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Thank You To Ffocus

Whether or not the facility is secure is not the issue here. Bob and Jim were invited and they came in with an escort. Enough of the nitpicking.

They had the guts and desire to show some appreciation and say Thank You to a group of people who have always been there for us, and who have received little more than a kick from the powers that be.

I for one salute their effort to say thank you, and wish I could have been there as well.

Shame on those who choose to make an issue out of a gesture of kindness......
Shame on those who think they: 1) own the place, 2) have a God-given right to access proprietary facilities and information, and 3) must b!tch and moan to major media outlets wheneever they feel like having a US temper tantrum.

It's also worth noting that many folks involved or otherwise supportive of FFOCUS didn't give a rat's *ss about the employees when the contract issues were taking place. In particular, there was virtually zero understanding or sympathy for the possible need to engage in self-help if the labor contracts were abrogated and US was then free to impose any workrules and wages it wanted upon the workforce.
avek00 said:
Shame on those who think they: 1) own the place, 2) have a God-given right to access proprietary facilities and information, and 3) must b!tch and moan to major media outlets wheneever they feel like having a US temper tantrum.

It's also worth noting that many folks involved or otherwise supportive of FFOCUS didn't give a rat's *ss about the employees when the contract issues were taking place. In particular, there was virtually zero understanding or sympathy for the possible need to engage in self-help if the labor contracts were abrogated and US was then free to impose any workrules and wages it wanted upon the workforce.

Apparently you've never been on either side of the fence...

There's a huge difference between taking a concession to keep one's job and losing it permanently. These folks THOUGHT they were taking a concession only to have CCY sell it from under them and not even acknowledge their existance. THAT'S the point we (as FFOCUS) feel for these folks. We've all had to made sacrifices for our jobs, they thought they were and got the ultimate screwing in the process. We don't get involve in labor contracts and such... we're customers, not labor or management. You don't get that, do you? However, when management treats the frontliners the way CCY has... that's the purpose of the Hershey Love when we travel and the visits we've made to INT and PIT rez. Do you not know what "love" is, Avek? One part of love is giving from yourself to others... that's what Bob and I did on behalf of FFOCUS on Friday.

Yeah Avek... Bob and I went into see how rez worked so when we do startup Cockroach Air, I can see how a real rez system should operate. Should I ever do that, I know a few hundred people I'd call on first... many of them live in PIT... others live in INT. The ones at CCY, well their phone numbers are not on the rolodex.

<flame on> We "b!tch and moan" (your words) to the media because the public needs to know these people's plight. Not that you know what that is. You just sit in your room, and "b!tch and moan" to us... you don't know what things are like in the real world... you don't know what it's like to be without a job... I see that all the time here in West Virginia. Many others on these boards see it everyday also. Take a minute, stand in one of these people's shoes before you make any irrational comments such as those you've been posting since Saturday morning. There's a big difference between some of us calling out the CCY brass for sitting on their thumbs and mouths instead of making comments to the media and employees and you going after we FFOCUS folks and US frontliners here on the boards. At least we've been out there, know what's going on and have our opinions, whereas you appear to be sitting behind your keyboard and wouldn't know what an XOXO was if it hit you.<flame off>
To the guys of FFOCUS,

Thank you for being there for our guys in PIT.

I can assure you, you were the only thanks and recognition they got.

A very class act, and very kind on your part.

Thank you,

Thanks guys for showing your appreciation.
We've had 4 people leave in the last month (3 EO and 1 just fed up and quit). All had 20 years or more. No thanks or goodbyes from management. He didnt even get with an agent who SPECIFICALLY requested to see him before they left. Just make sure you turn your id in on the way out. Pathetic. Even if the manager were up to his eyeballs in paperwork (or conference calls) , how hard is a phone call saying I'm busy right now, but I wanted to thank you for your 20-25 years of service to the company? Its not like they gave him 20 mintues notice and he didnt know the WEEK they were scheduled to leave.

PS- Avek is just upset he didnt get any chocolate. 😉
Once again I will reiterate - thank you Ffocus for you kindness. Diogenes, you were right. It was the only recognition we have gotten beyond other coworkers shedding tears and saying goodbye. Avek and others, I work there and know that this rez office is far from being secure and management has done nothing since I have been there to secure it. As a matter of fact, when holes were shot in our windows just a week and half ago and reported to management, do you think they called the police. No .............. the police were called by the lobby security more than 24 hours later. They don't give a #### about security. If they did, then they would not allow visitors at all.

Those who are moaning and groaning about a secured office need to spend just a week where I work and follow that up with a movie called "Pay it Forward". Better yet read the "Good Book" and find out that kindness reaps its own rewards. These people were being kind - plain and simple. I thank them and all involved. MOderator Please close this topic because I am sick and damn tired of seeing our show appreciation taken to another #### and moan session by those who know nothing of what they are talking about.


P.S. Thank you thank you thank you to the kind people of Ffocus. Please do not allow any of this negative bullshit to detract from our heartfelt thanks.
PITbull said:
LOL...dog house?????

Teddy's been in the dog house for 4 years pal!

Well, don't dogs belong in dog houses?
avek00 said:
2) have a God-given right to access proprietary facilities and information

Do you remember what American did to Braniff? How about Legend?

Corporate security and information protection is not a joke. Give an enemy just enough information, and they will be merciless in exploiting it.

PineyBob, are you a spy? Do you dine out with Herb Kelleher or Ben Baldanza?

You folks did something good. It just so happens that by doing it you made the executives at CCY look bad, so it's no surprise that the usual management apologists want to make you look bad.

Ironic, isn't it, that these same apologists see nothing wrong with former senior US executives taking their in-depth knowledge of US operations to other carriers. More knowledge than you and your fellow FFOCUS members could gather in a month of combing through anything and everything at a res center.

So ya'll just keep on keeping on. CCY will just have to live with it - until they can return to playing golf, that is.....

BoeingBoy said:

Ironic, isn't it, that these same apologists see nothing wrong with former senior US executives taking their in-depth knowledge of US operations to other carriers. More knowledge than you and your fellow FFOCUS members could gather in a month of combing through anything and everything at a res center.

PineyBob and company were probably very confused - they probably thought they were at El Salvador res- what with the 80's filthy carperting, the holes in the walls, the bullet holes in the glass, the water stains from the men's bathroom not to mention the stink, the burned out lights, was it 90 degrees inside that day or 60? LOL. I am sure they learned alot on how to run a res center from visiting Pit res- NOT.
El Gato said:
Do you remember what American did to Braniff? How about Legend?

Corporate security and information protection is not a joke. Give an enemy just enough information, and they will be merciless in exploiting it.

Strawman, sparky. If Bob and company were able to sit down at a computer and authenticate themselves to the system, then and only then is the Braniff comparison valid.

I have news for you--US corporate security is a relative joke. I've got all the specifications on Greentree (and have) for some time--US has been trying to sell the building and has been more than forthcoming with their own real estate agent and others in providing pretty precise information about the operation. No need to send in black-hooded cockroaches to get such information.

Stick to what you know (flying the barbie jet, in this case). You (like Avek) are only going to continue to look foolish trying to talk about corporate or information security.
BoeingBoy said:

You folks did something good. It just so happens that by doing it you made the executives at CCY look bad, so it's no surprise that the usual management apologists want to make you look bad.

Ironic, isn't it, that these same apologists see nothing wrong with former senior US executives taking their in-depth knowledge of US operations to other carriers. More knowledge than you and your fellow FFOCUS members could gather in a month of combing through anything and everything at a res center.

So ya'll just keep on keeping on. CCY will just have to live with it - until they can return to playing golf, that is.....


May I just second what Jim says here. Yes Bob & cockroaches please keep on doing what you can for the employees as the company will do NOTHING.

Living proof no good deed goes unpunished, whose motto is "we're not happy 'til you're not happy."

Seriously, you FFOCUS folks got just a smidgeon of a taste of the wholesale bull#### the troops have endured forever. Imagine it 8 hours a day for a decade.

And, isn't it interesting how the pattern never changes? The troops respond with grace and dignity, while CCY and their wannabees snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

Some things just never change.......sigh.

Perhaps the new broom from HP will sweep clean!
PineyBob said:
Teddy & I will NEVER agree on many things, BUT, at the end of the day we respect each other and that is a lesson the arrogant folks at CCY would do well to remember. Dignity and respect can go along way in helping you achieve your goals. When you are condescending and arrogant towards your front line employees all you do is breed contempt. CCY has single handedly managed to create an atomosphere of utter contempt. Not just employees but customers as well. BRAVO for CCY!

Teddy is an example of what is wrong with unions in America these days.
ClueByFour said:
Strawman, sparky.  If Bob and company were able to sit down at a computer and authenticate themselves to the system, then and only then is the Braniff comparison valid.

I have news for you--US corporate security is a relative joke.  I've got all the specifications on Greentree (and have) for some time--US has been trying to sell the building and has been more than forthcoming with their own real estate agent and others in providing pretty precise information about the operation.  No need to send in black-hooded cockroaches to get such information.

Stick to what you know (flying the barbie jet, in this case).  You (like Avek) are only going to continue to look foolish trying to talk about corporate or information security.

So, if you have all the specs on the call center, are you going to be a dishonest rat and give it someone who may want it?

Finding out even the most minute details about the operation can compromise it.

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