an Executive Board member. I also held the positions of Steward, Chief Steward, Section Chairman and bid committee member. I acted as a witness for the local 568 on several Arbitration cases and also assisted and co-counseled with the Grievance Chairman of local 568 in expedited Arbitration cases. I was also the benefits coordinator and am a certified Unity Way UCAN counselor.
After 22 years of being side tracked by serving the membership and other endeavors I was involved in, I decided it was time to fulfill my dream of fixing airplanes. In 2011 an opportunity arose and I was able to transfer to Aircraft Maintenance. I truly love what I do, often times I help friends when I’m done with my work. I do not yearn to be back in office but I do see where there’s work that needs to be done. If I felt that I could not help or that someone in office was doing as good a job as I thought they could, I would not run for office. I’m here to help in any way possible, no matter how small the job may be.
Yours Truly,
Noel Padilla

Reality: So lets just dig a little deeper in Mr. Padilla’s Bio. So Noel hired on at 19, after dropping out of college because he knocked a chick up. His love for aviation came about while working as a fleet service clerk? I can only wonder if it was the loading bags or working cabin service that drove that love home for Noel? And the topper of all events in his life, he loved aviation so much that in 2011 he finally transferred into aircraft maintenance. Nothing says I am committed to my profession as an AMT like a guy who waits 12 years to transfer. What a joke, “he doesn’t yearn to be back in office,” I do not believe Noel has to worry about that…maybe in a few years when he understands the job description of an AMT, he can try again! Like an old timer once told me, I have more time at the head than this guy has in aircraft maintenance, sorry pal a little over a year in aircraft maintenance does not make you qualified to be the Title I Executive Board member. Maybe Videtich can find some work for him on working to keep the IBT or AMFA out of TULE, I bet he would do well representing there.

(So cool he doesn’t even need to say who he is, below is the Bio of Tony Bernal Title II)

As native New Yorker, who came to Tampa, Florida in 1972, I started my devotion to aviation at an early age.

Studied aviation maintenance in NY and received my first “ticket” in 1971. While in Tampa, I received my Associate in Science from Tampa Tech.

Moved to Miami, Florida in 1979. Upon receipt of my second “ticket”, I started working at Eastern Airlines in 1979 and worked as an A&P mechanic. While at Eastern, having been raised in a union family environment, I decided to become a union representative and did so.

I served our membership as a union steward for many years in the IAM. Also served as Chief Steward and Delegate to the State Council of Machinist.

Left Eastern Airlines in 1989 and joined my fellow union brothers and sister on the picket line in our fight for justice and respect as workers. Worked long hours supporting my fellow brothers and sisters during those difficult times at the local food bank and delivering substance for those in need who couldn’t help themselves in our fight for justice.

I also served as “Picket Captain” during our two year battle. While on strike in 1989, I joined American Airlines as a part-time Fleet Service Clerk and upgraded into the GSE department the following year. Within six months was nominated for and became Shop Steward and shortly thereafter becoming Chief Steward in Local 568.

With Local 568, I participated in the many representation seminars for Stewards provided to us, as well as, Arbitration seminars.

In 1999, Local 561 was formed and served as Section Chairman later becoming Title II Executive Board and the Local 561 Title II representative in the 2007 contract negotiations. As a member of the negotiating committee, I proudly served as scribe on the committee, and helped in the formulation of the 2010 Contract Proposal which more than modestly increased our wages and benefits.

I have proudly served as a union representative for over 25 of my over 35 years as a proud union member.

Reality: Tony was along for the ride with Todd Woodward and was voted out by the members in Miami. I did see on his website that he was able to get his 12 people on his side, and Tony is in his usual position – taking a knee. This joker is still bragging about the 2010 T/A and what a great deal it was. This guy is so far up the a$$ of McCoy that if elected we may never see his head again. Just say no to Bernal and Vote, Eddie Suarez back into office as your Title II Executive Board member. A vote for Bernal is a vote of confidence in the International.

Andy Goldschmidt Bio


 27 + yrs as an AMT
2 Yrs. Tul Overhaul, 
18 Months LAX Hangar Line,
24 Yrs. PHX Line MTC
Union Experience:
• PHX Station Chairman Local 564 since inception of local (16 yrs)

• Husband and Father of 11 yr old twins
• Owner and managing partner SWA Motorsport Warehouse
• Member of religious community and mentoring to teenagers

Mission statement:
I am motivated and feel that change is needed and needs to be immediate. The TWU has many challenges to face at this time and I would like to lead us forward. 

Change is being thrust upon us!
We need levelheaded leadership to represent our region through the transitions that are taking place. The USAIR merger, consolidation of locals and the attempts by other unions to replace the TWU are on all of our minds.
Andy G. is the best option to lead the Western Region forward through these turbulent times. His many years of experience as a TWU Station representative and having worked for over a quarter century in the Western Region at both Class 1 and Class 2 stations gives him a unique perspective to keep our region’s interests at the forefront of the new local.

Reality: You have to love a guy who talks about himself in the third person and even gives himself a nickname. He even says he is the “best option to lead the Western Region forward through these turbulent times.” This guy is in a class 2 station with about 25 guys in it, that makes him the best option. J.R. has been elected multiple times on the West Coast and is always giving the membership updates. J.R. is a stand-up representative who continues to lead the west coast with dedication and conviction. There is only one choice in the Western Region vote in J.R.