Interesting discussion. And, congratulations to all participants for keeping it an adult discussion rather than devolving into the usual "you eat boogers"-"well, you eat bigger boogers" argument that usually gets started around the bottom of the first page of posts.
My 3 cents...(I'm older, I get to adjust for inflation)
I agree with Mikey that affiliating with an international union is probably not the solution. If you are living in filthy conditions, moving to a different house is only a short-term solution unless the members of the household are willing to start doing a little housecleaning.
For a union to experience the level of apathy shown by the AA f/as in the last election is an open invitation to corruption, fraud, and ignoring the will of the members. 11,000 out of approx. 24,000 f/as did not even bother to vote. That is unconscionable.
But, I think the former TWA flight attendants are right who say that the apathy begins with the APFA-promoted idea that the union's work can be done part-time. There should be full-time, salaried union reps working for the benefit of members all the time. At TWA they had a union rep in scheduling to make sure that the contract was followed without people having to go on illegal trips then grieve it later. The base reps were available on property on a daily basis to work with management to resolve issues before they reached the grievance level. A union rep had an office at company headquarters and was kept apprised of management plans--in fact was a participant in the formulation of those plans.
Yes, this is expensive, but I think the old cliche applies. YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR.
I don't think that ANY of us would be better off without a union. Yes, I have empirical evidence (5 passenger letters of commendation, 50+ SOS cards, no late sign-ins or missed trips) that I did a better job than some who are still flying. But, consider this...
1. Without a union, would a 59-year old male be flying in the first place?
2. Among the women, without a union would you still be flying if you were over 35, married, or "not quite as slim as you were at 22?"
3. Would you be able to non-rev to your base from the city where you choose to live? (Historical note: I know of AA flight attendants still flying who came in when you had to work 7 years before you got any non-rev privileges and then it was one pass a year!)
3. Would there be such things as pay protection, recall rights, and any other of hundreds of benefits that we take for granted today?
Also, don't think that just because 3 of the 4 national officers have changed that things will necessarily change at Useless Blvd. Remember that the real power lies in the Board of Directors, and the majority of the current BOD are JW supporters.
P.S. See my new thread entitled, APFA's Latest Attack on the Furloughed F/As, for the latest low-class attempt by the current leadership to "punish" the former TWA flight attendants. By the way, Flyboy4u, you and I will be "collateral damage" if this next sleazy thing succeeds.