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Is Soldevere serious...his latest letter to the members voting in the 591 election

So far Mr. Nick has rewritten his letter 3 times. In the first version of Nick's letter he uses the direct quote from Hitler, the second version of Nick's letter attempts to explain his use of a Hitler quote, and in the third version of Nick's letter eliminates the quote all together. Classic, just like his mentor Don...start with this, move to that, then eliminate it all together and claim you know nothing. Nick, maybe you should just move on and go back to touching the positive and negative wires to see how it feels on your brain!
Nick Soldevere,
Yo Hail to me.
"cause quoting "Mein Kampf" is where it be.
I wanna be your leader,
'cause I'm a mover..
ein local,
ein volk,
ein reich,
ein fuhrer!
Yeah, I got backing,
Phat Don approval,
once I served up some apple strudel
and some sauerbraten with wiener schnitzel.
don't forget Phat Don love pumpernikel.
Yo I got my peeps running on my slate,
they know what it take,
they step up to the plate,
dinner that is.
'cause I get mine, Phat Don get his.
I'm nothing but sham,
true company man,
I'll come hat in hand.
Apples and oranges you be mixin'
I'll continue TWU boot lickin'
Nothing gonna change,
I'm just like the other...
'cause we all know: "they can do that, brother!"
Looks like a skinhead to me.
So is it really surprising to see a Hitler quote?
Go team Phat Don.

Nice picture in Don's kitchen. Duck, Duck, Goose
Nice picture in Don's kitchen. Duck, Duck, Goose

Fitting that each duck is flying in opposite directions. Kinda like his saying he isn't a teAam videtich tool yet claims he can work with the international. Was this taken at videtich's kitchen. Is he standing on a copy of Mein Kampf?
If anything the choice of a Hitler quote from Mien Kamph shows his lack of judgement and inability to articulate a message, is that the type of person you want representing you? Thats right, not to worry, because a Vote for Soldevire (TeAAm Videtich) is a vote for Don.
If anything the choice of a Hitler quote from Mien Kamph shows his lack of judgement and inability to articulate a message, is that the type of person you want representing you? Thats right, not to worry, because a Vote for Soldevire (TeAAm Videtich) is a vote for Don.

For someone to know Hitler quotes just speaks to a mindset that I want knowing to do with.

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