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The Apfa Is Worthless..................


Jan 16, 2004
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A Poem

The apfa is dead.
As dead as it can be.
First it killed the constituion............
Now it's killing ME!
Well, I need to work on it to raise some extra cash! :shock:
any huala ba lou about 'carding" from other unions? The time is right and I would sign in a NY minute-
Any carding by another unions? Hhmmmm, bring in a new union? Different name nearly the same drama. Isn't it interesting that NWA went to an independent and now United seems to be heading that way as well. Speaks volume to the fact that being part of a large international is not the way to go. What will change? Nearly one half of the AA flight attendants here voted in the same dufus that screwed them. Changing the union wont do anything. Change would have to come from in the form a new membership.
FA Mikey said:
Any carding by another unions? Hhmmmm, bring in a new union? Different name nearly the same drama. Isn't it interesting that NWA went to an independent and now United seems to be heading that way as well. Speaks volume to the fact that being part of a large international is not the way to go. What will change? Nearly one half of the AA flight attendants here voted in the same dufus that screwed them. Changing the union wont do anything. Change would have to come from in the form a new membership.
Although I am afraid that unionism may be in it's twilight years--fewer and fewer Americans are joining unions if they have a choice not to, and the current economic climate puts most of the cards in hands of management--the NWA and United cases only prove that AFA seems to be "useless as mammary glands on a male pig."

Maybe AFA and APFA officers went to the same training seminar on how to give away the farm during "negotiations." :lol:
FA Mikey said:
Any carding by another unions? Hhmmmm, bring in a new union? Different name nearly the same drama. Isn't it interesting that NWA went to an independent and now United seems to be heading that way as well. Speaks volume to the fact that being part of a large international is not the way to go. What will change? Nearly one half of the AA flight attendants here voted in the same dufus that screwed them. Changing the union wont do anything. Change would have to come from in the form a new membership.
It was the leadership that lead the heard to slaughter-As always the responsibilities and concenquences of decissions are at the feet of the leadership. You cant say that the membership came up with these insane notions which lead us to the position we are in now...how less effective could a "national" union be than what we have now?? APFA has lost its ability to lead-w/half of its members at odds with eachother the enemy has become ourselves-thanks to who? The leadership-the union-
I am just saying that there was a better was to conduct the business around here-
A fresh start would do us all some good-amognst the ranks and in the labor community-I say good riddence to bad rubbish-
At this point, I don't think the question anymore is "Can another union (national or otherwise) do better than APFA?". I think the question now is "Can another union (national or otherwise) do any worse than APFA?"
The point is it will always still be staffed by its own membership. Its the same thing another name. If you think that 1/2 of the membership will no longer be at odds, look back at the beginning of APFA when there was a split between those who felt safer staying with the TWU and those who knew an international, does nothing for the bottom line. There is not enough plus's to make up for all the negatives.
Well, the NWA F/A's got a HORRIBLE contract with their Independent union.

They are also broke.

No dues check off.

Heard it was a slim margin to switch and people are seeing that a independent union cannot compete with corperate America
Sorry the bad contract you speak of was negotiated by and with the help of the IBT. So much for the great international teamsters. The new flight attendant union has not negotiated a new agreement. In fact they are currently telling NWA no way for pay cuts.
Wrong.They rejected the contract negotiated by the TEAMSTERS.

They negotiated and obtained the current contract with the independent union. Not the IBT.
The president seems to be big buds with Ward?
Not a good sign.
My closest friend is with NW and the contract they are currently under was from the IBT. Mikey is correct. And if you need further information I will have my friend post here.
buhbye said:
Wrong.They rejected the contract negotiated by the TEAMSTERS.

They negotiated and obtained the current contract with the independent union. Not the IBT.
The president seems to be big buds with Ward?
Not a good sign.
You need to check your facts before you post. Then learn to accept when you are wrong.
jimntx said:
At this point, I don't think the question anymore is "Can another union (national or otherwise) do better than APFA?". I think the question now is "Can another union (national or otherwise) do any worse than APFA?"

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