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The DEAL is done for Mechanics

On 4/3/2003 5:55:43 PM FA Mikey wrote:

And bob was over on their board cheering them on for full pay til the last day. Turns out he not to popular over on the UAL board either.

Is our goal to preserve our profession and dignity or is the goal to be popular?

I will take the unpopular leader with facts over the popular fear monger anyday.

Tulsa has had many Local Presidents that are popular but man their leadership sucked!

I have disagreements with Bob''s opinions on many issues. But I believe given a choice of battle sidekicks, I would take him over most that I work around in any battle of courage and will.
On 4/3/2003 8:52:34 PM RV4 wrote:

On 4/3/2003 5:55:43 PM FA Mikey wrote:

And bob was over on their board cheering them on for full pay til the last day. Turns out he not to popular over on the UAL board either.

Is our goal to preserve our profession and dignity or is the goal to be popular?

I will take the unpopular leader with facts over the popular fear monger anyday.

Tulsa has had many Local Presidents that are popular but man their leadership sucked!

I have disagreements with Bob''s opinions on many issues. But I believe given a choice of battle sidekicks, I would take him over most that I work around in any battle of courage and will.

Well, good luck to you and your sidekick. In bankruptcy court you are going to need it. Dignity, kiss that good bye while you grovel before a judge. Most of your profession, and work will soon be farmed out. To thrid world countries and cut rate FBO''s. I would think if protecting your profession was so important. You would be fighting to salvage what you have, collect and re group. Form your own independent or align with AMFA. Then hit AA hard when they have the money and strength to survive. You guys are trying to kick a this dying horse in order to get it up to plow its last 10 minutes of life.
On 4/3/2003 4:55:59 PM RV4 wrote:

Where is the proof of this claim? I have not seen worse than our T/A at United or USAir. What do you base this belief on anyway? Do you have a crystal ball?


Last I saw the New USAirways mechanics Top out pay was around $25.00 an hour! But they did manage to keep most of their overhaul.
UAL mechanics took a 14% paycut with the BK judge.

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