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Local 591 Nominees

Name one Union that is stopping the outsourcing? TWU gives away pay and benefits to keep a little around and you call that success? How low should we go to make your plan more successful? Min. wage and 100% part time? Making the discussion perosnal shows your true failure to defend the defendable. Cannot argue facts, then attack the messenger....brilliant. Your ass will be voted out by the NMB Ballot real soon.
I never said stopped outsourcing. How is giving up on overhaul at UA, AS, and NW not giving away pay and benefits? When you lose your job to an outsourcer that is giving away 100% of pay and benefits if your that person. There are no airframe overhaul and related support shops at AS, UA, and NW (now DL) after AMFA. That's a fact. AMFA gives away pay and benefits more than any other union bar none. TUL knows that.

And brother that's a fact.
Double yawn

What a real surprise that the TWU is asleep when it concerns its membership.

You stated a while back that the "V" boys were never invited or allowed to visit
any section @dfw. That's a shame because this comes to mind.

Nothing like a good pig roast.

I never said stopped outsourcing. How is giving up on overhaul at UA, AS, and NW not giving away pay and benefits? When you lose your job to an outsourcer that is giving away 100% of pay and benefits if your that person. There are no airframe overhaul and related support shops at AS, UA, and NW (now DL) after AMFA. That's a fact. AMFA gives away pay and benefits more than any other union bar none. TUL knows that.

And brother that's a fact.
Prove that FACT.
What a real surprise that the TWU is asleep when it concerns its membership.

You stated a while back that the "V" boys were never invited or allowed to visit
any section @dfw. That's a shame because this comes to mind.

Nothing like a good pig roast.

Triple yawn
At SFO in the Docks
  • B777 C-chks
  • B757 C-chks
  • A320 C-chks
  • sCAL B757 Pylon Mods
  • B777 IPTE Project - (almost complete should transition to B767 IPTE)
  • WiFi prototyping all fleet types
  • WiFi installs on B747 and A320/319s
Turbine Shop
  • PW4000
  • PW2000
  • F117-PW2000 C17 engines for Air Force
  • Landing Gear
  • Wire Harness Shop
  • Tire Shop
  • Radomes
  • Thrust Reversers
  • Avionics
  • Electrical Accesories
  • IDGs
  • Cabin Equipment

There might be a few more shops I'm missing but thats the majority of it. Maybe some others from around the system will chime in on whats going on at the line stations