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The Company That Couldn't Shoot Straight

At least if we went back to Sabre, we would know that it would be done correctly and professionally. Something that can not be said for shares and its minor league(single A) performance. Remember HP was a second tier carrier with a bargain basement res system. They are now in the big leagues , but still thinking with a little league mentality. Return Sabre, fire the IT dept for gross incompetence and ineptitude. Give us back our tools. Our tool chest went from Craftsman to playschool.
Remember HP was a second tier carrier with a bargain basement res system. They are now in the big leagues , but still thinking with a little league mentality.

this is the essence of our current problems!! add one shot each of hubris and hyper-frugality, and you have one deleterious cocktail.
drink up, DoUgIe!!
Things that were, and never will be....

Highest pay in the industry
PIT as a hub
You've got that right. I wonder if they could get together with the CO version of SHARES and try that, if it can work for them there should be no reason why they can't get something together to work here. Don't get me wrong Sabre is sure missed.

You hit the nail on the head Beachboy, it certainly CAN happen here, and it seems as if management has forgotten the lessons of Braniff, Pan Am, Eastern, and TWA.

These companies were run into the ground by poor management, not the hard working line employees. How hard is it to realize that you need to empower your staff and give them the tools they need to do thier jobs properly to succeed and prosper? This starts by the way with a fair contract for all work groups, not dragging out negotiations for years on end.

Also, how many successful companies out there rush out and make decisions on things without input from the "experts" in those departments?

If I didn't count on this place for a paycheck, it would almost be comical.
Lord rest TWA's soul. You know you just reminded me back when this merger was just beginning and DP was telling everyone that the frontline employees need to be empowered to do their jobs and think outside the box. What happened to that?
Indeed it was! As it was intended to be. The reason it stings so badly is because deep down in places you don't like to think about you know I'm right.

Sometimes it hurts to face reality.
Are you a frustrated wanna be airline empoyee? YOU CANT HANDLE THE TRUTH. I can also quote "a few good men" great movie by the way!
I agree 100% desertfa66. East went through the SAME thing when we went from PACER/ARTS to SABRE. The crying continued until SABRE was replaced with SHARES, now the crying is to bring back the system that replaced the beloved PACER....go figure

I dont know where you were wokeing but the migration to Sabre was a piece of cake compared to this!!!!THe biggest adjustment was getting used to Sabre being a list based res system instead of a pnr based...2 weeks tops and we all saw how much more efficient Sabre was....tkting was a little more challenging until we got tips but the gates were much much better and faster and isnt that were you need speed and efficientcy not this cumbersome piece of s##t...as far as whining :blink: nobody heere in phl was whining about Sabre 9 years later except when we heard we were going to lose it.

The fun hasnt even started yet...our transatlantic season has yet to start...flights are already overbooked by 20 and 30....cant access intl cities in avail(and I dont want to hear we're working on it, that doesnt help my pax)plus this system DOES NOT WORK IN EUROPE!!!!!Its a fact bags comes in to recheck short checked all the time multiply this by 20 flts of 200-300 pax a day...and dont forget the Athens flt which is severly weight restricted(no cargo and maybe sometimes no bags) and might have to make a fuel stop.....add in the fact and we a understaffed and you have the recipe for disaster..

So you go ahead and live in your fantasy world..unfortunatly I am slapped with reality everyday I go to work
Good e-line. I think that when the dust settles for the migration it will be better system overall. Think of this:

West never had Sabre, East never had Shares (QUIK). Now that east has worked with this, they are working as a team to create a much better version of Shares, using what they had from SABRE and applying it to SHARES. In the end, it will be an awesome system, but this had to happen to put all of the heads together. Thats my take on this.

Another America West bleeding heart liberal Flight Attendant heard from <_< . Don't you ever get tired of being hosed by that POS outfit of your's?
Another America West bleeding heart liberal Flight Attendant heard from <_< . Don't you ever get tired of being hosed by that POS outfit of your's?

OK Rush. explain how the post you responded to has any thing to do with bleeding hearts or liberals.
I agree 100% desertfa66. East went through the SAME thing when we went from PACER/ARTS to SABRE. The crying continued until SABRE was replaced with SHARES, now the crying is to bring back the system that replaced the beloved PACER....go figure

Ya, I remember that. I still met people in 2004 trying to do PACER entries. Old habit die hard.

Indeed it was! As it was intended to be. The reason it stings so badly is because deep down in places you don't like to think about you know I'm right.

Sometimes it hurts to face reality.

Are you menatally ill?
I think it is the dust storms ! They walk around like they take prozac every hour. Its like a scene from the Stepford Wives !
Thank you Pollyanna 🙄

From the customer perspective which frankly is the only one that matters

Only one that matters?????

You are sooo frigin arrogant!!!!

Sometimes I wish you would take your miles and go elsewhere.

Nice way to tell the employees that you could give a sh!@ less about what this is doing to them.
PB is correct, without the customer your wouldn't have a business, which means you wouldn't have a job Pollyanna ! Rude reply, its people like you that give us such a bad rap.
At least if we went back to Sabre, we would know that it would be done correctly and professionally. Something that can not be said for shares and its minor league(single A) performance. Remember HP was a second tier carrier with a bargain basement res system. They are now in the big leagues , but still thinking with a little league mentality. Return Sabre, fire the IT dept for gross incompetence and ineptitude. Give us back our tools. Our tool chest went from Craftsman to playschool.

