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Local 591 Nominees

Totally agree. Who would expect Peterson to immediately have access to every line local's ledgers, and assets. The International is not to be trusted, they are not the Line AMT's friend. Peterson would do well to hire a forensic accountant to follow the International's money trail of deceit.
Yep. Now we have AMFA without a vote. Let's see what the anti-TWU warriors can do.


If your looking for a vote sign a card and you will get a vote. It is coming this time, everyone has had enough of the TWU and its way of doing business.

If these officers do support the AMFA way of thinking maybe you and the TWU Intl will learn something.

Take notes, LQQKing out for your members is the way it is supposed to be. Unlike the way the TWU takes care of just the bases to get votes to help themselves.

If your looking for a vote sign a card and you will get a vote. It is coming this time, everyone has had enough of the TWU and its way of doing business.

If these officers do support the AMFA way of thinking maybe you and the TWU Intl will learn something.

Take notes, LQQKing out for your members is the way it is supposed to be. Unlike the way the TWU takes care of just the bases to get votes to help themselves.
The anti-Int'l people are in. Let's see what they can do. You don't want to give them a chance? AMFA has had their chance at NW, AS, and UA and they failed miserably and we already know that. The pro-line guys are in charge of most of line M&R. Bob wants all of line M&R in 591. Sounds good to me. Do it. Negotiations are at least 45 months away. AMFA, even if they get in, can't do anything with our current agreement. We have nothing to lose by seeing what happens over the next year or two. The AMFA drive, and the IBT for that matter, should and can wait.
The anti-Int'l people are in. Let's see what they can do. You don't want to give them a chance? AMFA has had their chance at NW, AS, and UA and they failed miserably and we already know that. The pro-line guys are in charge of most of line M&R. Bob wants all of line M&R in 591. Sounds good to me. Do it. Negotiations are at least 45 months away. AMFA, even if they get in, can't do anything with our current agreement. We have nothing to lose by seeing what happens over the next year or two. The AMFA drive, and the IBT for that matter, should and can wait.
You and Bob are both FOOLS playing Politics while my livelihood hangs in the balance. F you both.
The anti-Int'l people are in. Let's see what they can do. You don't want to give them a chance? AMFA has had their chance at NW, AS, and UA and they failed miserably and we already know that. The pro-line guys are in charge of most of line M&R. Bob wants all of line M&R in 591. Sounds good to me. Do it. Negotiations are at least 45 months away. AMFA, even if they get in, can't do anything with our current agreement. We have nothing to lose by seeing what happens over the next year or two. The AMFA drive, and the IBT for that matter, should and can wait.


They may be the anti-intl, but if you think we the amt's of AA are going to give you and the rest of the TWU more time to destroy what little we have left.YOUR CRAZY..

Although "TRUE" we will have to deal with this current contract for a while its the prep time, we will have with a UNION in place that gives a dam about my future and the future of the guy's who will follow. It's not about the dues, like the TWU is.

A craft union (example) IEBW does not have its members start over at the bottom of the pay scale each time an member needs to or has to change jobs. Something that has been needed in our industry for so long now. AMFA can't solve this overnight but it is what they would like to see happen for us. None of the industrial unions has ever in my memory proposed this. Basic start at the bottom and wait your turn, NO Matter how much time in the industry. Just How stupid is that?

You have nothing to loose, but the more yrs that go by, the guys who have waited for the TWU to reach deep into the companies pockets and get em next time will be out of time. They will have reached the end of a career. Some with 30yrs and to come out with what to show for it. Nothing....

I don't agree with all that Bob and some of the others have in mind. The change from within has failed. The TWU has puppetized some of the Local officers over the yrs. Just give us another chance. The answer to that this TIME IS, NO.

I have had discussions with most of the new officers at one point about how things are being done. At times they still had the coolaide running down their chins.
We don't do it that way at AA, or I had to wait so you should too. Typical answers.
NO Forward thinking, The END is near for the TWU, get used to it.

I know that the IBT now has made things harder for us, But that was the TWU's doing all along, we the guy's who support AMFA have said that since the beginning. Just a ploy. But they are nothing but liers and even worse than YOU guys. Of the Industrial Unions the IBT is at the bottom.

It's time for another union to come into AA and give it a shot. Bring back what most guys here forgot or were never taught. The TWU has been here since the beginning, it's time for a change.The I got Mine mentality here at AA is just sickening..

Sign an AMFA card if you think that having a vote will save the TWU, Lets test the waters and see which UNION comes out on top.

AMFA at AA in 2013
You and Bob are both FOOLS playing Politics while my livelihood hangs in the balance. F you both.
So I agreed with Chuck a week or so back and now I get lumped together with Bob. I don't know how to feel about this sudden turn of events Dave.

AMFA has already conceded the overhaul at NW, AS, and UA. By going with AMFA you obviously want to screw your own livelihood.

You have agreed with the positions of most of the new officers on Team Peterson like have many on this board. Like I said, AMFA nor the IBT can change anything until the contract is up for early openers. That gives us on the line three years to see what they can do. There is nothing wrong with that. You can restart your AMFA drive then when it really counts. We on the line have nothing to lose by giving the new local 591 a chance. I don't agree with their positions but we have nothing to gain by switching unions now and you know that.

Bob spoke of not having all line M&R in one local is a problem. Maybe he and Team Peterson can get that to happen. Bob spoke of having one local for all M&R. Again, they have the opportunity to push that now as officers. They will have the money fund negotiations for a long time now. I see no downside to giving the new local 591 time. In three years we will know if this whole one line local was a scam.

Just chillax Dave. Weld something.
Different approach there overspeed? Getting a little concerned? Just wait for the card drive nothing to lose for three years? Geez ur a card! Do you think we are simple minded?
Different approach there overspeed? Getting a little concerned? Just wait for the card drive nothing to lose for three years? Geez ur a card! Do you think we are simple minded?
You said that, not me.

Not concerned at all. TUL is more pro IBT.
That was the whole intent behind the twu bringing in the ibt(Con Tulsa). Now that the ibt has forged cards there drive is dead and the members in Tulsa know that. The only way to get rid of the twu is by signing election cards for AMFA. Tulsa has realized this and more cards are coming in all the time from Tulsa. Keep up the good work Tulsa.
Totally agree. Who would expect Peterson to immediately have access to every line local's ledgers, and assets. The International is not to be trusted, they are not the Line AMT's friend. Peterson would do well to hire a forensic accountant to follow the International's money trail of deceit.

The International takes their third and the rest goes to the Locals. So until the money is sent to an account set up by us the same elected officials have control over it since their names are on the accounts. The International cant touch it where it is unless they got a court order or the guys signed it over to them, which none of them are likely to do.
You have agreed with the positions of most of the new officers on Team Peterson likLike I said, AMFA nor the IBT can change anything until the contract is up for early openers.

Yes and No There is an opportunity for changes that come with the merger with US. If the NEW AA finds that they cant attract, retain or motivate the talent with what they are offering they may as part of the merger agreement adjust compensation to a more competitive level, although the odds are long that things would get bad enough for management to admit that screwing your employees is not always the best way to run a service business it is possible and any change in the status quo is a cause for concern for them. They have watched 591 closely. A change in Representation could also prod the NEW AA into making a peace offering to a new Representative because they don't have them in their pockets, yet, and new representatives usually have promises to try and live up to.. Companies fear representational changes, (except in the twisted case of 591 they were probably hoping for change on the local level, they would have seen it as an endorsement of the Gless/Videtich TeAAm, they would have let out a sigh of relief). Carriers do not like when the membership chooses to change who represents them, in fact during the hearings on changing the voting requirements under the NMB both the rails and airlines cited that the new NMB rules could lead to more decertification elections and disruptions.

What I was saying in the begging of this post is in other words if the company suffers because they got what they wanted they may not want it anymore, if they are getting what they want then more than likely they will try and take away even more, or let inflation do it for them. They believe that they are paying you all you are worth, in fact they would probably like to take away even more. In reality the Unions bargaining position in a merger is even weaker than it is in BK because there is nothing stopping the company, which will be the biggest carrier in the industry from just sitting back and running under two of the most concessionary contracts that ever existed till 2018, thanks to you Overspeed.

So the question for the members is do we go in there as we have in the past with all the same appointed people who are treated very well by AA and do not have to live under the terms of the agreement conducting the "high level" negotiations and the elected people only allowed to participate in the mock "low level" negotiations that are purely show and only exist to try and get everyone to think their elected officials negotiated this deal? So far what the TWU has done with 591 is reduce the number of voices from Aircraft Maintenance on the Mock committee, this makes it easier for them to get an endorsement on another concessionary deal from the Negotiating committee. Where we had up to Eight representatives from Line locals we now have only two, our voices on the Committee have been cut by 75%. So 591 makes things worse not better for us.

So for the average member its do they wait and see if the International screws them again by cutting a deal in "Harmonization" (company term adopted by the appointed leadership) or do they try something else? Could we see our contract extended to 12 more years like Eagle had?

Those of us who were elected know what we are up against and we will do the best we can but the fact is that this was designed to fail (from the memberships point of view) by the ATD. So far it has not gone as they planned. They know what they did by not including Title II in the new Local, it was not an accident and even if they did include Title II we still have the problem of Appointed ATD officials having control over the Locals, they even wrote it into the Bylaws they imposed. 591 is what the members have for representation, they did not ask for it but its what the ATD decided to impose. We were elected by them to do the best we can to insure that their interests are represented but we have no illusions as to the intent. They may later add Title II, but that still does not fix the problem where Gary, Sam and Larry have to go through Videtich or Gless to deal with Parker. Where elected officials have to go through appointed ones.

Only 26% of the eligible voters bothered to vote. Guys I spoke to said the same thing as some have said here, Anything they get from the TWU goes straight into the garbage pail. They don't even look at it. TeAAm Videtich spent thousands of dollars on a mailer that very few even opened. The got 200 votes out of 4000, we didn't send out anything and received triple the votes TeAAm Videtich did.

Of that 4000 my guess is that well over 90% filled out cards for either the IBT or AMFA, many filled out both and would fill out ANY card for any union, even no union. TeAAm Videtich got around 5% of the eligible vote, one has to wonder did some people vote for them in hopes they would win and thus help drive more cards being signed?

Negotiations have been taking place, both to finish up the last deal and to work on the merged work groups, something that could very likely result in anything but "Harmonization". So far the Locals have been excluded from the process, they had no say on the 3.5% increase in exchange for Profit Sharing, neither did the members, Profit sharing does not increase fixed costs, we only get it if the company is profitable, so now if the company makes more profits than the rest of the industry combined our compensation will remain exactly where it would be if they lost money, what a way to motivate!! I believe that they really expected to have their boys in place, just goes to show how out of touch you and the ATD are with the membership.

The fact is the ATD was given a chance back in 2004, what have they done to make things better for the membership since then?
You said that, not me.

Not concerned at all. TUL is more pro IBT.

Remember you're still just a D terminal mechanic.

Just another lie or was that before your Int'l aspirations?

How would you know Tul is pro IBT?
Which is BS. Just the twu wishes it was.
Remember you're still just a D terminal mechanic.

Just another lie or was that before your Int'l aspirations?

How would you know Tul is pro IBT?
Which is BS. Just the twu wishes it was.
So I agreed with Chuck a week or so back and now I get lumped together with Bob. I don't know how to feel about this sudden turn of events Dave.

AMFA has already conceded the overhaul at NW, AS, and UA. By going with AMFA you obviously want to screw your own livelihood.

You have agreed with the positions of most of the new officers on Team Peterson like have many on this board. Like I said, AMFA nor the IBT can change anything until the contract is up for early openers. That gives us on the line three years to see what they can do. There is nothing wrong with that. You can restart your AMFA drive then when it really counts. We on the line have nothing to lose by giving the new local 591 a chance. I don't agree with their positions but we have nothing to gain by switching unions now and you know that.

Bob spoke of not having all line M&R in one local is a problem. Maybe he and Team Peterson can get that to happen. Bob spoke of having one local for all M&R. Again, they have the opportunity to push that now as officers. They will have the money fund negotiations for a long time now. I see no downside to giving the new local 591 time. In three years we will know if this whole one line local was a scam.

Just chillax Dave. Weld something.
Name one Union that is stopping the outsourcing? TWU gives away pay and benefits to keep a little around and you call that success? How low should we go to make your plan more successful? Min. wage and 100% part time? Making the discussion perosnal shows your true failure to defend the defendable. Cannot argue facts, then attack the messenger....brilliant. Your ass will be voted out by the NMB Ballot real soon.