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Will the employees agree to permanent wage and benefit cuts?

[blockquote]----------------On 2/5/2003 5:07:43 PM bagsmasher wrote: TWA mechanics were making somewhere around $21 per hour before AA. Now they are making somewhere around $35 per hour. That is a huge raise. They could take the paycut, and STILL come out ahead of where they were with TWA. To make things fair, I suggest all TWAer's go back to their former payrate, THEN take the paycut.

They way I look at it is that Carty spent nearly $1 billion to buy TWA, took on $3 billion in debt and leases, and it's now a $1 billion a year drag on AMR. This Mr. Carty did to put a feather in his cap so that he could say he is CEO of "the world's largest airline." He stabbed his own employees in the back (especially the TWU) in doing so, and now he wants us to finance his mistake. I don't think so. ----------------[/blockquote]

As I recall the TWA/AA merger would not have cost that much, as AA's credit rating was immediately used to drive down the leasing and fuel costs for the TWA portion of the operation, and Karabu was also gone. 9/11 changed the picture dramatically for everyone. The investement risk was how much additional revenue those additional routes would raise, that is what business is all about, you invest and to a certain extend speculate on the market.

SWA is a problem as the same people who fly it will demand much better levels of service from their departure point to their international or wherever destination, as they ever demand from SWA on their point to point flights. Can AA's feeder dervice survive on only the traffic destined for points beyond DFW or ORD?

How many international passengers fly to Love field via SWA and then transfer to AA at DFW, instead of another carrier, maybe a foreign one?

JetBlue is still too new, under normal conditions they could be waited out for some time. How long will employees work for the enthusiasm of it, and what happens when the heavy checks come due? Have they been setting up sinking funds, what is their business plan? Cascade in BC? Make money of US passengers and then take the work somewhere else? Kind of how WalMart and the PC industry does it. Anyone see any made in US PC components lately? And the High tech was supposed to be the wave of the future. If the US companies would pay what is a middle class wage in the overseas plants it would be worth immigrating to Mexico.

Wish we still had George Meany, he had the vision to fight the Soviets and he may just had the vision to fight this blight, of downsizing world wide living and working standards.
On 2/6/2003 12:31:49 PM Buck wrote:

I am just going to guess here, but I guess that the mechanics at AA and the mechanics at Southwest work 40 hours a week?

Sure, they get paid for a 40 hour week. The issue is how many hours of actual work they get in return for that 40 hours of pay.

What's WN's vacation policy? Every week of VC amounts to 2% of reduced productivity.

How much as a percentage of base pay is WN having to pay for pension/401K? How about health benefits?

Add all that up, and you get the full comparison. Otherwise, your continued focus on wages only is pretty useless.

Look at the purchase price of a high end sedan and a equally imported sports car. If you don't take into consideration how much you have to pay for insurance, gas, and regular maintenance, you really don't get an idea of how much the car -really- costs. Ask anyone who has bought a cheap pre-Ford acquisition Jaguar...

Look at the purchase price of a high end sedan and a equally imported sports car. If you don't take into consideration how much you have to pay for insurance, gas, and regular maintenance, you really don't get an idea of how much the car -really- costs. Ask anyone who has bought a cheap pre-Ford acquisition Jaguar...

Good point, just remember that in a perverse way, imagined savings in salaries/bennies can be offset greatly by damage to aircraft and customer service.

I remember at the last round of "whiz bang" subcontracting to low paid outfits. Guy backs ramp truck into 757 engine ,(contract guy of some sort), cast of thousands converge and tell him he has reports and hearings coming his way. His response? He tosses the truck keys on the driver seat, then says "I quit, Burger king starts higher pay in the terminal". Delta canned all their workers at a US mail sort facility at DFW. They then had $5.00/hr replacements. They ripped into the mail and looted the place. BHM canned the AA ground guys. During their first week, the subs jackknifed a tug under the S80 they were towing. I believe it was a $250,000 dollar move.

There are huge challenges in the proposed pay scales for our labor intensive business. At DFW and ATL, one might live ok on the outskirts of town. At ORD/JFK/LAX/SFO/MIA, many will be at poverty levels, or on major goverment assistance. I know what a Big Mac looks like at these payscales. Severe damage can be inflicted on a B777 Trent engine with a beat up tug.
>>They have not been willing to address the problem. Now, they want to fix the monster they created on the backs of the employees. Southwest hasn't done that because they have competent management.
ng, didn't scream at labor right out of the box and didn't come to labor this time DEMANDING cuts or else. ----------------

Don has been spending millions in an attempt to change the Railway Labor Act into a form more suited to Castro's Cuba or Kim Jong-Ils North Korea than the freedom this country is based on. Then he comes with tears in his eyes asking for help. Personally I am real close to telling him to F.O. just to make his shares worthless in B.K.
He is pushing to a point where it won't matter either way.
On 2/6/2003 2:37:11 PM eolesen wrote:

On 2/6/2003 12:31:49 PM Buck wrote:

I am just going to guess here, but I guess that the mechanics at AA and the mechanics at Southwest work 40 hours a week?

Sure, they get paid for a 40 hour week. The issue is how many hours of actual work they get in return for that 40 hours of pay.

What's WN's vacation policy? Every week of VC amounts to 2% of reduced productivity.

How much as a percentage of base pay is WN having to pay for pension/401K? How about health benefits?

Add all that up, and you get the full comparison. Otherwise, your continued focus on wages only is pretty useless.

And I guess that you know what all of those costs are and can enlighten me? You do not have to worry Eric, it won't be long before I will be contributing more to my health plan and when the layoffs begin I will be working more efficently. I might even be working a little overtime? I guess the mechanics at AA do not have to perform as well as those at Southwest, since AA does not contribute to our 401k. Are you saying that the mechanics at AA do not pull their fair share?

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